I want to hear Sup Forums's thoughts on this

I want to hear Sup Forums's thoughts on this

so say we determine 100% with concrete evidence that blacks and other POCs are just genetically predisposed to low intelligence and violence. Also let's say we could get the common person to agree with this, including the common black. With designer babies and things like "kasper"(I think it was called? Don't quote me on this.) on the horizon, wouldn't it be better to implement programs and policies to help increase the genetic quality of POCs?

And hell, we could even implement these programs for whites too. Say a white kid(or any kid for that matter is struggling in school, and I assume by the time something like this is even a thing we'll have DNA I.Q test as well, oh hey look he's struggling in school because he has an I.Q of 80! Let's use our free healthcare system and get him into a good genetic augmentation program to improve his cognitive ability.

Isn't this more ideal than damning an entire race of people, running them off to their corners of the planet, and pretending like they aren't there until you perhaps need their resources or to expand your territory due to overpopulation?

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bamp, really want to discuss this.

nobody wants to "damn" blacks, just live separately until science can uplift them

How many of your fellow fascy friend would be for that? Seems a lot of them have no empathy for anyone not white and male.

BAMP motherfucker.

it's rare you'll find someone who wants to hurt innocents, some people take black crime personally as a form of racial terrorism.

black on black crime or black on POC crime?

Not what I mean, I meant going out of the way to help someone who doesn't look like you. Not to hurt.

black on white crime

I consider myself a racist and believe that blacks have a statistically much lower chance of having a genius born, even still were it up to me I would test and educate every child on earth, even the most pathetic starving child in the congo.

That being said there is only so much that education can do for a child who has had their nutrition compromised since before birth.

Change on the genetic level needs to come to africa for them to join the modern world, if that means birth control for stupid people and encouraging fertility among the intelligent or perhaps asian admixture which is becoming more common from chinese investment.

Blacks feel justified because of how they were treated by whites in the past, doesn't help that the alt-right is so unapologetic about it.

You make a good point. It’s called CRISPR btw.

But when you say, “wouldn’t it be better...”, you don’t clarify what you’re comparing your solution to.

In the future, should genetic modification of humans be performed to increase the intelligence and civility of humans, black, white, and other? I don’t know, we don’t know what the potential consequences might be. There might be something “sacred” about the natural structure of DNA. Maybe that’s something we shouldn’t tamper with, for reasons pertaining to God, whatever that means.

Either way, that kind of society would result in a situation where unmodified whites are historical artifacts. I’d like to avoid that kind of situation.

Separatism is a sufficient answer for now. Whites can have their own nation, POC can have their own, and multiculties can conduct their little experiment in peace. It doesn’t mean that they’re given a shit corner of he planet, and if you look at reproduction rates for nonwhites, it should be obvious that it’ll be POC that overpopulate and mismanage their resources(ever heard of the continent of Africa?).

4700 blacks were lynched in the whole of US history and every year they kill at least half that in innocent white people.

Well, I'm comparing it to your "solution" of running them out of the country and back to their genetic country of origin.

There is just no way to go about doing this in a peaceful way without a shit ton of turmoil.

>Maybe that’s something we shouldn’t tamper with, for reasons pertaining to God

If you're implying religious nuts will get up and arms about genetic modification then fuck them. I'm sure they will, but that's irrelevant.

>Separatism is a sufficient answer for now

Not exactly globalism is inevitable, we're at an age now where we are more connected than ever, might as well accept this and find a better way to go about doing things. Well the ultimate goal for white nationalist is to inflate the white population, right? Eventually, your ethnostate will be packed to the gills. Assuming this is a balkanized version of the U.S.

>4700 blacks were lynched in the whole of US history and every year they kill at least half that in innocent white people

Quality over quantity. You ever read up on the case of the 14-year-old black kid that was sentenced to death for a crime he didn't commit? You read stuff like this and it's no wonder so many blacks have anger in their hearts towards whites.

