What did you say under your breath just now user? Something about Jews?

What did you say under your breath just now user? Something about Jews?

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Gas the bikes. Race war now

das juden ich untermensch

Yes. And every grill at this table is a skank.

Only one makes the attempt to be feminine. Guess which one Sup Forums

lmao I'm open about my views at family dinners.
we just don't talk politics

I needa glass a juice

Man fuck that dude walking by in the background, he knows I'm in over my head over here.

Help me out you faggot.

Second from the left.

>*looks each one in the eye slowly*
>grow erect
>a sinister smile spreads across my face
>pull out grenade and pull the pin, holding the lever
>the sluts gasp in fear
>”Now that I have your attention... all of you... remove your shoes.”
>*duck under the table*

The Jews are a race of people cursed by God, who will always tempt the saved away from the light. They are the agents of Satan given flesh and blood.

>ever missing the opportunity to red pill white women
This is why the white race if fucked.

*flips table*
*grabs the ginger qt and walks out

>Implying I'd gave lunch with this many girls that aren't even family.
You're posting on a fucking online forum, kys.

Ladies, as I just explained the Jewish Question has only one solution.

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I just pointed out that the day before you marry a jap is the last day you'll have a chance to get a bj from her. Didn't mean to offend.

>implying I say it under my breath rather than at the top of my lungs for the world to hear

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>A bunch of plain janes



Disgusting white roasties pale in comparison to chink girls and their superior chink girl feet.

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>Lampshades and soap were obvious lies

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Other than the qt redhead on the left, they are all ugly.


Very good of you to acknowledge what you are America

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They all look like clones. Why do only Japs look unique? Preserved more of their aryan dna?

the trap

I said would you like this cock in you?

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Lol wot cunt the practice of ''saying something under Your breath'' is completely foreign to me must be some poofta yank thing. You heard me loud and clear ya fucking dolt ''GAS THE BIKES RACECAR NOW"

i just came back from a youtube channel of book authors talking to the public. All the political books were written by jews, while the rest were diverse. it's like it's their only job to brainwash the white man.,

>white women

Ew gross

ja ja das es richtig

Reminds me of when I was working on a bio report with a bunch of Chinese girls that kept calling the mold Aspergillus niger we were working on as Aspergillus nigger and I never bothered correcting them for my amusement.

small af user
back to the basement with you.

No, I just had food in my mouth. I SAID....we should GAS THE FUCKING KIKES...including the ones sitting at this table.


The two on the left pretty cute, id redpill them, the rest can stay brainwashed

*stabs you in the dick*
Heh, not if I get to her first, kid.
*grabs her and teleports away*
Pshh... better luck next time...

yes, the jews need to be gassed.


*check the image again user
you didn't think I'd know you'd do that?!
that's why I sent you to get the Manischewitz wine for our (((guests))). It was poisoned and it looks like you had a few sips already in the pic.
Meanwhile, my protective foreskin spared me any damage.

*grabs ginger qt from dying traitor

Pass the bikes. Race far now



I yelled it are you hard of hearing you kike bitches ?

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6 million views! Can you believe that? I can’t believe it...

>Implying women aren't more malleable in their views
One strong man can influence a room full of women

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Say, aren't you feeling tired? Man, I could really eat a large pizza right about now, mozzerella pepperoni, maybe a soda and just take a big long nap.. leave politics to the experts, just enjoy life and take things as they come!

If you ever find yourself at a table with these degenerates...kys.


Did I stutter?

To repeat, "have you ever noticed that the people against civil rights seem to have a last name with the name of -berg, -stein, -man, etc.? They're usually Jewish. The more you look into it, the less surprising it is. It's almost like they oppose Western society at the genetic level."

>"I was just wondering if I should order wine or apple KILL ALL THE JEWS. ALL OF THEM. ESPECIALLY YOU, KIKEESS TO MY IMMEDIATE RIGHT!!!!!"

tfw he uses his buttplug to act like his dicks big, even the plug is small.

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Yeah now suck my fucking dick. All of you. You’ll be graded on your performance.

I said "Jews will be resented because of our leading role."

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i want to fuck a jap

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I said the Jew uses every possible means to undermine the racial foundations of a subjugated people. In his systematic efforts to ruin girls and women he strives to break down the last barriers of discrimination between him and other peoples. The Jews were responsible for bringing negroes into the Rhineland, with the ultimate idea of bastardizing the white race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jew might dominate. For as long as a people remain racially pure and are conscious of the treasure of their blood, they can never be overcome by the Jew. Never in this world can the Jew become master of any people except a bastardized people

>swallowing these blackpills

Flush all white roasties.

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The Jews have an extreme ingroup preference and effectively work to undermine the interests of their host nation wherever they go

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I don't talk under my breath. If it's important enough for me to say it then it's important enough to be heard.

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