I had no idea
WTF, are we at war with Russia, bros?
I don't know.
But hey, look on the bright side:
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
If we are at war, this loser can enlist and go fight them.
could these faggots been anymore transparent that the plan was to always push us into a new world war?
It’s k guis I has duel needlers we r going to pwn
No chance in hell russia can invade the jewSA, we have armed citizens you know ;D
Good goy, go and fight the evil Russians
Your Jew is showing
Where've you been the last couple of years? The war is in full swing already.
Lmao dorkin. Your bullshit isn't going to happen, tell your handlers their UK job was a joke too.
>Senior officials
>People inside the Whitehouse
>According to sources
>People familiar with the president's thinking
>Insiders say
>The old cunt looking in a crystal ball says
>The magic 8 ball says
This shit is getting crazy. Oh man I wonder who is going to pop first
A bunch of liberal's are going to start WW3 then dodge the draft
>trying to hack the energy grid when it could be taken down by about 15 dudes and a handful of ar15s.
Amateur hour over here. It's like they don't even know how vulnerable the US energy grid even is.
>citation needed
>Hey goyim, Russia is your enemy!
implying people who willingly live like canned sardines have any critical thought processing powers
The only country we have evidence of meddling in our elections has been Britain with Christopher Steele's fake dossier that was paid for by Obama and Hillary.
>Russia rigged election
Total bullshit
>Russia hacked energy grid
Total bullshit
>Russia gas in UK
Total bullshit
>Russia in Ukraine and Crimea
Total bullshit
Why are they doing this you might ask? World wars are white people vs white people.
The NWO is gearing us to ally with china/Pakistan over Russia/India
Why in God's name do liberals and neocons want a war with Russia so much?
To cover up their crimes.
>tfw Chinaman with Russian proxy
>try to negatively effect US economy for glorious China
>USA starts a war with Russia
I'm pretty sure its that easy to manipulate us at this point. Our "intelligence" agencies are not intelligent and our congress has several senile old farts and absolutely retarded niggers in it.
Democrats(which the retarded nigger senators belong to) are so obsessed with blaming Russia for everything it really would be easy for a country like China or Israel to manipulate us into more conflict.
>smart city voters
>not knowing that cities are the first target for nukes
you mean this? has there been anything new here?
>Russia isn't in crimea
user...c'mon. Even Russians know they are in Crimea. Do you understand what annexation is?
Russia's cool, it's those goddamned Chinese killing our country from the inside we should be wary of.
get back in the dumpster. dirty kremlin commie pig
btw shills this is for you
Yes, I'm sure the US isn't perma trying to fuck Russia constantly too.. zOMG WE'RE AT WAR NOW GUISE!! FUCKING RUSSIA ZOMG
Are you aware of the referendum in which crimeans voted 90%+ to join Russia?
Are you aware that there were almost 0 protests after the results came in?
Are you aware that the nwo is not recognizing the referendum?
Kill yourself kike.
And Ukraine and illegals. All three influenced the election in ways Russia could only dream about.
So you admit Russians are in fact in Crimea, cool.
Glad we cleared that up, champ.
The funny thing is I don't necessarily disagree with what you say, however I can tell you are either A. stupider than me or B. willingly lying to shill your view. And honestly, in either case I don't respect you.
>America couldn't singlehandedly-destroy The Russia in a week?
TOP FUCKING KEK SLAV SHIT!!! Oh believe you me, us Americans are ITCHING for a war with Russia. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty country. There wouldn't be a square inch of Russian soil that has running water, electricity, or gas that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, our army boys (we'd send the Niggers, Mutts , Asians and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY Slav shit they see. When Americans are done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it...
>(((WE))) are at war
We are the original goyim - the word Goy means "life" in Proto-Slavic.
you're fucking retarded nobody wants a war but Israel
Fake news
>OP isn’t just
>dont like facts
>disrespect those who state them
kikes man
get fucked shilly wickens
When I said
>Russia in Ukraine and Crimea
I was merely saying that the implication that it is problematic that Russia is in Crimea and Ukraine is a big lie
>Trusting zoo people with suffrage
I want a war, but just between UK and Russia.