If you only fix IQ, then you have smart, violent people that have no sense of humanity or morality.

Meant to include

Where is the "no sense of morality or humanity" gene? I thought it was implied these were all a direct result of low I.Q. You don't really think this of a group of people that has an entire music genre dedicated to love(R&B) right?

blacks don't have to be run out of the USA, I actually think the USA owes them land of their own for a black only state which they can choose to live in voluntarily.

that 14 year old died because the woman lied, a long time ago they treated witness testimony like video evidence

>Quality over quantity
it's all about exposure, the news doesn't publicize black hatecrimes because they are trying to deescalate racial tensions. It's all called "random crime".

They would just take said ethnostate as no dif than something like jim crow, which it blatantly is.

If you could edit out the violent retardation I would be the first to welcome blacks back into society.

Though as others have pointed out, gene editing will almost definitely introduce its own problems.

Also, you seem to think I'm talking about Emmit Till, I'm talking about a different case.


Just like an all white ethnostate, this is the path of least resistance since it's the more progressive route.

Segregation is jim crow ... no shit sherlock.

Why are whites responsible for the wellbeing and fate of blacks. Stop treating them like pets, they're people. They deserve to be the masters of their own fate. As do we.

Because we gave them "fire" ... we are now Prometheus hanging from the Caucasus tortured for all eternity.

reminder that all non-white men unironically lust for white women the most and all non-white women wish they were white women to the extent that you get black women spending all their money on weaves to make their hair look straight, Indian women giving themselves skin cancer from skin bleaching treatments and Korean women getting plastic surgery to widen their eyes

if designer babies ever become a thing everyone will want their children to be white, so by the end of the century probably the vast majority of the world that had access to the tech will be white people by the next generation

white genocide would be officially canceled

they think blacks voting on black issues, being policed by black officers, graded by black teachers, etc. (the elimination of racism) would be as bad as living as second class citizens?

Whites wouldn't be specifically responsible, this is a world effort.

No, I'm saying they will just interpret it as getting scraps.

Even if their DNA was altered to be 100% white, they'd still have nigger souls.
Once a subhuman, always a subhuman.

>will be white people by the next generation
>white genocide would be officially canceled
I despair every time I hear this malarkey. They won't be white people, they'll be genetically modified POC, it's not just about white traits, they won't have everything it's taken 80 000 into making us who we are, whites are more than the sum of our parts. Clones don't have souls, POC's will never be white.

A world effort with who? Asians have no desire to elevate black people, just to exploit him as cheap labour for their African colonies. Whites are the only be that cared about the wellbeing of blacks, and look where it got us, they hate us and murder us. You can't show empathy to a race that percieves kindness as a weakness.
>Isn't this more ideal than damning an entire race of people, running them off to their corners of the plane
You want to alter their dna, you want to play god with them till they fit your standards of society. They are who they are, let them be who they are with their own people. Why is us being with our own people and them being with theirs damning an entire race? We're not their masters, they don't have a innate right be taken care of by us and we shouldn't have the burden of having to be their keepers. You want to colonise them intellectually and spiritually. Let them have their own destiny

Shouldn't welfare make them feel like they're getting scraps?

>black culture

nigguh nigguh, white cracker, yo yo assshaker, gibs me dat money bill cracker or your streets on fire cracker
yo yo that assshakin in muh club´ , muh nigguh nigguh wuz a kang yo an ancient nigguh, that asshaking cracker girls fuck them, ahha
gibs dollar bill, ghetto nigguh, muh car muh ghetto nigguh. yo yo
kill whitey with bang bang muh nigguh, muh bang bang boom yo with muh glock, muh nigguh nigguh.

shaniqua m. OZart

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Running non-whites out of the country isn't my solution, and most of the WN guys I know in real life are on the same page.

What would be ideal for most of us is a type of situation where several states in the Pacific North West(WA, OR, ID, etc.;majority white population states already) secede and are allowed to govern themselves as an white nation.

