The Idea of Democracy is inherently flawed. Modern Republics are unable to be functional in the long term.
Debate me Republicans.
Democracy is an idiotic paradigm
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Hail Caesar
It's literally impossible to argue for Democracy.
How is this bait?
People only try because of enlightenment age propaganda.
Nothing lasts in the long term. Explain to me how democracy is inherently flawed and suggest to me a better system of government.
The democratic process exists as the Sword Of Damocles hanging over the head of all absolute rulers (be they monarchs, tyrants, emperors or dictators).
If they become malevolent toward the people, or worse degenerate and poor leaders, then the democratic process exists to remove them from the position of leadership.
But it cannot go on for more than a generation. The democratic process must be given up - willingly - and leadership handed over to a new absolute ruler. It is the only way.
For if a democratic system becomes malevolent and/or degenerate, there is no recourse for correction. It must be left to utterly self destruct in decadence and failure.
the problem with democracy is that humans evolved to live in a tribe of a few hundred people at most and to think about politics on that scale only
democracy can work at that level to some extent and with regard to specific issues, but in a modern mass society...
Democratic systems revert to the mean.
Economically, socially, morally, spiritually, culturally. Whatever the mean in society is - that is where a democratic system will lie.
There is no leadership, or push to improve. There is no way forward. At its very best the democratic system creates a kind of stable, slow decline.
At its worst it is a fast slide into utter ruin
The largest population size allowable for governance that can be held to account is 300 000 people.
why that number?
The Roman Republic lasted longer than the Western Roman Empire.
The Eastern Roman Empire gets a pass because Alexander n sheit
Do you really think that republics will ever reach the level of 1000 year kingdoms of old?
This video will redpill you on the economics of a monarchy.
the roman republic was not at all a democracy in the modern sense
Aussie is probably a periPATHETIC shitposter
thanks for reminding me yet again for the 1488th time.
The OP shitpost specifically mentioned Republics
The US is a Republic
>99% of people are either idiots, cunts, assholes, traitors, immigrants, criminals or who knows what else
>here's an idea, because muh equality and other bullshit, let's allow those people decide who will rule us, what can go wrong
As the iron law of oligarchy states, the more an organization is complex, the more it is prone to be subjected to an oligarchy.
And with scientific progress (which is not supposed to reverse soon unless a major shit hit the fan) our already highly complex societies are not going to grow simpler.
Even when I was a NEET, I didn't have the time to be well versed on the many subjects (geopolitics, economics, demography, etc.) required to make a well informed vote. I consider myself an average person and so I think the same goes for the vast majority of westerners.
So? Well like most normies I turned to other people (journalists, experts, thinkers etc.) to have those information to vote but again, those people have their own interests and bias so? Well you're supposed to compare different media opinions, check their sources etc. But this alone is a full time job and we go back to the same problem.
It's based on spheres of influence of people and the psychology of human networks. 300K was presented as the absolute maximum assuming absolute efficiency (which of course means monocultural and monoethnic society all following the same ideology).
If you are representing any more than 3000 people you don't feel accountable to any of them, psychologically speaking.
If there are more than 100 representatives in a government none feel like they truly matter toward government directions, so don't take the time or care to ensure good policy happens.
a maximum 100 representatives each representing a maximum 3000 people = a maximum of 300 000 people.
But you can only remember up to 500 people and your business with them, if you have a society up to 500 individuals you could do wonders as long as every group remains at 500.
whats up with the reddit spacing in this 3d
i cant read this shit
Okay, so really its about where the opposite ends are, eh? You get a bunch of Ancient Greeks and the mean won't be so low, add a bunch of black fellas and the mean starts to plummet. I don't know what world you live in where something beyond "the mean" is going to occur in a society for more than a generation or two.
i somewhat agree but you fail to account for all the advancements weve had under republican or democratic rule and (for the pic) all the decadence under feudal or dictatorial rule
Absolute monarchs can (and have all through history) lifted their civilization well above the mean by being an example of a higher life - something to aspire toward and idolize.
Europe was built on Monarchs lifting people's eyes up to the heavens and inspiring them to reach beyond themselves for a future none of them would ever see in this life.
We've ridden the cultural inertia of this for the last 250 years, but that inertia has finally been overcome by the anchor of the democratic process.
Democracy works for an educated aristocracy with shared values. The common man can't understand the nuances of running a society to be considered an informed voter
Decadence destroys whatever civilization it infects. 17th and 18th Century France are prime examples of this.
Which is what the democratic process exists for: to deal with what happens when absolute rulers fail.
>it is a truth that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely
When an absolute ruler is corrupted, the people can depose them.
When the people are corrupted, there is no recourse.
