Guys...what if it turns out we are the bad guys?
Guys...what if it turns out we are the bad guys?
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What if this thread wasn’t made every fucking day?
Consider this:
If the left is right, morality is subjective, and so we cannot be the bad ones. We're just good from our subjective experience.
If the left is wrong, we are the good guys.
There is literally no means by which we can even BE the bad guys in any meaningful way.
You're not necessarily, you're just useful idiots and a gang of retards. You're bad, but too incompetent to be a real threat. The feds, the capitalist CEOs, those are the real bad guys, you're just puppets of them.
What if life is more complicate than good and bad? What if sage?
(((Feds))) (((capitalist CEOs)))
>actively causing constant chaos directly against the interests of globalist capitalists and their minions
>the commie thinks he's actually undermining them by doing literally everything they say.
What's it like constantly garggling on fed cock commie?
Back to plebbit with you.
and?! what matters is loyalty to the end. I don't care if I'm the devil, my honor is my loyalty
>right wing populists are puppets of ceos
>those corporations have gay pride twitters, female pride ads, and all sorts of progressive propaganda
I really hope you're b8ing
>the left wants to destroy the family
>the left wants to destroy culture
>the left wants to destroy basic rights
>the left wants to control everything and everyone through underhanded ways and force everyone that doesn't think like them into orwelian reeducation classes
>the left wants to make your kids gay and brown
>we're the bad guys
motherfucker what?
according to jesus we're all the same kind of bad. He said 'take the lumber out of your eye before you take out the speck from your neighbor". when you see the evil in another you see the evil in yourself. Jacko willinks talks about complete ownership but what if you took comlete ownership of not only yourself but all of humanity? That is Jesus
Nobody is ever the bad guy in their story
Sounds like the song disarm by smashing pumpkins
The only thing I worry about is my disdain for non-whites. Literally can't stand them, nor do I consider them human.
Hard to justify that as "right" but I will accept that blemish for the greater good.
You guys are the bad guys. Thankfully I’m not an alt-right nazi racist and will go to heaven.
Its funny cuz commies want to kill the (((bourgeoisie))) and nazis want to kill the jews.
You guys are essentially agreeing.
Or you could just always stop judging other by the color of their skin and instead do it on the content of their character like a normal person?
But if you want to live like you're in the 1950's go for it. You're just going to lead a very sad, hate-filled life.
There are no good guys or bad guys, just people fighting for their own, Who ever claims survival, can write about the bad guys.
If *we* are the bad guys, it means the corrupt, the liars, the propagandists, the deceitful, the destroyers of culture, etc. are the good guys.
I champion truth, my enemies don't. Plus, this: We're the good guys, no matter how many 'edgy' and seemingly cruel memes or language our side uses.
morality is only subjective to the left when it is convenient
the left is just about lack of accountability and lawlessness
they are the most morally upright people when it comes to defending degeneracy
The content of their character are all SHIT. I see literally no redeeming factor in them. Aesthetically revolting. Linguistically putrid. Culturally disgusting.
Commies: let's kill the one percent!
Nazis: Some collateral is acceptable
>What will ET think of me?
Enjoy it faggot!
Dont worry user, we're the good guys.
You think, with you slurtering 100000s of animals to feed your selves when you never really need the flesh and was infact a waste of resource management and land.
You destroy the forests the people wo live their and the animals who call it home.
You make war 24/7 with your selves.
You lie to each other, steal and murder.
You rape and abuse your children.
You think
I have never claimed to be one of the good guys.
You mean jews
the truth is we are the weeds that defiantly grow in a tiny crack in concrete
if we are monstrous then it only means the concrete we grew from is horrifying
>"The world needs bad men. We keep the other bad men from the door."
~Rust cole
in this case we keep the degenerates from poisening and mutilating what our fathers created and held dear. It starts with defending your people
I finally found a home on this board. The ride never ends and I don't want it to.
Yes they're pandering to liberals not actual leftists you politically illiterate cuck
>Your people
Dios mio el goblino....
What if I were to tell you we have all seen this thread 100 times and everyone recognizes that it is a shill thread?
If we are the villains than we should live up to our reputation.
I eat ass. Does that make me a bad?
Good answer but stop the reddit spacing.
He is phoneposting. It looks like redditspacing on your end, but on his phone it looks like he wrote 3 novels.
Western society is cancer so it’s
we might not be the good guys but we are not the bad guys
Who cares? If you earnestly believe in something you fight for it. Only attention whores who wamt to be the next MLK care about muh "right side of history"
show flag faggot
>History is written by the victors
if 'we' turn out to be the bad guys then 'we' lost
nice pic
Don't worry about it.
what happened to the people you keep sending to my place ?
why is this so hot
there are definitely a lot of people involved on this site that are "the bad guys" but there's a lot of decent and good people too.
he who fights for truth is the soldier of God
the absolute irony of this coming from a commie
you literally just decried champagne socialist and antifa
>making the same thread everyday for (yous)
What if we found out you were a Jew?
>posted from his iphone @starbucks #resist
good and bad is rhetoric
every side is bad and good
all that matters is the side that wins can shape the world the way they want
Truth is s delusion. Truth implies there is nothing more to learn, hence a fantasy. There is always more to learn.
reminds me of pic related
end of fucking conversation. stop doubting yourself OP
Sup Forums calls for the genocide of Hispanics, Blacks and other groups on a daily basis
>we're good xD
I really wish if we all mixed it would be a super race and America would ride happily into the sunset
But that not at all how it is.
Just shut the fuck up
Us being the bad guys would imply that freedom is not an ideal to strive toward. We are on the side of freedom, they want more regulations that really won't help anybody. If safety comes at the cost of freedom, then they're selling fake security at the cost of real freedom, and that isn't cool.
Pushing out a invading horde isn't genocide.
Allah is never wrong
But it's going to be and we're all going to shut the fuck up this time and enjoy it. Hopefully it actually works.
Cheer up, little user.
Look now, OP, gaze upon colors that fly upon Lie's mast!
>we're good
>What if the only two options are me winning or you losing?
Consider this:
What if the purpose of life is to make things better for everyone?
>Tighten up the libel laws
>Tight controls on borders
>Random searches of everyone
>Pardons for corrupt ex-DEA agents
>ISPs can bill you differently based on what sites you visit and sell the info to advertisers
So basically you're saying that Sup Forums opposes the American right wing?
We are the bad guys to today's world user.
But who gives a shit what they say
The left is really just political entropy. Chaos is always the end result.
in Syria conflict you are bad guys for sure
>What if
>Implying you aren't
What if OP didn’t like dick
Only if we lose, user-kun.
Mum knows that we are doing gods work.
Actual happening get in here:
Hasnt history taught you anything user? The losers are always the bad guys. Dont lose.
>Sup Forums is frequented by neocons
Lurk more, newfag.
I always wanted to see the bad guys win.
There is no good guys or bad guys, there is only us and them, winners and losers
Unironically this.
We can rationalize all we want, reality is empiricist.
US - winners
Other countries - losers
am I right?
He hasn't completely broken the conditioning yet. Demoralization is powerful poison. His mind is likely still reeling at the thought that he agrees with Nazis. He needs understanding and time. Be gentle with him.