>No peaceful way without a shit ton of turmoil

Non-whites already on the PNW land can be given the choice of integrating into a white society as second-class citizens who can't breed/marry whites, or they can just accept a generous sum for their land possessions and move peacefully over to multi-cultural US. I don't want violence either.

>Religious nuts

I'm not religious, but I have some of my own concerns about genetic engineering on humans. I have faith that the natural state of human life has value, that the way humans are born and evolution takes place might have some sacred element to it, which I would say is just about as valid as your faith that any life has any value at all.

>Globalism is inevitable, might as well accept that your race and recessive traits are soon to be an artifact of history.

Nope. Sorry about that. I'll resist that until the death of me, as I'm sure many others will as well. Besides, I'm not saying that my ideal White Nation refuses to participate in the global economy. We just want a homeland for whites to exist without the threat of extinction. We'll trade and cooperate amicably with others.

>Ultimate goal to inflate white population

No, the ultimate goal is to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. We only want to inflate the white population in the face of an inflating non-white population.


ah yes let's genetically engineer a race who hates us to become smarter, great plan

>A world effort with who? Asians have no desire to elevate black people

How about instead of making it a race issue you make it a PEOPLE issue? Asians have their fair share of genetic scum as well. Instead of looking at it as "hey we have a responsibility to help these black people!" look at it as a responsibility to uplift everyone with the side effect being that the majority of the black population is uplifted as well.

>You want to alter their dna, you want to play god with them till they fit your standards of society.

I want to do this for EVERYONE.

>They are who they are, let them be who they are with their own people.

Here we go with this.

So how would you react if say there was a giant asteroid heading towards earth 2x as big as the one that wiped out the dinosaurs, except with a twist. Said twist being that Japan has somehow found a way to travel to an interstellar planet that just so happens to be suitable for life. Now, they have more than enough resources to take everyone and their mom to said planet, but they opt out and instead say they'll just focus on saving japan and the rest of humanity is fucked.

How would you feel about this? Would you still stick to your guns of everyone pursuing their "own" destiny?

>We only want to inflate the white population in the face of an inflating non-white population.
who is we?

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.wouldn't it be better to implement programs and policies to help increase the genetic quality of POCs?

Now whitey is supposed to pay to genetically engineer minorities? Shipping them off would be cheaper.

>How about instead of making it a race issue you make it a PEOPLE issue?
>Let's talk about blacks and other POC
>It's a PEOPLE issue! Not about race!
Whatever high minded ideals you think you have, the Chinese see themselves us their own race and have no affinity for other races, same as blacks, same as everyone else but whites.
>I want to do this for EVERYONE.
What gives you the right? I don't want you fucking around with my people's DNA. You're a deluded fool that thinks they fix another race, the christian missionaries that they'd do it with bibles, the civil rights movement thought they could do it with billions in funding and decades of catering an entire society towards them at the expense of hundreds of millions of whites, and nothing has improved. Not one iota. I don't want people that can't accept or understand the nature to fuck with my genetic makeup.

So let's say, you stop making up fucking fantastical arguments and focus on my points. You're talking about playing god with blacks very essence because you feel sorry for them, to integrate them with whites. You're fucking insane. We both have the right to be left alone.

> several states in the Pacific North West

If you just want to establish your ethnostate elsewhere that doesn't involve the U.S giving up their land to a small number of racist, then I'm all for that.


>Non-whites already on the PNW land can be given the choice of integrating into a white society as second-class citizens who can't breed/marry whites

You're still infringing on peoples liberties, I thought you were advocating freedom of association. What if a white insist on marrying a non-white? You cant be the pussy police or dick detective when it comes to individual rights.

>I have faith that the natural state of human life has value

Since you're a tribalist, this doesn't surprise me. But I'd rather not live my life in accordance to a naturalistic fallacy.

>ope. Sorry about that. I'll resist that until the death of me

Then this is just an emotional stance at this point and not worth its weight in gold.

>who is we?

