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Other urls found in this thread:,8599,1993074,00.html

the only thing she could kill is whiskey dick


Obv slide thread is obv but those are some nice pillowy milkies.

post their nasty pussies bro, the* nastiest looking color and shape of any race. pale ginger girls are 10/10

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She's not leaving her country though, we are safe for now.

This breeds the white race

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>yellow fever
Sorry buddy but the cocoa fever and jungle fever are the new thing

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oh boy cant wait to have my small dick 5'4'' asian/white son whose only achievement is qualifying as a twink

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I got a hot Vietnamese chick.

I am a degenerate though.


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Don't know, she is the wife of some 50yr old manga artist. Lucky guy.

White-Asian children are twice as likely as Asians to have mental illness.

A massively well-funded study of over 100,000 schoolchildren found that “Adolescents who identify themselves as mixed race are at higher health and behavior risk than those of 1 race.” Indeed, even when controlling for education, socioeconomic status, and other factors, there is an across-the board higher rate of health risks amongst mixed race adolescents than mono-racial adolescents.

IQ of offspring shifts towards the average for the race.

“Adolescents who identify themselves as mixed race are at higher health and behavior risk than those of 1 race.” Indeed, even when controlling for education, socioeconomic status, and other factors, there is an across-the board higher rate of health risks amongst mixed race adolescents than mono-racial adolescents.,8599,1993074,00.html

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too old

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hoo-lee fuk, the teachers are the hottest ones there

also lets play find a hot nip

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I-I thought I was the only one...

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Which one is Latinas? Because hooooo boy

M i l k

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N-no, it doesn't.

Oh-ho-ho my fucking gaw-

Asian pussy looks and tastes amazing.

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Probably a lie...r-right?

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Porn dump thread

>brown roast beef pussy
>brown nips

Asians are innies. Stop watching porn.

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I want this to kill my race.

asians all look like they smell like fish


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If you’re gonna race mix at least do it with a nigger

>pic related

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Women just look to good for mortal men

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She doesn't do porn.

then what the fuck is her purpose?



Please no china ;_;
Please let us live

it does. like soya sauce.

What the FUCK user

reminder that the vast majority of american white women are grossly overweight and have gone full feminist to cope

much more than 50%? source?

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I can't remember what is was like to not have principles. You think your smut can do anything?

you're fine
they taste like chinese food

would betray my race for honestly. shame about the gook face though

nice digits. very true. Soy sauce is what they taste like. so good.

This saves the white race

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Jesus what the fuck is with Sup Forums and chinks? Is it because they all act like 12 years olds? Does the perpetual expression of confusion turn you on? Is it because you’re less self-conscious about your dick size? Have any of you actually had sex with these creatures? The noises they make are hideous, and they are sexually fucking incompetent. Wouldn’t know how to service a dick if they bing bonged their way into a master’s degree in dick servicing. Worst fucking sex of my life.

Seriously. Shit cultures, shit accents, flat faces like they all have mild Down’s syndrome, bad in bed, bad at being a human being. Why? Of all the random shit to glorify, why have you latched on to these subhumans?

Plus they’re the biggest fucking sluts on the planet. Panties drop as soon as they see white skin.

>Panties drop as soon as they see white skin

well yeah i mean thats kinda the point dude

Found the jew

Sex bots are just as degenerate as furry porn, but unlike furry porn, it’s an active, expense. In fact, I’d say sex bots are worse for society as a whole because they rob men of incentive to find real women and it robs women of the men that could’ve made them truly happy.

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Pussy and nipples taste like neck, arm, and everywhere else. It is just flesh, the secretion from the pussy is basically flavorless.

I am giving you virgins a heads up because I was disappointed. Also, sex for sex is amazingly dull and less pleasurable than a good fap. If the woman is good at sex, flexible for some crazy positions or is a champ at sucking dick, then just flat out fucking is great. If you both love each other, that is when sex becomes truly amazing.

