What is the meaning of the Black Sun? Is it a symbolic representation of the Aryan Soul?
I just drew pic related and I can feel an pure essence flowing within me
What is the meaning of the Black Sun? Is it a symbolic representation of the Aryan Soul?
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It means Bodhi Mantra is a faggot and this is a slide thread from a PHONEPOSTING KIKE
stop relying to bot spam
It has no real meaning, its popular because Himmler adopted it and neo-nazis now shill for it.
Neo-Pagans have now co-opted it to drop the nazi image and try to revitalize their tree worshiping religions.
You'll probably like the black sun if you are:
A. Neo-Nazi or Himmlerboo
B. Currently wearing a Fedora with an internet tab open displaying anime/hentai or child pornography.
>inb4 people call me a shill for telling the truth again.
Its speculation that Himmler adopted it because he felt it had some historic relevance however as far as a meaning, it means literally nothing.
Wew, pretty spot on summary desu
it's an anus.
You retards are drawing anuses and claiming it's deep.
Why do you see anuses in everything user? Do you have something to tell us?
That legitimately looks like an anus don't try to Rorschach test me bitch.
it very well could be deep if its an anus, user
It's just aesthetic. Doesn't mean anything more than that
Black hole sun.
There are twelve bent-once rays coming out of a once-circled black spherical center.
If that's not clear enough to you then you are too retarded for our movement and you are not wanted.
Aryans are thought of as a "Solar" race because their natural orientation to the divine is masculine, active, and participatory. As opposed to the Jewish "lunar" spirituality that is submissive, feminine, and contemplative.
The black sun represents the sun behind the sun, it is the invisible light of the Aryan spirit.
The sun became popular in the modern age as a symbol of whites reawakening their racial consciousness or becoming red pilled if you will. Hence the term "the black sun rises."
nice post user
look up some black hole theory A lot of it was plagiarized from black sun writings youtube.com
Its some floor design in a castle somewhere. Probably the second laziest spoked wheel design ever
Night time/winter Sun.
What reawakening lmao
This was what I was looking for thanks, summer it up very nicely
Wtf? What is this beautiful magic?
There was a podcast about esoteric hitlerism on radio aryan. I forget the name, that's where I got the info.
Where did this thought originate from? Blavaksy?
This is an interesting pic. New year starts shortly after winter solstice, new 24 hour period starts at midnight. The 4 creatures and 4 sharp edged 90 degree arms fit together, them being sharp at 90 degree angles signifies the sun of winter.
>I just drew pic related and I can feel an pure essence flowing within me
I believe it comes from Miguel Serrano who created an esoteric system called Esoteric Hitlerism.
kys nigger I will curb stomp you
The sun wheel at the core regardless of its colour represents the sun and a logical human fucking being worshipping it because it’s the way we survive as species regardless of race. The shilling of (((bodhi mantra(‘))) and the kike virgin bs of the black sun being a LARP is a kike agenda to dismantle the truth. The sun is the one and only truth in your life accept it or die.
>pay attention whi*tes
kek desu don't be so harsh
black holes are a kike invention
The sun is not a black hole you stupid fucking faggot. The all giver is not the all taker. Take off your fucking retard goggles and realize it’s the jews
ROFL I am the shill ok, you are an idiot
>The sun is not a black hole you stupid fucking faggot
I didn't say it was you stupid motherfucker take your meds
Religious symbols are given meaning by people who use them. I hate try hard wikipedia historians with a passion. You fuckers will get gassed too.
>It means Bodhi Mantra is a faggot and this is a slide thread from a PHONEPOSTING KIKE
Bodhi Mantra's name is Robert Sepher.
>Sēpher Yəṣîrâh, Book of Formation, or Book of Creation) is the title of the earliest extant book on Jewish esotericism, although some early commentators treated it as a treatise on mathematical and linguistic theory as opposed to Kabbalah
>Bodhi Mantra's name is Robert Sepher.
>>Sēpher Yəṣîrâh, Book of Formation, or Book of Creation) is the title of the earliest extant book on Jewish esotericism, although some early commentators treated it as a treatise on mathematical and linguistic theory as opposed to Kabbalah
The "Black sun'" is a concept in Alchemy. It's the real sun, not the sun that we see and feel with our senses but the actual real sun-planet out there in space, so to speak. The Bright sun is the sun that we see with our flawed senses...
Bodhi Mantra's name is Robert Sepher
>Sēpher Yəṣîrâh, Book of Formation, or Book of Creation) is the title of the earliest extant book on Jewish esotericism, although some early commentators treated it as a treatise on mathematical and linguistic theory as opposed to Kabbalah
No one in this thread will tell you what that symbol means, they can tell you interpretations of it some of them can be philosophically correct most won't you want to know what a symbol means at it's core?
