Syria General /sg/ - Good Morning Syria Edition



>Latest interviews with Assad

>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>E Ghouta Mar 15
>Afrin Mar 15
>Yemen Feb 26
>Idlib Feb 25
>DeZ-Bukamal Feb12

Devs March 15
>E Ghouta
WHITE HELMETS ACCUSE “ASSAD REGIME” OF USING CHLORINE GAS. MSM REPEATS...meanwhile SAA uncovers militant chemical factory in East Ghouta
SAA captures al-Rayhanah town(Duma) from JaI. HTS launched counter-attack on Hammuriyah, repelled by SAA
Total of 11k civis evacuated during the ceasefire. 800 per hour as militants drove up food price and harsh punishments for slightest trangressions
Douma receives another aid convoy as per ‘humanitarian pause’
>N Homs:Reports of gov shelling HTS, FSA,SLF positions after de-escalation agreement ended mid-feb and jihadists are not willing to re-negotiate
>N Hama:SAA fully repell attack of US/Turkish backed FSA groups in Karnaz and al-Hamamiyat villages
>Yarmouk Camp:IS continues their offensive, now target SAA positions in Al-Qadam District
>Afrin:TFSA captures 8 vilalges West and NW Afrin. 7 villages N Afrin. YPG claims to kill 25 turkish/TFSA soldiers
>Aleppo:SAA attacks jihadists positions in W Aleppo
>Idlib:Jihadist civil war continues as HTS gains more ground from SLF
>Russia deploying a dedicated anti-ship and anti-submarine frigate to Syrian waters amid rising tensions with the US
>Gov forces shell Turkish troops in response to airstrike on checkpoint near Afrin
>Yemen:Saudi-led forces push towards Yemen airport

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Old thread

Ya Bashar!

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Death to America

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Poor guy, he must have been in the way of the pupper they were shooting

Happening and S O O N

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>24 years ago

Killing puppers is an ancient ATF tradition, passed down through generations

Inshallah user. America and American proxy forces must die.

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ATF killin puppers only started at Ruby Ridge tho

Of course

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is that an angry SAA kid?

Post more death to amrika memes.

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Turkey is amassing a nice little empire. First they took Syria's northern coast, then they took part of Cyprus and now they control a massive stretch of northern Syria including Afrin. If Turkey can extend its dominion over more of the middle east they could become the third superpower after USA and China.

US Marshals started it during Ruby Ridge however.

God I hope ww3 starts soon.

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For mummy.

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nth for our lost heroes in anno domini 2017

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do you really?

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Good day, death to kikes and mutts.

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>American and allied total inflicted casualties upon ISIS:
>82,931+ Killed
>Syrian, Russian, Iranian, Hezbollah Terrorists, and Shia Terrorist Militias combined inflictied casualties upon ISIS:
>4767+ Killed
America defeated ISIS.

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PMU/Iraqi Army

tfu terrorists and destabilizers

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just wait until they invade Iraq to combat Kurdish terrorism and liberate the Turkmen

i figured it was that or the iraqis the governmental forces in these conflicts grow ever more distinct.

one of these was buzzing around within the last while

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theres the hi-res for everynynan

lemme kno if any of u want me to post the givis also

>we never got Issam and Suheil shaking hands

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>dat thousand-yard stare on Assad

Is that a nu-male in the background

>putting zyzz, a greek who died in a sauna, on the same level as Givi and Issam

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Assad has seen some shit

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Even worse. He was a k*rd

sorry, not greek
>Shavershian, an ethnic Kurd[12] born in Moscow,[13]

Hi Mtumbo

Should have been aniki instead of him

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G O D b l e s s B A S H A R

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Why not?

>a gay porn star who got Tboned at an intersection on the same level as Givi, who's office got blown up, Motorola, who's apartment elevator was blown up, and Issam, who stepped on a landmine.
Aniki an Zyzz were very nice people, but they didnt fight any war or achieve the sort of accomplishments givi, Motorola and issam got

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inside of russia's prism? now's as good a time as any. that nothing has yet occurred signifies great anxiety in the west as to the relative military capacities of either bloc.

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ill just dump the rest lmao

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>relative military capacities of either bloc
i.e neither side can keep nukes from falling on their heads?

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For a commie block this is somewhat comfy

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what movie?

Something about Ruby-Ridge or that other terrorist act made in the 90-s?

if it came to that then all bets are off, the only sane scope to think inside of at this time is conventional exchanges between powers. this said i don't think that the specter of fissile weapons usage is unlikely even in the imminent future.

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I don't think either side will risk it, Israel might get radioactive specks in the wind, you know.

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semi-conventional*** at this point to be more fair
pic semi-related, niggerMiG f-16 is one of the last best hopes for the west, f-15 and f-22 being the others. you'll rarely catch a pilot going up in one who isn't jazzed to shit these days (maybe israelis/ZOG&CO sweating under the collar) and it's, again, a semi-inexpensive platform with a fairly wide scope of operation
prey to russian heavy fighters though
like they powdered downtown manhattan with?

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nicely designed jet
(b-52 back right?)

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>like they powdered downtown manhattan with?

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How can such a young soldier become brig gen?
Is he really good at butt sex?

> just wait until they invade Iraq
It's not invasion if government of a country you supposed to invade invites you.

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Suheil is 48.

falcon/viper jewnose

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Young? He's nearing 50.
He's effective, loyal and partof the right sect.

leaves mating as they fell

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this must have been a strike eagle or something

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memejet money shot

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just woke up from ly 6hs siesta

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thank you

how deep is turk benis inside kurd anus?

fuck how did I forget the Turgs are already in Iraq and were on the outskirts of Mosul?

Still waiting for annasro lil Islam.
The rest has happened

i'm still quite enthused by the bubble canopies

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i'll stop spamming

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bruh, the recliners are the best part.

Why? It could've been the JSF with a better radar. Shit's beaut, bro.

>dat AAR DC-10
Does Canada have an army?

i actually exhausted what was taken of the vipers, here's an a-10's spine/ass end to cap this off uwu
no we don't

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is there any way to buy this?

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Get more? I don't know what to tell you. I'm not sneering at an A-10, Vipers are my jam though.

Post YFW this happens next week

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This set of clothes costs $ 2,000 and will not appear on the market soon.

My favorite F-16s are the ones with the conformal fuel tanks, but many people seem to hate these variants the most for some reason

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This is beautiful except it is missing Motorola

they look a bit chunky and Eurofighterish I think.

Basic F-16 looks elegant, latest versions - meh

Because they abandon the aesthetics of the F-16


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so the whole set cost 2000, thank for the info

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fucking thumnail

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