How can some people be so smart at what they do and at the same time be so politically retarded? Serious question

How can some people be so smart at what they do and at the same time be so politically retarded? Serious question.

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It’s called being paid a little money on the side to convert your fans to the left

How is he smart?

his bias is race

is this the band with the ((())) lead singer

I mean musically smart

this board is not for people under the age of 18

musicians and actors are as intelligent as sportsball players 99% of the time

Nah they've always been hardline socialist.

Now there's something HR wants to see in a resume.

oh wow. you're a pretty big guy

I hope they keep using it just to troll those retards

This faggot can't even play. He had to call other musicians to figure out the chords for the cover album. He just runs his mouth and strums with his plug and retards act like he was even necessary for Rage. At least Zach had some talent.

He's not, the shit Dave Mustaine and Trent Reznor wrote totally shits all over the catchy shitty RATE songs meant for normies.

Just for starters listen to songs like Megadeth - Hook In Mouth, or Nine Inch Nails - Reptile, Happiness In Slavery, and Ruiner.(all on the same album) shits all over anything those normie brainlets ever wrote.

so does IQ

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Not too sure why they'd use killing in the name of anyway, bullet in your head is far more anti authoritarian

>@tmorello kill yourself you sellout corporate rock capitalist dicksucking faggot

>not normies



>we are an edgy FUCK U band
>listen to us and STOP RIGHT NOW
kek, faggots

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>I GOT NO PATIENCE NOW............

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Someone tweet back "fuck you I won't do what you tell me"

You don't have to be smart. Music is just a language. Idiots can speak a language.
t. musician

not all that popular desu. Megadeth is the more popular of the two but even then they rarely got radioplay and if they did it was never their better songs (the ones that actually might redpill someone on something)

For you

>Fuck you I won't do what you tell me!
I hope their response was only this

>RATM: We stand for the established bought and paid for part-and-parcel corporate political discourse!!
what a bunch of fuckign faggots

Besides if you had HIS resume you'll get a bunch of people looking for you not the other way around.

>being against farage and ukip is retarded
kek i think you should reevaluate your stances


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lel this

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Didn't Dave made a music video about guns=bad?

I guess HR would care about being musically smart.

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Tom Morello was a guitar player for Prince and the new power generation... But he tried to hide it, to look less corporate. Ratm was always a corporate fake band. And anyway, they use killing in the name of because Muslims kill in the name of Allah. It doesn't mean Farange likes the band or their rich commie beliefs

While I wouldn't say that rockstars or whoever that fag may be are particularly smart, it turns out that even the smartest people can easily be politically retarded, and the reason is really simple - it feels good to indulge your beliefs AND nothing is really at stake. Simply because one vote cannot change anything, you can afford to hold whatever retarded belief makes you feel better/is more popular. There's a very convincing book on this matter, but I can't remember the title. It's sometimes mentioned in those book recommendation threads.

That is the only acceptable answer.

Ivory tower commie faggots like him would be amongst the first to get lynched if ghetto niggers and Muslims had their way.

Yah, fck off Nigel! We want a global communist government and for all of Africa to land with an invasion force on your stupid island therefore we're against the system! Stop oppressing us!

We're anti-establishment! Stop trying to leave the massive EU beaurocratic clusterfuck Nige u racis!

>We are against everything u stand for
>We are for billionaire kikes taking away rights from the people

Always remember this was a band who claimed to be anti-establishment while taking paychecks from fucking Sony.

I've met many musicians who are complete idiots otherwise. You talk to them and it's like having a conversation with a boulder, but play with them and it's great

t.musician who is both talented and brilliant

We want global communism but also all of this shit backstage at all of our shows which we make money hand over fist at!!! BIGOT!

Don't forget our Dom P you capitalist pigs


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Everyone has a price, even communists.

There is intellect and emotion. The two unfortunately have a lot to do with each other with people. I could write a book on this. Pay attention to the reaction by liberals versus conservatives and it tells you everything about this.

Literally who?

they were just idiot kids who got rich by being idiot kids, so they grew up being champagne socialists

He was on Maher saying defending punching nazis

There is zero chance Prince let that assclown in his band. Zero.

Fuck you I won't do what you tell me.
Fuck you I won't do what you tell me.
Fuck you I won't do what you tell me.
Fuck you I won't do what you tell me.
Fuck you I won't do what you tell me.
FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

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"Dear Tom,

It is regrettable that we have a difference of opinion on the meaning of your music. Fortunately, the last twenty years have shown us that it is not the intent of the author that matters, but the context drawn from the work.

Thank you for your consistency.


I don't even like you people, but I dislike self-important people even more.