"Of each particular thing, ask: What is it in itself? What is its nature?" - Marcus Aurelius
of course most likely no here has the education it requires to tell you what this means at it's core except me. All other philosophical interpretations stem from the fundamental understanding of what this symbol means at it's core and they are understood by the initiated but they are grossly misinterpreted by the unitiated and even often times used to mislead them as to what it's real meaning is.
yah that isn't you nutcase imbecile
Getting real tired of faggots like you taking three paragraphs to write nothing. Here’s your (You)
>implying anyone fives a shit what you think
the fool thinks all wisdom sounds foolish gas yourself baby boo
>It means Bodhi Mantra is a faggot and this is a slide thread from a PHONEPOSTING KIKE
>Bodhi Mantra's name is Robert Sepher.
>>Sēpher Yəṣîrâh, Book of Formation, or Book of Creation) is the title of the earliest extant book on Jewish esotericism, although some early commentators treated it as a treatise on mathematical and linguistic theory as opposed to Kabbalah
See pics
woaah dude youre so full of esoteric knowledge how can I compete
fuck off
you gonna tear up for us desu?
To most in this thread the black is as I explained earlier. There's 3 main phases of the Sun we see yet the fourth black sun stage refers to the nocturnal night time sun on the microcosmic level as compared to the winter sun on the macrocosmic scale. I explained why the spirals are sharp didn't I? Well because of the things that it represents death of winter and the rigidness are some of them. The spirals aren't fluid as you can see on the kolovrat. I heard the ancient Slavs tended to have childbirth in the middle of summer, the spirals of the Kolovrat are fluid signifying the day time Sun, the Sun in the middle of the day. The Sun symbolizing power and glory.
I highly recommend to anyone not to listen to pseudo esoteric talk pertaining to the black sun, I explained what it is in simple terms. There's a reason as to why the black sun was depicted as a regular sun but only black in alchemical paintings, well because it's exactly what I'm saying.
I enjoy helping people out, to come to intellectual clarity, ask away if you have any more questions.
Also pic related is Alexander, as symbolized by the sun, who wore a helmet that had a lion incorporated into it in the 2004 movie, as farther as he got away from his homeland the more his power diminished it so too does the Sun lose it's strength after the summer solstice until being reborn again at the winter solstice, remember what I said about count of time being started around the winter solstice and midnight?
Now having said that it represents death as well, the serpent that is slain again and again, the serpent which tried to swallow (destroy) the Slavs in ww2 as nazism was anti slavic and planned on making eastern europe into a colony but the serpent was slain nonetheless.
This is dumb and you are dumb. No pussy for you...ever.
sorry but you are clueless my dude no help needed lol
>I highly recommend to anyone not to listen to pseudo esoteric talk pertaining to the black sun
This would be you kek
Nothing what I said is false. And pussy? Well it is what it is but having a girl/woman's heart who loves you back is better than having a "sex buddy" for sensualistic purposes. No wonder you value low things like that and defend whatever your narrow minded interpretation of the black sun is, having said it represents serpents and death as some of the things which it does. And you are a sort of "serpent" or "satan" that spewed nonsensical emotion filled lies (you resorted to seemingly desperate emotion filled butthurt), as here I am slaying you metaphorically and hyperbolically speaking. I am disgusted with modern day neo nazi pop culture views, filled with people who are too blind to see they fail again and again in different areas, with esoteric knowledge being one of them.
Did I strike a nerve? Seems like it.
>Did I strike a nerve?
I think you have it backwards
Actually I don't, what I said is factually correct. I found the truth pertaining the subject by searching, error and trail in a way as I understood with subject more with depth as time passed by, I didn't proceed to confirm whatever tunnel visioned biases I had on the ground of Sup Forums (and other chans) seemingly sensationalist neo nazi pop culture.
Everything I said, that last part too is precisely correct.
>Actually I don't, what I said is factually correct.
No, no it wasn't not at all :)
The symbol of the black sun the Swastika isn't inherently bad or evil, yes nonetheless it represents the death of winter, time of trial and to people in past is specifically was tied in with death itself as death rates tended to be higher during the winter season. Not only that but look at ancient pagan Egyptian mythology and the deity Set, which was associated with the night time, the time of danger and death when animals like lions could prey on you rather easily.
Protip: the black sun isn't a taurus spiral, I explained what it is and you should be able to understand now why the deity Saturn was the sun in the winter season, Cronos, the grim reaper. This subject is easily understand from a philosophical point of view, people don't necessarily need to be a pagan or whatnot, a person can be a Christian, Buddhist, Jew or agnostic and see how it makes sense in a symbolical way.
If anyone is wondering why they attack men and masculinity.
w/e you say my dude you got it all figured out
Holy shit is this what white people actually belive?
You give us shit about knowlege of Black royalty and go of thinking you decendents of Solar Deity and shit?
Get the fuck out my face lmfao
>means literally nothing
>symbol was in the castle himmler used but not put there by him
to me it looks like a crazed eye - possibly a third eye of sorts - cracked, bloodshot, and fully open from redpills and realization of the insanity of the world
>I'm a kike.
The eclipse was seen as the most powerful and dynamic astrological force.
