Why does Australia have so many fucking time zones?

Why does Australia have so many fucking time zones?

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It's big. When the sun is setting in Sydney, it's still pretty light in Perth

Separation of nowhere from also nowhere

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Because fuck you, faggot.

because it's huge

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It’s more than pretty light, it’s basically still afternoon.

As does any continent with a large breadth east to west.

Fuck off dog

Because those cucks south of the Queensland border love their magic time-change game.



We used to have a bunch of time zones in Alaska. I think we only have 2 now

Attached: alaska1.jpg (1000x654, 150K)

The extra ones in summer are because W.A, N.T and Queensland are partly in the tropics so they don't care about daylight savings, and only the southerners bother with it.

because we're full
so fuck off

You're a big state.

Whys the time different north to south? Is it because its that much closer to the south pole?

this. southern poofter time wizardry must be wiped off the face of the earth.

Parts of us stick so far out into the pacific we are technically the most eastern state as well as northern and western. Crosses the date line or whatever.

for blues

Why do you have so few people in comparison to America.

This is correct. The density of mass caused by how full Australia is causes a distortion in spacetime around the continent.

because the government sold 90% of the land to china


big useless desert hellhole

fuck off, we're full

because the inland is uninhabitable so we actually have little fertile land

Attached: Australia-Population-Grid.jpg (680x688, 49K)

whats mindblowing is flying from Perth to Melbourne, over the great Australian bight. It takes 4.5 hours and at times you are 500+ kilometers from land. Might as well be a full on ocean crossing between 2 different continents.

Why do people live in Alice Springs?

the eastern/western hemisphere thing is such a meme, considering that most countries in the "west" hemisphere (thought of as being advanced) are third world hellholes filled with spics.

because DST and SA are retarded

its in the name, but doesn't matter anyway because water can be easily shipped anywhere if there is demand the real reason is our land is mostly owned by chinese

>Why do people live in Alice Springs?

its all part of dat ironic aussie humour and banter.

the north doesn't have DST because they are closer to the equator so they don't feel the effect of seasonal day/night cycles

cheap maybe not sure never met anyone from there

>Why does Australia have so many fucking time zones?
retailers (who prefer DST) in the southern states have their claws sunk more deeply in to both sides of politics than than the entertainment venues (do not prefer DST) who have narrower margins due to taxes on alcohol and laws regulating where people can smoke in relation to where people can eat and restrictions on trading hours

You realise Australia is so big it's a country and a continent
You could fit 5 European countries in western Australia alone

burgers fell for the mercator projection jew and think australia is the size of alaska.

think of central Australia like northern Alaska, its expensive as hell and its an unforgiving shithole but there is a mining industry

Because no twilight in the north, sun goes down, black almost immediately

Desert and deadly animals.


Fuck I want to go to Alaska so bad.

So many YouTube cunts from Alaska have the same mentality as Australians.

Western Australia is so full of Iron Ore and Gold, it actually drawns the sun closer. Therefore here in WA, we get more sunlight, because the sun is momentarily, as the earth revolves, pulled closer to the earth through magnetism (Iron Ore/Gold etc).

When will WA succeed? You already voted for it in the 30's but the British blocked it

Because the Earth isn't flat you fucking waste of skin.

i think that phenomena has more to do with the density of bullshit that comes out of Worst Australians mouths and their massive 'muh minings' ego

If we had a fairer deal, on the federal level, with regards to GST revenue it wouldn't be an issue.
That's why people want to succeed. Sick of supporting every other state, while mining companies have to make "Donations" to the public. (See RioTinro Naturescape, Kings Park, BHP Billiton water park, Elizabeth Quay, Andrew Forrest Wing (Fortescue Metals), University of WA.
The federal government smashes the mining companies for tax. Then adds a resources tax, along with every employee being taxed. Then they want to increase the resources taxes.
I'm a Miner.
I can tell you, we are stretched to the fucking limit. Even the coons have something to say about it. youtu.be/FlbKAN3Y2rM

nothings wrong with the cross-a-part-turn-a-half tick tock system, or the turny time when sun gets to high system.

Hahahaha, mate, what you need to do is sit in a haul truck for 6 hours and listen to what the cunts (Drivers) come up with.
12 hours a day, $50 an hour, making up some of the most outlandish shit you have ever heard.
What I wrote was admittedly a shit post. But it was a story from a haul truck operator.
I can go on for hours about the shit those bored cunts come up with.
>Pink cancelled her concert in Perth for my 50th Birthday party.
>The world is off balance because all of the Iron ore is being shipped to China, and its effecting the moon's gravity, that's why we can no longer see craters on the moon from Australia.
>I'm on the Canadian government hit-list because of when I visited Canada

I can go on. Worst part is, you have to nod and say yes, because they're driving a 2 million dollar haul truck on the side of an open-minded mine...

AI will replace their job in 5 years, then they will go on centrelink like the white trash they are

>big useless desert hellhole
That's a myth. The Aussies are too frightened to admit that the Emus have claimed all of Oz for themselves. Their Benevolent Emu overlords have allowed them the coasts to live on


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Central Australia is a less habitable Arrakis


aus/pol/ sa election

fuck off gook

>4 u

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Global warming