You aren't missing much if you are a virgin. It doesn't change anything except it ruins your chance to harness terrible wizard powers.

Just a heads up.

They’re fleshlights with feelings. As a race, they’re the ugly girl at the bar you go home with when you strike out with everybody else and find you’re running out of time.

Have some self-respect, guys.

>Get called out for your sick race fetish
>“W-w-what do I do!?”
>Call them a Jew.


>gook with big tits and a retarded looking face
yeah na
you could have at least picked a cute kike or latina

Am I the only white guy that does not find Asian girls very attractive?

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No. I can't stand them. White is literally the only race that I can jack off to.

Nope, I do too, they lack all of the features I find attractive, unless they get extensive plastic surgery.

I hate em too. I find whites, spics (of all mixtures) and some mixed polynesians attractive. Asians and blacks are at the bottom.

Mostly agree with you. Gotta admit, though, some of the best-looking women I’ve seen are Afro-Latina.

Because all Latinas are inherently part-white. And sometimes that mix of white, black, and native blood comes together juuuuust right.

Synergies my guy.

Really? I always thought it was a pretty strong flavor. A little acidic desu. Unless I’ve just been getting girls with rotten snatches haha

When she was growing up, did they use her face as a doorstop?

Like a fucking pancake, user.

On a business trip I had an Asian chick hitting on me hard at the hotel bar. Going so far as to finally ask for my room number. I blew her off. Had zero interest. True story.

pic related

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It’s definitely supposed to have a taste. A lot of girls I’ve known shower just beforehand, and it’ll be tasteless if they do. Every girl’s flavor is a little different. If they shower every day and their diet isn’t shit, it’s usually not a bad taste at all.

Yeah every woman except this one

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Hispanic girls are top tier but what you really want is a nigger like >pic related

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The goal is the replacement of women. As they have shown to be worthless as partners, there is zero benefits to marriage. Sexbots can change this by reducing broken homes (a robot won't divorce you and take your kids)

It gets kind of tangy when they get close to getting on the rag. It also get a little acidic in flavor if they piss themselves a little, which some do, but ultimately it is mainly a sensation and not a taste.

Either way, it isn't strong enough to brag about.

that kills all races desu

What do breasts feel like, Sup Forums? Are they as soft as they look?

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>mfw that pale skin
>that little red landing strip

lel, at least she's better looking that the gooks itt

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>asians are not white

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salty sand

>this is not white
when will this meme end?

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Depends on the tit, user.

They are all soft (if they have tits) but the giant ones are pretty varied. Some are firmer, the torpedo tits and incredibly soft.

>white power autists dump cute white girls and regular autists dump cute asian girls
i love these threads

Yeah, especially among Jews. Jewish women fell for their own propaganda. Even if they manage to create greater Israel, it will be populated by nigger and Muzzie bastards. They will have genocided themselves with race mixing, and their subversion will end.

>asians are white
when will this meme end

Don't care, the only reason I don't have a dog girl wife is they don't exist to awoo the years away with.

Neck and neck, fellas, yet the correct choice is obvious: fusing two beautiful racial spirits into one through love with your qt yellow gf

Some are really cute, especially if they actually have curves, but they lack something that I can't explain, soulless isn't the right word, I'd just never be able to make that deeper connection.

Mutually exclusive

this brings it just to the next level

You won’t have any kids for the swxbot to take. This is an unrealistic and cowardly rationale though. A robot can’t take the place of a person. It’s wrong to replace cashiers with self check out machines. It’s wrong to invent driverless delivery trucks. It’s wrong to mechanize low skill jobs out of existence. It’s wrong to deprive men and women of each other’s love by victimizing men with artificial sex. But if you’re a person who thinks all relationships end badly and that divorce and child support checks are inevitable, maybe you aren’t cut out for human interaction, let alone marriage

>being white is a setting on a camera

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bags of pennies

most look better than the average white