We be them K-type goys who breed like proper humans with resource management in consideration, rather than rat-like r-type breeders who will run the planet dry with their exponential population growth.

It's not our responsibility, we are also working against the clock, this is a caveat you ignore. We are living in a time where you may see whites go extinct, it doesn't work as if one day there will be one last white person alive, there is a point of no return when you reach a certain limit below reproduction. If one day we reach x amount of whites left, and only y are breeding, then we have officially gone extinct. While you're worrying about how to improve the genes of non whites, Aladdin and Jamal are having five kids. Time is not a luxury, we need to guarantee our future before we decide to be so blindly magnanimous.

>and things like "kasper"
What did he mean by this?

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>Whatever high minded ideals you think you have, the Chinese see themselves us their own race and have no affinity for other races

How exactly do you think this will play out? You think that people won't jump at the opportunity for genetic enhancements if it's tried and true?

>What gives you the right? I don't want you fucking around with my people's DNA.

Look, if you or anyone else doesn't want to participate in the program then you don't have to. But for those interested in progress? The door is always open, I'm not saying we should force anything on anyone. I'm just saying if we find the problem, and we have the solution, why not fix it? We have headed towards this future anyway, whether you like it or not. Designer babies are already in the works.

You avoid answering my question because you know it's wrong to abandon someone that you are very much capable of helping.

There will be no such thing as black or white people in the future, we'll be a monoracial society and I'm fine with that. That means we can drop retarded topics like this one.

Europe, or at least a section of it, would have been a great option, but they're in the same situation as well. They would have to kick out a substantial portion of immigrants to (re)claim a White homeland.

>White insists on marrying a non-white

Again, they can peacefully relocate themselves to multi-cultural USA with no objection from us.

>naturalistic fallacy

Again, does my unsubstantiated belief in the idea that the natural state of life has an inherent value have any less significance than your unsubstantiated belief that the lives of non-whites have value? If so, could you provide some reasoning or evidence? I'm honestly very interested to hear.

>just an emotional stance

You not wanting to sacrifice your retarded child in times of scarcity is just as much "an emotional stance" as me not wanting to give up on the continued existence of my race. It doesn't change the fact that it's worth fighting for.

Also, Whites have proven themselves to be the main contributors to scientific and technological achievement. We built a society that has allowed for unprecedented levels of greatness and discovery of the intimate workings of the universe. It's only logical that if humans desire to reach their full potential and continue to fulfill the mission of science, which we should, then Whites should be allowed to continue to exist and have their own civilization.

Also, you're not getting what I'm saying, sure it's a POC issue under the surface but you sell it as a people issue with blacks and other POCs benefiting from it as a side effect. That way the white mom that has a kid with down syndrome can feel hopeful and included within this paradigm. Could you imagine how great society would be if everyone had a baseline I.Q of at least 130? You're not seeing the bigger picture here.

someone is qualified for a hellicopter ride.
keep your sick dystopian fantasies to youself

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We need people of all types to run a successful society. Blacks and latinos are more violent mostly because of shit culture and terrible parenting. Even though (this is in my belief 100%) they have lower IQ genetically, that doesn't mean they can't be successful in society, and currently their representation is very poor in this arena because they aren't given the advantages of what we know to increase a persons IQ or their potential. Also, as a matter of fact, I think they'd be happier in more physical jobs with less hours. There is absolutely no need for "designer" babies or using gene editing outside of engaging maladies of a life threatening (to the individual or offspring) nature.

Lol what, it will be a multispecies race between megachinks and superkikes and ultrabindis to exterminate each other and 5000 other forms of mutant

culture is deeply ingrained you fool you cant hex it away, you are on par with tyrants who need fragmented societys to rule and lord over them, and this is exactly why i want them separated and not improved to a minimum of consent but to be able to get rid of the final boss and live happily ever after.