The guys defining it in the modern sense were also the guys who all saw big holes in it. All of them tried to minimize the people involved in making decisions for example through voting rights. Mass democracy is a meme. We are only under the illusion voting does jack shit. The truest form of our ideal of democracy has most likely Switzerland. Also did all of them see that a stable democracy can only exist in homogeneous societies.
What's flawed is the notion that your political ideology should have sovereignty over mine. Go fuck yourself.
>when the ppl are corrupted
cmon stop the drama
it has happened before and there is a recourse
The United states was founded as an basic oligarchy.
Ave Caesar
That provided robust individual liberties to the plebs. That's far preferable to giving the masses voting rights so they can vote for gibs
When? and how? I was thinking and most of the corrupted societies I could think of never got the chance to make a recourse. They were often conquered and vanished.
It sure would be nice to try a democracy. I say we set one up and try it out.
First and foremost, what make democracy flawed? Member of one civilization should have a choice on what happens to their surroundings.
most of the time an authoritative figure rises and puts things in order
the conqueror would be such a figure
ppl vote ignorantly and in their own short term self interest
it devolves in candidates taking populist measures that become eventually unsustainable
Democracy is the idea that the common man takes an interest beyond his immediate self and the future of his tribe.
The problem is that the common man is a fucking stupid idiot.
There's a thing called time preference.
There were be no conquerors, no knights in shining armor, only petty humans and death.
There's no such as emperors anymore, your power only means that we will watch you closer.
Democracy as a God has failed but nowhere said Gods can't fail.
whats this shitty poem in badly written reddit spacing
is this pasta?
Okay, I'm a slow chunk of coal, so bear with me, but it sounds like the value of an absolute monarchy is for a fella and his family to be cultured, chaste and of course erect cathedrals, so all the guys that work all day can aspire to be like them? Hows this fella gonna compete with TV or the internet?
So 16th century France had a greater civilization than 18th century France? How's that?
>>>No mention of capitalism
>The Idea of Democracy is inherently flawed
You have it wrong my friend..
the idea of democracy is absolutely flawless. It is the best, most just system society can have. Unfortunately, when this idea of democracy is to be used in real world, thats where flaws arise. Main problem is, and greek philosophers warned a argued about this, is that democracy is very dependant on inner values, morals of society and attitude of people -> things that cannot be enforced by laws and that can be corrupted.
Morals, values and attitude are all in healthy state, within healthy nation, quite stable, but are under direct attack in times of dramatic social changes and imminent danger for nation. Then we also have the phenomenon of "theory of changes of constitutions"
Here he decribed that:
>at the beggining there is CHAOS
>everything is unstable and people decide to give powers to one leader, who will leadt them -> first MONARCHY is established
>the monrach or his descendents will eventually start to abuse their unlimited powers and TRYANNY will arise
>tyranny will be defeated by people, led by successfull and wealthy who will decsend upon throne and ARISTOCRACY will rule
>aristocracy will over time degenerate into OLYGARCHY
>olygarchy will be defeated by people who will establish DEMOCRACY
>democracy will over time crumble under pressure of its enemies, because people will become numb to rei publicae, because people will stop caring and will become dumb -> we will get OCHLOCRACY (despotian rule of mob)
>ochlocracy will implode because of its incompentecy, unefectivness, corruption, theft of public values and basically stupidity of rulers (of mob)
>from ochlocarcy we are getting back to beggining CHAOS will arise and-->
the cycle continues... (guess the stage we have today)
>**"theory of constitutions" was dome by Plutarchos
It's good as long as people have the country's - and the people's - best interests at heart. The problem with it in the modern era is that for whatever reason, countries are now bloated with selfish and purely self-serving individuals (leftists), and via democracy, these people are being allowed the power to implement what benefits them personally, to the detriment of the overall country and countrymen as a whole
Democracy has become one of the core mechanisms that is destroying, and will ultimately bring to ruin, the entire Western world.
Thanks for the video
Even constitutional monarchs are a feasible half-way point between republicanism and a more authoritarian rule.
Wait, are you a Roman Catholic?
Democracy is about putting power in the hands of common man though. Demos is Greek for just that, lad.
It's funny coz trump and Brexit won so we should be saying democracy does work unlike libs.
However that was just a one off thing. Notice we can't get shit done because of the way the government is laid out. Everyone is too busy focusing on appealing to dindus and other idiots to get re elected instead of doing something.
All states and governments lead to Tyranny. Spiritual advancement through service to others is the only way out into an ideal societal state, all else is slavery.
Turn to Sup Forums for forming a well informed opinion. It's a fulltime job, as well.
We are at the age of decadence and the Huns (Arabs, North Africans, Syrians,Blacks) are pillaging Rome. It won't be too long be for we enter the Neo-Medieval era. Everything is a cycle boys best not forget. The age of Monarchs is upon us.