Legal Loli Future

>Kallmann syndrome is a rare genetic condition that is characterised by a failure to start or a failure to complete puberty.

Currently a parent (or the state) can choose to allow a child to go on hormone blockers to temporally delay the onset of puberty (for sexual reassignment reasons). Once cosmetic gene modification becomes widespread is it not reasonable to assume the parents could choose for their child to NEVER undergo puberty?

I can only see this being a boon to Western civilization.

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Nah, youre still fucked on the day of rope.

There are a lot of issues to surmount before that happens

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You need to be put down like a sick animal.

Get a Chinese girl, so tiny her pussy, like a baby!

We don't even have cats that stay kittens yet. Keep dreamin, pedo

I work with a girl, woman I guess, that looks 10 maybe 12 years old. She's 26. Her bf creeps me out. I feel like he's a pedo with a loop hole

What? Why?

>no forever puppies/kittens
Yeah, because all that time and money spent on HUMAN genetic research isn't going towards novelity pets.

Also, what does the endorsement of a physical physique that's more resource thrifty have to do with pedophilia?

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I knew a guy with a girl like that and someone found lolicon on his computer. He definitely found a loophole.

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuut there's literally nothing morally wrong with it. She's an adult. That's the line.

There was a case with some porn star some years back, where she looked like a kid. There was legal action to prevent her from being in porn, but it failed because you obviously can't stop a legal adult from doing shit that other legal adults can based on looks alone. Kitty something.

Not creepy at all

No, with kallman syndrome, you need hormone injections. As someone with hypogonadism, this affects me greatly. I've taken testosterone for about a decade now and my body has developed. If you're not treated properly, you could die young.


Kitty Jung?

Gas yourself you pedo fuck

Thats a 27yrs old male.

I've watched a 12 year old girl from China getting fucked and I can't image it would have the same satisfying effect with these Kallmann women. They have old hag's face.

whos the pornstar, user? asking for a friend

I think your gay brah

Aren't you both suffering from the same prejudice that discriminates against dating dwarfs? Form shouldn't matter as long as they are X amount of revolutions around the sun.

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Legal as a nice cold beer on your 21st birthday. Suck it haters.

Loli gf for everyone!

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You need to repent

Let's be real. Only horndogs would desire a woman with genetic disorder. Normal people like ourselves would rather have sex with real little girls.

>I've watched a 12 year old girl from China getting fucked

Jesus dude. You might want to reconsider some of your life decisions.

What an ugly face.

he's Vietnamese, its their culture you bigot.


I mistyped imagine :^)

OMG I just started watching this show on Netflix. Please post more I beg of you sir you are a gentleman and a scholar.


Holy shit that’s terrible.

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One would think a communist would endorse the egalitarianism of every adult looking the same age

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Thanks, here you go.

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Yeah where do I find more of this? I'm sure I don't have to go far.

There's always vampires.

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Definitely one of the gayest movies ever (Interview w/ Vampire). Almost forgot about the eternal Loli.

Feel sorry for you dumbfags that can't google search in Japanese.

The shit I've seen done to this girl.......

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ccreayus on twitter

A little girl on hormone blockers will look like a normal height (but with delayed growth spurt) androgynous female/male in her teens.

A little girl on estrogen will look like a permanently short female with defined breasts in her teens.

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Sounds right.

I posted a pic but got a 15 minute banhammer for it.

Also there are two Kitty Yungs. You will know which one we mean when you see the pics :)

So you're saying x = 12?

Option Two looks promising, but how do we block the development of prominent secondary sexual characteristics? Without excess breast mass a female doesn't have to buy bras, worry much about cancer there or back pains, and shirts/tops will fit better

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dolly sunshine? Is that what you guys want to know? redhead spinner.

Instead of altering the sex hormones, you can use growth hormone receptor antagonists.
Only a doctor can prescribe it and you have to take (expensive?) injections every day.
She will have normal breasts and mature normally.