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>You avoid answering my question because you know it's wrong to abandon someone that you are very much capable of helping.
No, actually I avoided answering a goofy fantasy sci fi question because it has no bearing on the discussion. Fine, the Japs have the right to save themselves, and only themselves, if they realise that people will use violence to access their portal thingy or whatever you said. They don't owe anybody anything, just like the people that would kill them to gain access to it, can't be blamed for resorting to violence to preserve themselves. That was a pointless discussion

>But for those interested in progress?
What are you progressing towards? What is the end goal? What does all this lead to? What do you define as progress?
>Look, if you or anyone else doesn't want to participate in the program then you don't have to.
And we're telling you we don't want to participate in multiculturalism and a lot of Americans don't want to participate in America any more, I believe you said that was infringing on people's liberties and called it tribalist.
So, let's tally this, you want to edit people's DNA, decide the fate of blacks, force them on whites, force whites not to seperate from the union even if it means they will go extinct through demographic replacement, enforce individual rights over the rights of a group to exist, or force whites to leave the country their ancestors built to set up an homeland for themselves instead of where their forefathers settled. You're the racist , you're the totalitarian in the name of some ill defined, vague concept of progress.

>Implying IQ is the only thing that matters

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>You're not seeing the bigger picture here.
Oh my god you're a fucking imbecile. I'm noping right of this exchange. You're deluded sir, you should know that.

Blacks have something called warrior gene. It's just a nice name for something that makes you inherently more violent. It doesn't make you brave or anything. Google it. If we remove that they would probably end up like pajeets but just a little less intelligent.

>Europe, or at least a section of it, would have been a great option

Isn't there some sort of limbo space between Canada and U.S that you can use?

Again, they can peacefully relocate themselves to multi-cultural USA with no objection from us.

What if they don't wish to relocate?

>my unsubstantiated belief

Well, your belief serves no purpose other than to hinder progress. It has no value, it's just a meaningless pseudo-philosophical platitude. If you can't empathize with someone because of their skin color then you are in the minority, most people feel that non-white lives have value. Because we look at them as people first and not "the other." most of the time.

>It doesn't change the fact that it's worth fighting for.

With the alt-rights talk of science, statistics, reasoning, logic, and outright disdain and disregard for the left's "feels over reals" perspective I thought you were more interested in a concrete solution if one were to present itself. If we're all brown in the future and living peacefully then what's the issue? Can you actually give me a logical reason as to why this is a bad thing?

Eradicate them.

There are two ways to think about this:

One: They act as a disease through destruction of the whole. Either we cure the disease or die from it.
Two: They've made it abundantly clear they view us as the enemy. As such we must complete eradicate them or they will continue to come back in a continuously stronger fashion.

They hold zero purpose, take a great deal of resources and present a real threat to both progress and order. Trying to 'bring' them up in any manner of speaking or understanding isn't worth the cost.

>Fine, the Japs have the right to save themselves, and only themselves

Even if you know for certain that it will cost them absolutely nothing to save the rest of humanity? You'd just bend over, spread your ass cheeks wide, and let the asteroid do its thing?

>What are you progressing towards? What is the end goal?

The end goal is to get as close as we can to world peace, not only that but colonizing space, ending world hunger, disease, etc.. And this will take a world effort. Imagine where we'd be if America and Russia decided to actually band together during the cold war instead of competing against each other? We would have made it to mars, fuck the moon.

>And we're telling you we don't want to participate in multiculturalism

Okay so fuck off to maine or somewhere? I'm very much in support of you tribalistic monkeys hopping in a nazi voyage and setting sail towards some remote island, where you can be as white as you want without having to worry about those pesky brown people or leftist ruining everything for you.

>decide the fate of blacks, force them on whites

And now you're strawmanning me.

>force whites not to seperate from the union

Again, strawmanning me.

>enforce individual rights over the rights of a group to exist

pretty much.

>, or force whites to leave the country their ancestors built to set up an homeland for themselves instead of where their forefathers settled.

It's not your country because your "forefathers" settled there, fuck off to some remote island and use your oh so "superior" white genes to start from scratch and build your white utopia. If a number of blacks want to do the same then they are free to as well.

