What are my comrades doing tonight?
What are my comrades doing tonight?
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Gulag work after my 5 minute dinner break
The CIA is literally full of commies, they are /yourguys/, faggot lefty jew-loving neocon shill.
CIA = leftist fifth column.
check my numerals
Cleaning my commie killer, you?
nein check these numeral
I seized a means of production from my failing capitalist wageslave job.
>communism doesn't work because people like owning stuff.
even frank zappa knows you guys are fucking retarded.
Literally everything the dude in the red hat says is true
Celebrating St Patricks with home brew.
That's not what it was really like.
You're right, there was no dinner.
Yeah, they didnt have dinner.
Actually the Soviet Union always had bread and organic vegetables. Unlike America where everything is processed and corn or soy based, and people overeat calorie dense and nutritionally devoid food like potato chips and mcdonalds.
Why do commies project their sick fantasies on people who disagree with them?
Get bent you starving fuckhead! The only reason you lot one is because we had a ZOG machine fighting us on the Western Front and couldn't possibly leave our allies in the East to fight you all by themselves.
There was no such thing as organic vegetables then. The Jews hadn't gotten that far.
Nope, dad was a farmer in soviet union and they sprayed the crops with all kinds of experimental shit.
Because they are of the ghey and have teh aids
Having a single loaf of bread for every 100 people isnt "having bread", faggot.
>Actually the Soviet Union always had bread and organic vegetables.
I imagine you looking like this
Putin bots have been spawning like rabbits the past few days, wonder what's up..
kikes hate communism, they don't want to share what they have stolen
>t. kike
Cleaning my guns and dreaming of the day the last commie is strangled with the guts of the last Muslim.
You are a sick man! Great movie reference. But you still get the rope.
t. retarded subhuman
Is the UK, dare I say, /yourcountry/?
>calls me a goy
wow, no surprise there
Beloved leader.
I always believed in him.
>hurr durr
fuck off stupid jew
>leftist SJW buttmad that the truth is co ing out
Stay salty, banking-loving lefty.
The Jew cries out in pain as he stabs you.
Russian presidential elections, they recruit more of 50kopek warriors when they are going on
Why? Since when is Putin not going to win?
go back into the oven jewboy
Russians love circus
Why don't you take off your EUSSR flag, JIDF? It's obvious that your English is rough around the edges. There's no need to hide.
these are the types of people olivia walch's content tries to reach
crushing the capitalist machine on twitter and instagram using my iPhone, comrade
4x checked. I can appreciate that. I've hung out in poor countries with nothing better to do before.
>Takes everything from everyone
>Gov keeps everything for itself
Communism is indistinguishable from cancer.
i'm surprised a low iq turd like yourself can even use a computer
now go kill yourself you piece of shilling shit
North Korea is not real communism tho. It's a fascist monarchy.
I'm surprised a high-IQ sophisticate like yourself can't even muster typical peasant wit.
The Socialist union of Europe, how was Merkels nightly sponge bath faggot?
you're still barking, now i'm curious, when did shit become sentient?
Being huge disappoints and embarrassments to their fathers like most western commie scum. Kek.
if it was fascist it wouldnt be nearly as shit. its communist.
so many bourgeois soy boys in this thread.
Prior to the invention of modern plumbing, such as in the 3rd world, which I understand the EU to be importing rapidly.
Umm no.
Was it your sister or your wife that cucked you with Muhammad?
The last time I heard "Socialism is where the government does stuff" was from a socialist. There are honest to God, people who believe America is full-blown socialist because we have roads and taxes.
>Actually the Soviet Union always had bread and organic vegetables.
>the Soviet Union had bread
The bants show no end.
why do you care? are you running out of cum to eat from netanyahu and you're looking for more?
how did you get that flag???
It is provided by the state ration.
maybe take the nigger dick out of your mouth first, it's impolite to talk with your mouth full
Have to buy Sup Forums gold friend.
Perhaps you should consult the socialized medical system. You could probably get a free transition, maybe some boot polish, if you are so fixated with needing black dicks.
Fuck that kike, he's going to prison.
Mama Merkel just made your sour kraut silicon dick a minority, enjoy your Sharia.
North Korea is a great example. Just look at how happy and excited this family is to meet their dear leader.
>sister cucked you
and i thought that it was only your daddy that was fucking you in the ass, you inbred mongrel
wow, you're talking again, so bubba finished quickly with you tonight
who are you gonna suck next? i bet everybody is welcome to the party in your mouth
Are you that same literally shrimpdick circumcised chink from the other thread?
>inbred mongrel
I've seen better come backs in the Paralympics
I've never sucked a cock, but I've lately been fantasizing about if I could hook up with the word salad fag and suck his cock.
I leik him.
I guess that's why they've toppled so many communist governments
Friendly reminder that most of you idiots are Nazis who don't know it yet.
Who's going to make a nazi version of this?
drinking semen
Yes, I'm sure the race responsible for creating communism hates it.
>Soviet union had food
Nice try Schlomo.
His dinner break is an empty plate.
wow, you're comeback is stellar on the other hand, hahahaha
now go back to your special olympics, you sister fucking trailer shit, they miss a star like you there
Is it propaganda if it's factually correct ?
>the subverted commie CIA of 2018 is still staffed by the exact same people of the CIA from the 1960s!
lol the state of the left. GO suck the mutilated tranny dick of your CIA comrades, leftypoz.
except that they got purged from power in the 60s and they formed the core of the anticommunist opposition
of course, smartasses like you only know memes from Sup Forums, instead of actual facts