friendly reminder to not take the internet seriously and to never reveal your power level to anyone in the real world
Friendly reminder to not take the internet seriously and to never reveal your power level to anyone in the real world
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q predicted this
I called him a cuck then, I I'l still do it now.
>at neighbors house
>watching football
>couple drinks in, we're both ranting about how the nfl sucks niggers cocks and shit
>go on some autistic rant about how it's all the jews faults
>he just looks at me for a moment, then says "I fucking hate kikes"
lmafo you fucked up
>Not simply taking it slowly and leaking out information
>Not subtlely pilling people
also prolly lucky to not be fired.
>not living life at your highest power level at all times
sucks to suck faggot
I swear I've seen this exact screenshot but it had a different word in place of "soyboy."
Lol, fucking autist
You revealed no power, dork.. Ha!
Nice psyop merchant. Trying to make us commit social suicide.
This is best. I love it...
I'm a entirely different person on Sup Forums and FB, Twitter and Instagram and LinkedIn and Tinder.
This is best. I love it...
I'm a entirely different person on Sup Forums and FB, Twitter and Instagram and LinkedIn and Tinder.
Sometimes I suspect I have multiple personality disorder.
>"no u"
fuck normies
why do you kangacunt bushwackers insist uponst giving unsolicited instruction? its not like i can beat to you to death with a 4pd hammer itt
You seriously let yourself get blown out by that weak shit OP? It's the typical retarded normie, "hurr you know bout that stuff so you must be into that stuff hurr," garbage that must be quickly dealt with with just as much effective derision right back. What you say back is "A variation of "I'm rubber your glue" at your age? Really user? Really??" Then you just laugh derisively and walk away with no fucks given.
You have to nip situations like that in the bud as soon as they appear.
You have to go all out or not at all. When he tried to turn it around on you, tell him to take a walk outside with you so you can discuss it.
Then when you get fired, just shrug and peace out like shit don't matter because the only thing that matters is God, Country, Family.
you need to start lifting faggot
come join us brother
haha yes
send bobs
>caring about simpletons making fun of you
“A fire broke out backstage in a theatre. The clown came out to warn the public; they thought it was a joke and applauded. He repeated it; the acclaim was even greater. I think that's just how the world will come to an end: to general applause from wits who believe it's a joke.”
It cuts so deep how accurate that is.
Almost all my professors have surprisingly been Sup Forums posters so far. Only three terms in.
>hide your beliefs
you conservashit pussies always lose.
>Boss over hears
>Calls everyone around
These stories always sound like highschool kids imagining a office.
No he's for realizes. He just needs your name and address then he'll send you lots of like minded friends.
Is the south turning more liberal? I'm in south carolina and while all the governors and older people above like 35 are pretty conservative, almost 90% or so of young people are very liberal it seems, especially in the bigger cities like charleston and myrtle beach, and it's starting to affect lawmaking there too. also there's a ton of niggers here. I will be able to move in a few years and want to know where the most right leaning region of america is? my guess is the north of the midwest like idaho to wisconsin.
Florida and louisiana are already lost it seems and south carolina is quickly becoming liberal like the good old kkk southern democrat days or something. the youth here are like californians they're all huge normalfags and think they're goth and emo or trendy hipsters and shit, lots of gays, artsy types
And at work you're Brad from Microsoft.
>be a jewish effeminate soyboy
>see a white Chad with a white girl that """i""" deserve put soy sauce in his fried rice
>call Chad a soyboy
>he plays dumb and I explain soy to him
>everyone calls me soy boy
>cry to Sup Forums because being a non-white LARPing as alt-right doesnt actually work itl.
Fixed it for you
Always remember to never make use of Sup Forumsish autistic jargon outside of Sup Forums. Don't be a failure of a human being, be a up-standing member of society. Don't let the 'redpill' be a part of your identity, just have it as a part of your opinions. Your opinions don't make who you are, you make up yourself. The 'redpill' is your utopian dream of how things should be, its not how they are, if you reveal your fascist power level to people over and over again, you'll never be able to change things from how they are to how they should be. Accept the world for what it is to progressively change your surrounding to your utopian dream.
>more preachy crap itt only now memeflaggot
Shame on everyone who replied to this thread
Maybe. Florida for sure with all the retired jews. Some of it though has a lot to do with young people being more liberal and growing out of it. So that may be altering your perception. In that case maybe it's not actually that bad.
Or maybe it is. I dunno. I hope not.
you got a problem with art bro? SCAD fag reporting in.
You failed the test. Your response should have been, "someone who likes to argue". Then a fast getaway.
This is why you don't bother arguing with people in places where you aren't very liked.
If people liked him and disliked thenother guy then the other guy would be getting called soyboy.
Also he will probably get fired soon.
this guy gets it, literally don't know the feeling of being made fun of ever since i got in shape
I've never been good at nipping those situations in the butt.
I used shut people up by punching them but can't risk an assault charge as an Adult
The boss probably did this to make fun of the guy nobody likes.
>Enforce your own no assembly laws, goy!
>knowing the feeling of being made fun of at all
You know what the Gadsden flag symbolizes to me?
Failure, surrender, compromise. Like referring to Jews as European-Style Socialists. Like allowing your leftist wife to dictate your political choices. Like apologizing to your nearsighted boss for referring to your coworker by her skin color.
And I know why you go out of your way to censor yourselves. You depend on the current economic arrangements of the system to support yourself. You honestly believe (due to said censorship) you're alone in this fight; you'll never find anyone to help bear your load, so you keep pushing action on that big political trigger moment that will never happen. Your kind should be forming a network, goods and services pro bono to the ones you trust never goes unrewarded. But you'll keep kicking the can down the proverbial road of complacency and repressed shame, all while waving that idiotic flag.
In short, you're fucking lame. Your flag is yellow like piss; your mascot is the symbol of treachery and self-preservation.
Don't ever tell these magical autists to hold it close to the chest. Fuck you and your movement of perpetual inaction.