Looks like you need to build a wall.... around your blind hatred....
Looks like you need to build a wall.... around your blind hatred
See, it would be better for immigrants if they just stayed away from all this.
I thought America was a country of immigrants?
9/11 was done by immigrants and killed more than all of those
They're self-hating immigrants.
more like we need a northern wall
whte men also kill themselves a lot more than non whites
not to mention they built the west and are now being replaced
>guys leaving fucking needles all over the floor of the public restroom
Illegal immigrant.
>guy who sold him the smack
Illegal immigrant.
>guy blasting bachata music down the block at 2 AM
Wh*Tes are disgusting subhumans
People need to stop with this bullshit about how these shooters are the biggest threat to society. Thousands of people die everyday, everylife matters, even if the end is by heart attack or car accident. Stop worshipping killers and their victims
White men kill themselves because they are either:
A) Full of venom like most people here (sadly their rage even if given its day, will never quell. They will never be satisfied)
B) Are too entitled to deal with the reality of a changing world. The world is getting browner. The world is getting gayer. Faced with this knowledge, with the idea that they will no longer be the default, the most catered to, they believe they are now "under attack" when the truth is they are losing their overly dominant position and will still have a place at the table. Just not always at its head
>All these famous mass shooters aren't immigrants.
Funny you should mention that. The biggest perpetrators of gun violence in America are black people.
>let's cherrypick like 5 mass shootings and ignore statistics those are racist
So these "not immigrants" killed a few hundred people.
How many did illegals kill in that time?
>Vegas shooter
Jew/ISIS proxy immgrant*
Fixed for you
Cherry Picked Examples
Not an argument
Wow today I learned only high visibility cases matter
Boston bomber
Alone killed more then those combine
I can go on
Wow.. if you can't convince people that the MSM and the false flag fags are in cahoots, that tweet sure can..
Let me know when white males can join
So what your faggot ass is saying is you don’t know the names of the thousands of illegals who have killed Americans so you can’t post them.
that sad reality is they were mostly false flags
They killed 2
nice job wasting a perfectly good quad, fuck you OP
>post list of attacks not committed by immigrants
Check mate bigots
>year 2495
>average human
a bright future.
Fuck You. Fuck Quad Eights & Fuck False Flags. And Fuck the Deep State Jew Bastards.
I wouldn't expect this from a leaf.
And what do all those murderers have in common? All liberal Democrats.
It’s Fat Black Rapist Man.
what a dumbass ape
What did Kek mean by this?
I'm pretty sure Mohammad, Ahmed, Hassan and Habibi get a green light to go straight ahead... if you're white... you're a mass shooter waiting to happen...
I hope the Canadian Border Agents are equally a POS like Americans...
>carefully neglects to mention James T. Hodgkinson
I guess it doesn't count as a mass shooting if the shooter is a democrat and the shootees are republicans.
Looks like we need to nuke Canada, you faggot.
Republicans aren't people.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha, you retarded worthless chimp. Are you angry again monkey???
Niggers aren't people.
>The gayest race
KKK Niggers XD
meanwhile in mexico...
So are we all immigrants or not?
Such wasted digits.
>really super faked
>so what
>so what
>so what and they got him with the 2nd
>raving heavily armed faggots
Your argument is so strong!
he just confirm that 9/11 was a inside job?
Huh? Who?
Make sure your saging as well
>Vegas shooter not the shooter
>deepstate arms dealer disguised as high roller
>all his sushi comped
>killed by mexican gun buyers from across the border
>decided to try before they buy
maybe even CIAniggers disguised as spics
>decided to shoot up country concert goers as a big FUCK YOU to middle america Trump voters
>part of the deepstate plan to take your guns
>deepstate not loyal to America
>deepstate commies want to disarm you
>they will kill innocents for their agenda
>Sandyhook, Parkland, Aurora, shooters all fall guys for mass shootings perpetrated by deepstate niggers in order to push public opinion against the 2nd ammendment
9/11 and Virginia Tech
Omar Mateen was the son of an immigrant and a sand nigger so he really shouldnt have been here but he shrext fags so whatever. Libs minds were fucked that day.
Also the mudslimes that shot up that Christmas party.
>false equivalence
>false equivalence
>false equivalence
>false equivalence
>false equivalence
>false equivalence
Don't forget Virginia Tech, San Bernardino, and Orlando (child of immigrants)
All of them registered democrats.
> some bullshit propaganda.
You're a weak cuck, so your genes won't survive (you won't get your wife pregnant when you just watch and clap while some black donkey is stuffing it's cock up her).
Your genes will die, therefore improving the gene-pool, leaving just ours to propagate. So, go ahead, continue what you're doing, cuck, goodbye to your genes and good riddance.
>with the idea that they will no longer be the default, the most catered to, they believe they are now "under attack" when the truth is they are losing their overly dominant position and will still have a place at the table
The hatred you speak of is real, but it exists because of sentiments like this. Do you genuinely think you're justified in
you know what? this isn't worth my time. fuck you nigger.
Ft. Hood and the Beltway snipers too.
Will the gun control shilling ever end? What will it take to end it? These threads get old
Don't forget that a month and a half after the "Charleston Shooting" a black man in Texas...went to his ex's house, cuffed and hog tied her, her man, and their 6 kids...and executed them. That got zero media coverage...zero outcry.
I wish the cultural marxists would make up their minds. They used to say we are all immigrants.
sure, let's bump the anti-gun shill thread.
>sure, let's bump the anti-gun shill thread.
its actually a personal army request to raid that guy's twitter. But you're such a fuckin newfag that you dont know the difference. Please kys
75% of everyday crime and murders are immigrants causing events
Is the top middle a cancer patient? Man or woman?