>German Chancellor Angela Merkel has rebuffed comments by her interior minister who said that Islam did not belong to Germany.
>Speaking at a joint news conference with visiting Swedish Premier Stefan Lofven on Friday, Merkel said Islam was part of the country's culture and history like Christianity and also Judaism, Xinhua news agency reported.
>"Four million Muslims live in Germany, and they are practicing their religion here. They belong to Germany, and also their religion of Islam belongs to Germany," she said.
>Merkel's words came after Horst Seehofer, the new interior minister of Germany, told German daily Das Bild on Friday that Islam does not belong to Germany, stressing the country's traditions and cultures.
>Germany on Wednesday finally established a new government with a coalition between the Social Democrats and the Merkel-led Conservatives Union, which was comprised of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its Bavarian sister party Christian Social Union (CSU) that Seehofer comes from.
>The CSU is more conservative than CDU.
>The increase of the number of Muslims in Germany triggered Islamophobia and the rise of anti-migration populist party Alternative fuer Deutschland (AfD).
Merkel Says Islam Belongs To Germany, Rebuffs Minister's Remarks
Germany belongs to the Islamic caliphate, not the other way. Stupid whore.
>crazy cat ladies running the country
how about never
This isn't even the worst of it.
Thanks to Merkel's stupid refugee policy, the homeless population of Germany is now almost 1 million people, over 1% of the total population. A lot of this is due to overinflated housing prices and the authorities refusing to subsidize the rents because of this, basically meaning that if you lose your job and have to apply for housing assistance you're guaranteed to become homeless.
Now Merkel's new gay health minister said that this program was the best of its kind in the world and that "everyone has what they need to live in Germany" and that it saves people from poverty... by making them homeless. There was an online petition to make him live for a month on public assistance. They should put his ass in an overcrowded homeless shelter or make him live on the street for a month too.
Germany is literally fucked. I'd rather be homeless in the USA where at least I can have a gun to defend myself while living on the pavement of a fucking urban jungle.
Sounds like her Communist East German pedigree is showing.
Only in the sense that Merkel was a Stasi agent and ratted out her neighbors for extra food rations. Even Communist East Germany was better than the shitty system we have today. Germany is basically the worst scum of the Stasi rising to the top of the heap and inflicting misery on everybody.
Well at least those extra food rations went to good use, as we can see.
Sorry man, sounds harsh. Move to the states. Bring redpilled, non-cucked Krauts along with you. Seems like your country is about to become Pakistan 2.0.
>gay health minister
I'm originally from the States. I moved here in 2008 to take care of my grandmother when the shitty German government refused to raise her nursing level. So I had to do it. Meanwhile they refused to pay me too so I took a part-time job so that I could at least look after her in the evenings. Then she died at 101 and I stayed here. I'm working full time of course but I'm considering moving back. It's not homesickness or anything, Germany is severely fucked and my mom refuses to move back from America.
Welcher Staat, Brudi?
Und ja, es gibt Probleme...
I see that 1 year of Trump ended up with the lowest unemployment rate in 17 years. Pretty amazing. I don't expect Germany to survive the next trade war with the USA. Both the society and the political system have been left severely destabilized by Merkel's mistakes.
Lol here we go with typical Jew tactics. The guy pretends Islam does not have a place in Germany is the controlled opposition to pretend they are against Merkel with CSU. Then Merkel mentions that Islam belongs to Germany. This is all to distract from the fact AFD is not going to Cuck with Merkel or CSU.
Bin in NY geboren aber in Kalifornien aufgewachsen.
Are there many refugees where you live?
Isbthe internet censorship real?
Naja, soll ja auch schön sein dort.
Mir gefiel persönlich ja Tennessee.
Ansonsten schonmal daran gedacht einfach aufs Land zu ziehen?
Verstehen kann ich ja den Drang, sich von hier abzusetzen.
There are basically refugees all over as the regulation states they have to be redistributed across any state according to GDP per capita of the wojwodina and population density.
Internet censorship, well you can get fined for hate speech.
To be more precise: § 130 german penal code incitement to hatred.
Comments and boards of bigger internet companies have to "self regulate" which basically had them hire staff and they're playing whack-a-mole in public groups, because of the Netz-Durchsetzungsgesetz.
But no 24/7 knock-knock monitoring like in Great Britain.
why is it so difficult for liberals to understand that liberal idealism doesn't seduce muslim idealism.
>he doesn't understand how to fix jew mental poison
But thats the belgian flag in the background
>GDP per capita of the wojwodina
Are you Sorbian?
Same thing in the current year.
Well at least your kids will be Muslims. So you got that to look forward to.
So why doesn't the CSU tell Merkel that she doesn't belong in Germany and throw her government out?
Fucking Cuckolds.
>Falling for ZOG's false good/bad cop dichotomy
Yes good soyim
Also Trump is a kike shill which is why he won't pull out the occupation forces and sign a peace treaty
Shinto belongs to Croatia!
see i can just make shit up too
Drehhofer BTFO again, I told you in yesterdays threads he is Merkels dog and will shut his cuck mouth now
Fuck apparently we need to start building a wall. And Germany is going to pay for it with gibs.
I feels bad for you guys there. It's revenge for WW2 and the holocaust you know.