Odin on Yggdrasil was more akin to Siddhartha under the Bodhi tree than crucifixion. The Christian story misses the natural connection, the osmosis of gnosis.
>Bodhi Mantra's name is Robert Sepher
>>Sēpher Yəṣîrâh, Book of Formation, or Book of Creation) is the title of the earliest extant book on Jewish esotericism, although some early commentators treated it as a treatise on mathematical and linguistic theory as opposed to Kabbalah
The kikes always pile in when they see these threads kek
HERE IS THE ARCANUM ALL SYMBOLS ARE REPRESENTATIONS OF THE GOVERNING DYNAMICS OF THIS REALITY THAT IS TO SAY GOD HIMSELF now if you cannot understand math, science etc to be able to decipher what a governing dynamic is and how it builds this reality the bottom line is you will never understand any of this
Well thanks for the compliment, maybe not though to a full extent exceeding what I already know but I a like helping others out coming to the realization of the answer to this mystery, as some ponder if the black sun is a sort of sun inside our earth with land and air being there as well when it's the sun below the horizon on the 24 hour day scale.
Imagine typing the keywords to find this image in Jewgle image search
your shit is we wuzzing nog a log or much later in Egyptian history
It's an eclipse. And we just had one. Right over the top of America. In Trump's sign.
And here we are.
Muh gnostic jewish mysticism bullshit.
Obligatory "Poo in black sun" reply
nah bruh you lost
I like that pic here is what it really means
>Pretends to quote Marcus Aurelius
>Actually quoting Hannibal Lecter quoting Marcus Aurelius
Hail Odin desu.
He's actually white
What did I lose, as you claiming that I "lost" should imply a fight, yet nothing of that sort happened, no debate, no argument really, just facts without the masturbatory nonsense sprinkled on it and mixed in with it which is a type of neo nazi revisionism in the esotericism sphere. And what don't you like? The black sun literally represents death, who were massacred in punitive campaigns in which thousands of innocents died? Oh wait Belarusians and Ukrainians during, a people whom some pagans identify with the Kolovrat as their overall ethnic symbol which is the polar opposite of the black sun.
The Black Sun in the most literal sense is a sun that is so big that light cannot escape from it.
All memes aside, I am reallt actally watching these vids. Thanks for the recomendations.
I didn't make that connection, but then my anus doesn't have harsh jagged lines emanating from it.
Maybe you shouldn't bottom so much.
>ethnic symbol
kek bro this is an Atlantean symbol ancient aryan symbol that represent a very specific fundamental scientific understanding about this reality and how it works. All you have is (((their))) sources you have no idea what any of this means beo that is just the honest truth sorry
much love brother I made it for you desu share what you learn with whoever you can
No such thing as black royalty though. Tribal chiefs don’t count
Hey want to know a fundamental fact about reality? The kolovrat represents the "living" sun hence why the spirals are absolutely FLUID not SHARP AND EDGY. WHAT TO KNOW WHAT REPRESENTED DEATH DESTRUCTION AND TRIAL?
On the evening of 29 December 1942 we started our operation in a village. There were no partisans in this village. The people from the village provided us with heated rooms and gave us food, so we were very surprised when the company commander later ordered us to burn down the village and arrest the village people. So 50 inhabitants were taken prisoner. . . . We then moved onto another village. . . . On our arrival we came under fire from rifles. . . . We shot about 70 people. Among them also women, old people and children. And then we burned down the village. . . . We then proceeded to the third village. We didn't come across any partisans there. But we still burnt down the village and shot around 50 people. Even women and children. And then we moved on to the fourth village and did exactly the same thing as we had done in the other villages. There we shot about 100 people, burnt down the village, and made 80 arrests. . . . After we had destroyed these villages we moved onwards towards Osipovichi. On our way there we combed the woods in search of partisans.
Source: Lance-corporal Albert Rodenbusch, 635th Training Regiment, on events in December 1942 in Belorussia. Belorussian SSR, 15-19 January 1946 (Minsk Trial)
>The kolovrat represents the "living" sun hence why the spirals are absolutely
the exoteric meaning sure you can go with that
>why the spirals are absolutely FLUID not SHARP AND EDGY
nah this is what spirals are, I mean if you want to go with that stuff no prob it's all you bro you do you
Wehrmacht Ober-Gefreite (lance-corporal) Iohannes Gerder used to write in his diary during the first months of staying in Belorussia:
"August, 25. We throw grenades at houses where people live. The houses easily catch fire and burn down fast. Fire jumps over to other log huts. What a spectacular view! People cry and we laught at their tears. We have burnt about 10 villages this way.
August, 29. We grabbed 12 people who we came across in a village and took them to a cemetery. We made them dig a deep and ample grave for themselves.
There is no and there can be no mercy for the Slavs. Damned humanity is alien to us."
>the exoteric meaning sure you can go with that
Cool so tell me approx. how many % of people know this supposed "exoteric" fact and even what difference there is between the Swastika?