>Implying I.Q is the only thing you'd be able to alter with genetic modification.

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Idk if you've noticed this, but there is a direct correlation with "all wypipo da devil an need ta dye" logic and how intelligent a black person is. This is why intelligent blacks are shunned and considered race traitors just for being smart.

>muh futuristic approach of utopian marxism, lets argue from a non existent point when people are genetically altered to be totally different people and what could be then.

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Autistic weirdos like Bill Gates wouldn't be born if you did that.

Also half of pol.


For everyone one with pseudo-intelligence there are hundreds of ones that are feral. The intelligent ones can also go 'black' quite easily. There is no purpose in promoting the possible intelligence/constructiveness of one as a reason not to cull the rest.

This can be expanded for all blacks, Mestizos and Muslims.

We'd obviously set some sort of laws and guidelines for how many mods you can have and what mods as well.

so all our problems are gone if we all become someone else?

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Black activists want to uplift the black community but the other blacks don't listen and keep doing crime.

>they don't wish to relocate

Then they've made a dumb choice by wanting to continue to live as multi-culties in a designated White Nation. I doubt this would happen often, if at all.

>Serves no purpose other than to hinder progress

You've failed to define progress. Do you mean scientific progress? Better management of Earth's resources? Preservation of the environment? How have countries done so far in these domains? How does that compare to industrialized non-white nations, such as China, India, etc.?

>meaningless pseudo-philosophical platitude

I've asked you explicitly to provide me with any evidence or reasoning to justify your unsubstantiated belief being better than mine. You failed to do so, and didn't even properly address the question. I won't ask again because I'm going to sleep, but I'm challenging you to answer to yourself; How do you know that life has value? Is there any evidence, or is it just a faith that you have?

>Can't empathize with someone because of their skin color

You don't know what you're talking about and have zero evidence to justify that claim. I do empathize with humans of all races. I wish for the well-being of all races, and for humanity as a whole, but that is not mutually exclusive to the idea that I should advocate for the continued existence of my own race in a homeland for Whites.

>alt-right, logic, concrete solution

I am interested in a concrete solution. White Nationalism.

>If we're all brown, what's the issue?

From my previous post:
>Whites have proven themselves to be the main contributors to scientific and technological achievement. We built a society that has allowed for unprecedented levels of greatness and discovery of the intimate workings of the universe. It's only logical that if humans desire to reach their full potential and continue to fulfill the mission of science, which we should, then Whites should be allowed to continue to exist and have their own civilization.

your'e asking us to give you millions of dollars of gene therapy just to not have you murder us and kill our children


fuck you. all niggers die.

They would use these methods to make everyone in to non questioning normie worker bees.


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Haven’t you heard of Liberia? The nigs we sent there ran it into the ground.

I'm sure there was a while lot of undocumented lynchings.

Also they used black babies as alligator bait.

Then we need to make them think whites are being forced into segregation for their own benefit and not blacks.

They also have blues.

We herd them all to into Africa and set up enclaves to take the needed resources while they eat each other and chase cheetas. Also mandatory 2 years in service at the enclaves either working or chasing nogs away from the workers in order to build character.

not enough of them, apparently

Do you remember black music before gangsta rap or nah?

"kasper" low iq detected , remove from Gene pool immediately

>Then they've made a dumb choice by wanting to continue to live as multi-culties in a designated White Nation. I doubt this would happen often, if at all.

So you're just going to show social disapproval of this and nothing else?

>You've failed to define progress. Do you mean scientific progress?

I mean scientific progress, social progress, better management, just all of the above and then some.

>I've asked you explicitly to provide me with any evidence or reasoning to justify your unsubstantiated belief being better than mine.