Let this shitty forced meme die already, you faggot shills. The election was over years ago. Hitlery is practically dead at this point.
YOU ARE FAKE NEWS. Real red blooded patriots want to spank Russians and teach them a lesson
Y3r jus Russian shit poster behind meme flag, Boris.
naa its just russian election time
If you're implying that we should sanction them allow me to refer you to the beating of the dead horse gif
We'd fuck them up in Northern Ireland ($100 + TT guns = they're independent), Scottland will fall off by itself. Then England is irrelevant for 100 years to come.
Their navy won't pay off once it starts to drown. It's expensive you know.
You cannot both possess cake, and eat it.
Not unless you are aware of the ultimate result of eating your cake is no longer possessing it.
Is their blood red because it flows with Communist Thought?
I'm highly perplexed now....
and you're just wrong. no true scotsman fallacy taking over there, grandpa
>america wouldn't betray an ally
user.. go back to your syrup and mandarin lessons
you're probably a kremlin bot
And you're probably retarded.
I am. Shilling for Putin is gods will.
He sounds like he's been waiting for this opportunity to enlist.
show flag pls
>left now unironically shills for McCarthyism
>left now unironically embraces a Cold War narrative
>left wants an outright war with a nuclear power
Everyone got replaced by pod people, right?
You guys need to learn our history. The Cold War never ended.
Alarmist shill
>city people
World wars, white people against white people.
You must be an Israel bot then?
I put American interest first. Race or religion is irrelevant to me.
>The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
>City people all voted for Hillary.
City people are all jews = insane , niggers -
85 IQ and spics - 85 IQ . Literal idiots and nutballs . haaretz.com
They sure do want a war with Russia. When Florida gets nuked it’s going to be funny how they blame trump for creating the tensions.
It doesn't have to be, if Russia attacked London it would make the UK more white.
The Cold War is only raging when it's convenient for lefty faggots.
Wtf I love war now.
Nigger are you dumb or just dense as fuck?
Asking for a friend.
>Russians know they are in Crimea
Why not? Crimea old russian land, biach
Ukraine? it's not even the state technically speaking
I don't know what to say other than the fact that race and religion are not irrelevant
Look at every country on Earth
stop pretending to be a nigger Wang.
Yeah and not really. I talked with a couple of 1st Special Forces Group dudes about this one time at a range, they said it was a feasible way to cripple the nation without actually killing anyone because you could theoretically strike and disperse before anyone could reach your location and assess the damages or arrest you.
The only reason these guys really fucked up is because they only attacked one small area at at time instead of multiple locations at once.
A dedicated force could destroy the grid faster than it could possibly be repaired.
>City people all voted for Hillary
Fortunately they will be the ones who get nuked
I hope so. And I hope Russia wins
You seem to be a class-A troll...
But where's the substance?
Totally not our government doing that totally
A fag is anti - Trump . Im shocked I say , shocked . But not as shocked as you when Pence gets his hands on you .
Russia has some qt soldiers too, imagine watching some liveleaks of soyboys getting blown to pieces by tank girls.
I was under the impression that "attempted hacking" is just an everyday occurrence for any given first-world country against any other given first-world country.
Get a better English teacher, they taught your to sound like a fucking boomer.
>Do you understand what annexation is?
Yes. Are you? And it seems that - no.
Ok hypothetically they get into our energy grid, then what? What is the next big step in russias evil plan? Turn off our internet?
nice jokes bro, get me some more of those while you're at it...
since you work for me now
go on, reply. I dare you :)
Why do you think a fucking war is in America's best interest right now? Elaborate, please.
russia took crimea to maintain its navy base. if zog didnt fuck around in ukraine, it would still be ukrainese clay.
Are you aware that Russia has MORE nuclear weapons and it is better to fly?
Why do you want to destroy life on Earth?
No Russia - no world. By killing, we will destroy everything.
>Russia isn't in crimea
Crimea is in Russia, friend :^)
Polish last name, doesn't sound Jewish
Obama said Russia isn't our enemy though, remember?
If this fag wants to fight the Russians he can join up and go die.