/UBI/ Basic income

Why allow poverty?

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When a certain standard of living is guaranteed, accomplishment is deincentivized.

When no certain standard of living is guaranteed, accomplishment is desincentivized.

there are only so many natural resources, not everyone in an ever expanding population can expect to get these scarce resources for nothing

When that's the case, even basic survival necessitates a job, lest one rely on LITERAL handouts.

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True, but are we talking lithium or food and basic shelter?

The fact remains that no one has entitlement just for being alive. Someone of no value to society is worth precisely... nothing.

Where does the Money come from?

more houses than homeless in the us

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>rewarding people with paychecks for merely existing

Surely browns won't have more useless thug nigger babies just to keep collecting that sweet government money that comes from Bernie Sander's asshole.

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Why prevent sorrow?


>it's another 'I'm literally too stupid to invest and grow my money faster so that I do not have to spend my entire life working for other people' episode
I just don't get it. It isn't a hard thing to do. You just have to be not retarded, or if you are, then at least let someone else manage your money for you instead of spending it on Super Mario Party.

Based on your value system.

Why should someone have as much of millions of people?

Top earners, like the top 20%..

this. don't play their games
answering op in good faith is like discussing wether there should be 52 genders or 3

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Niggers and brainlets do that until you make it impossible by law..

That's what you already do, with an ubi the difference is that money could be well spent, could

And for everyone.

Ok just give me a visa.

What if they don't want to have their money "redistributed"? Do you throw them in a gulag?

All communists deserve the rope

Some want some don't.. the 'egoist' ones are probably less.

But It's that or live in south america, getting killed for a sneakers..

>give me give me give me
You sound like a child. I don't have to give you anything, and perhaps it's better that I don't. You might learn self-sufficiency.

>it's basic income except it's not

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What's stopping the ones who want to do it from doing it now?
How are going to make the ones who don't want to do it comply?

>i wont help other people because some of those people dont look like me
T. Sociopath

>We demand that the state be charged first with providing the opportunity for a livelihood and way of life for the citizens.
Try to guess the source of this quote.

The system it's what stops them.

Nowadays taxes don't end on the hands of the needed, but on bureoucrats.

The ones who don't want will obey the law no? Law nature is to coerce..

check this youtube.com/watch?v=UDF8o9e1QVc

nigger I don't care what color their skin is, drains on society should be ground up into glue

lenin D:

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>trasgu clásico who works less than a greek, yet demands paychecks for merely existing, yet also can't explain where that infinite money would come from to begin with

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you work less than a grek.

Money would come from taxing top earners..

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>100 millions not in labor force in the US right now
>x10,000 ($800 a month for a year)
>=1 trillion
>welfare paid by the US government in 2011=1 trillion
I see, so you would rather have a system where only niggers get gibbs.

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Being on the clock =! working

As a spic you know this well, I'm very sure

Universal income would come from your taxes, the niggers get less money now than they would with universal income

Grow up and get a job son.
What are you going to protest your whole life?

America is only below Greece because of a certain type of person

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Have you the inability to read green text? You're already paying what universal basic income would cost in your country in welfare, only it is all going to the hands of a few minorities instead of being divided equally. At least here that's how it works, you a minority you gets free house and a 2nd hand bmw, you are whitey go cry to your parents, not to mention the countless associations helping moors junkies and other scum get as many gibs as they possibly can through every loophole in the book.

someone post GIBS MEDAT degree meme
snekonomics is the only way
OP deserves free helicopter ride ticket in his gibs package

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So let's just seize assets on someone's books and trash their livelihood by letting a street person just have it?

Volunteer your own house first.

>the system stops them

If they wanted to give some of their money to everyone they could just give some of their money to everyone - nothing is stopping them, it wouldn't be hard to set up.

No need to force the people who don't want to do it - btw you still haven't explain what happens to them if they don't let you take their money (my guess is 20 years in a Siberian labour camp).

I believe it is reverse.

Why allow prosperity?

>We demand a land reform suitable to our needs, provision of a law for the free expropriation of land for the purposes of public utility, abolition of taxes on land and prevention of all speculation in land.
>We demand the creation of a healthy middle class and its conservation, immediate communalization of the great warehouses and their being leased at low cost to small firms, the utmost consideration of all small firms in contracts with the State, county or municipality.
Again, guess the quote. Here's a tip.

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What are taxes.. what is income tax.. what is making the wealthy pay more so inequality is assumible.

What happens if you don't pay taxes?
Prosperity will be allowed.

I don't think.. hopefully it will happen not too late.

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