Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 122K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Literally Qatari propaganda

Attached: illust_62935904_20180311_082023.jpg (628x1024, 148K)

Is that guy a pedo? What's with the mustache?

Fuck those comments are cringe

>2 fucking threads linking to the same shitty video with only a couple of thousand views
yeah you're definitely not shilling your channel here.

Racist is Yiddish for white


Fuck you faggot nigger jew sage in all fields


Welp, i put my opinion out there. And before you ask, yes i fucking liked my own comment because i know no one else will

Oops forgot to attack the file

Attached: Screenshot_20180317-003016.png (1440x2560, 1005K)



Im sorry, /b made me loose half my brain cells and gave me 7 types of autism today

fuck off, newsbroke, I'm not clicking on your shit video.

What a fag.

Who the fuck is this

No one wants to click on your nigger tier video. Not the other post you made either saying almost the sam fucking thing.

As cringy as you are? Doubtful.

Whatever dude. That is not how shilling works. YOU are shilling this video. Two posts at the same time. That is shilling. Nigger


Color me surprised.

Viral Marketing (linkspam)

Attached: GsFt6[1].png (737x548, 210K)

Your the one SHILLING against people down voting and commenting back

ALSO I have 1 post Nigger

>(((Matt Lieb)))

Everyone wants a part of the Alt Right. Revolution is coming

The comments are going from cringe to hilarious SMASH THAT DISLIKE

yes he is.

What a humourless dickhead, they really do just have to be outraged and offended at everything so they can virtue signal.

Sup Forums should word filter youtube to hooktube.

This guy sounds like a bratty 14 year old girl

Even if I were a libshit, I would hate this

>(((matt lieb)))


Smarmy cunt with quips and nothing insightful to say. He is a human reddit comment.


Attached: trump sage op fagot.jpg (534x401, 38K)

Stop spamming this shit video of a pedo-bean..

ah the anti-israel jew, hes big time look at those likes

Attached: 2018-03-17 17_16_31-jew from_lieb123456789 - Twitter Search.png (582x911, 93K)


Attached: 2018-03-17 17_19_13-jew from_lieb123456789 - Twitter Search.png (589x590, 68K)