do you even know the taxes Colorado got when they legalized weed
>hurr durrr degenerates
do you even know the taxes Colorado got when they legalized weed
>hurr durrr degenerates
we also got a million retards in RV's and a bunch of niggers.
If we can get the liberals to pool into a few states we can then legalize safely in the red states. Maybe secede and build some walls first.
Your god damn right you did. I literally know a fucking obese retard making 35k a year, his wife way better but just as stupid making 80k a year, and they moved their ass from Oklahoma to your fucking state to live off a combined 40k just to have the legal weed WITH having 2 kids.
The dumbest fucking thing, they fucking were smoking weed with connections already. I can tell you they are not happy.
Either way, more states will legalize and it will balance out in a decade or so.
it cost more to regulate than it generates in revenue
the angles too high
Yes. I live there.
They told us it was going for schools, but a small fraction actually goes where it’s supposed to.
Citation needed
Do you know how many people did NOT pay taxes on their cash sales of dude weed?
I can assure you there's 10x the $$$ going through Black market sales than there is to legal ones.
Don't get me wrong I'm not gonna hate on a guy making a buck. But almost every single person who went there to grow weed did it specifically for tax free income........the funny thing is when dumbshits up and try to buy a house or something or use it as a down payment and the IRS sticks it's dick all up in their asses.....balls deep......dry.
Also look at the increases in
>Accidents and collisions involving dude weed
>Hospitalizations due to dumb fucks attempting to do 1gram dabs.
>Fires and injuries caused by dumb fucks trying to manufacture oil in their shitbox apartment and some dumbshit didn't realize butane + inclosed area + pilot light on ANY FUCKING THING means bad news.
But yeah dude weed.
sounds like a hater to me
Decriminalization was never going to happen without commercialization. Prohibition was just as bad for many other reasons. The culture glorifying weed would have continued the damage society.
>The culture glorifying weed would have continued the damage society.
It's grown worse in legal areas.
Watched a guy pull up to the bar in oregon, smoke dabs, get wasted, smoke more then drive off.
Drunk driving is shit, driving while high is shit.
We need a cleansing.
A little here and there isnt bad, but these potheads are as bad a lifetime alkies.
The Feds have been stubborn shits and have refused to move it to Schedule 2, to this very day. That's the only way to have all of the expats move back to their own rightful shitholes. The pot rush and it's effects wouldn't have been so bad in CO and WA if it would have been properly dealt with, but Obama didn't want to do shit about it.
>Hospitalizations due to dumb fucks attempting to do 1gram dabs
How does this happen?
>we need more ((tax))
singapore did nothing wrong
Maximizing taxes is the highest virtue. Anything is permissible, as long as it brings in more tax revenue than it costs in government expenditures.
>I can assure you...
Ok, prove it. I’m positive you can’t. Don’t you understand the definition of assure?
>Watched a guy pull up to the bar in oregon, smoke dabs, get wasted, smoke more then drive off.
It doesn't impair some people. It's not like alcohol. Is it generally a good idea? no Is it akin to driving drunk? no.
>he thinks a 1gram dab is enough to hospitalize
lmao brainlets
Singapore banned chewing gum. You need a prescription for gum. That's real smart and forward thinking right?
Some people actually lose their minds after having too much THC. Dabs and shatter is making that too easy.
Degenerate behavior sells? Imagine my shock!
>lose their minds
lmao brainlets
>lmao brainlets
Do you even know the added expenses that came with it when they had to regulate, deal with increased homeless who wanted to get high, deal with more stoner kids (it went largely unreported because whites don't go to jail for it) and don't forget dealers are doing fine because of the high taxes. Oh and more skitzo because marijuana can cause that.
Kys saged
As a stoner, you're the idiot that give us a bad name. What kind of sentence did you just try to formulate? Stop being a lazy fuck and apply yourself. The problem isn't the pot. The problem, is that you're a lazy idiot, so much so that you actually fulfill a stereotype. Blaming a plant because you're an idiot is some 85 IQ shit.