If we are going that route, then I can ask why exactly should white people be preserved as a country? If you're going to answer with the pragmatic response that you did before with "well white people are just useful" then I'm using a similar logic here. I believe non-white lives matter because well, they do. If I see someone on the street that's cold and I have more than enough jackets to spare I'm not going to sit there and ask myself "why does this person deserve my jacket?" it's just as simple as do on to others as you'd want done to yourself. Your romantic platitude of DNA shouldn't be tampered with because it's natural could easily be applied to something like cancer, cancer is also natural, should we hinder progress on the cure for cancer as well?

>I am interested in a concrete solution. White Nationalism.

Accept this isn't a pragmatic solution and only serves to stir the pot even more, like it's doing now.

>>Whites have proven themselves to be the main contributors to scientific and technological achievement

But this is a society where everyone at least has an I.Q of 130, so there will be plenty of non-whites to feel those shoes. Not that there aren't non-whites that don't contribute to scientific advancement, I'm just entertaining your viewpoint.

be preserved as a race*

>OP makes a thread
>desperately bumps to ''''foster intelligent discussion''''
>attacks first response with identity politics


african comes to germany ,becomes professional soccer player, is peoples darling quite the integration, earns more in three years than a normal person in 25 years,has 2 children by a german.
gets arrested for fraud an wife beating, lives now on welfare, germans gibs da money.

this is culture, culture is deeply ingrained even under the best circumstances of life, it breaks its way, all the way trough the soft fabric of your delusions.

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This is culture? So nearly every single black person will applaud this guy and consider him a cultural paragon or something?

but but at least i have my gladys knight and the pips album from 1972, not an argument.

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I wonder how many of you are actually serious about the shit that comes out of your mouths.

Not our problem. Send them all back to an African containment zone and let nature sort them out. Only mutts and heebs with messianic complexes say the kind of shit you are spouting. Forced eugenics is even less popular than genocide.

no they may not applaud openly, but large parts of blacks consider this as normal and not worth the fuss.

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How is it forced if you are giving people a choice exactly?

Literally the plot of Gundam Seed. Genetically altered superhumans are so much better than everyone else, and are also more peaceful and kind, the violent 'naturals' drive the modified 'coordinators' off the planet. Then, that isnt enough so they nuke the orbital colonies.

It is later revealed that coordinators have a much, much lower fertility rate and that the genetic tampering is causing them to die out.

Blacks being naturally strong is just natural selection, they die so frequently that the strongest mainly survive.

Blacks in America generally were from slaves, and slavers wouldn’t want weak dlaves so they chose muscular Africans, hence why the majority of blacks get six packs easily.

If you give niggers a choice, they will choose niggerdom. If it isn't forced it would never work, and either way it is an enormous cost to Whites who would obviously be paying for the whole thing. Not our problem. They have to go back. And so do you.

Come on, it would be great. Crime would be at all time lows in countries around the world. You could generate money for welfare for people that actually need it by selling rich people safari licenses to hunt nogs.

We fucking built their Nations. Robert Mugabe is no different then the rest of those niggers, crying and begging whitey for everything.
Cut food aid for 1 year to these niggers and they'll self-genocide over apple cores. NIGGERS ARE FUCKING WORTHLESS.
Quit being a Trotskyite Racial Marxist.

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I don't know why you're under the impression that it would be 100% whites working on something like this, and that gifted blacks, asians, whites, latinos wouldn't be in on this as well.

Its genetics you Jew. These people are descended from apes.
Thats like saying "Niggers have funny shapped heads because they don't get enough calcium".
>they die so frequently that the strongest mainly survive.
What are you a Jew?

Because non-whites aren't stupid enough to sacrifice their resources to bring up sub human apes, who will inevitably destroy the society later on.
Fuck is the matter with you anti-whites. If you think niggers are equal to Europeans let them do their own thing. Quit being a race traitor, Jew.

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Yes but we don't live in a world with genetic augmentation and I don't even know if it's possible to control genes after birth. Also white genetics are one of God's greatest gifts to Earth and need to be preserved rather than diluted.

>nobody wants to "damn" blacks, just live separately until science can uplift them

Why should we?

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