The time has come for the tree of liberty to be refreshed with the bloo-

>the time has come for the tree of liberty to be refreshed with the bloo-
>gets drone striked

Do Amerisharts really think that their stupid assault rifles will allow them to stand up against a well-equipped, professional military or is it just a meme?

Attached: 1521168782243.jpg (413x479, 60K)

The government couldn't win Vietnam without public support

Attached: illust_60838548_20171019_032021.png (800x564, 405K)

If you can shoot up a school with a medium caliber rifle while the police are too fearful to do anything, I think your argument makes no sense whatsoever.

Are you the Duke?

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Yeah, all this fancy military crap. Still get beaten by rice farmers and goatfuckers.

Euro Fag doesnt realize "The Militia" are ex military etc .. mutinies in the army.... lets say 50 million americans voted republican 1 tenth had competent marksmanship.... 5 million Jihadi burgers in street corners, in the foilage, in normal suburban homes...... Fuking Ramadi but on much much more horrible scale.... vietnam but the army actually loses individual battles before they PULL OUT.... of course they could just nuke everything apart from New York , California and Hawaii....

>Advanced military hardware trumped by guns and goatfucking tards.
>Assuming Whites can't pull the same thing off and better.

OP's a faggot.

Bump this SEXY JAP BITCH!!!! . Tit fuck that jap bitch up and down the street !!!!!!

This. Gun bans breed chaos.

In 15 days my city saw 200 violent deaths. Most of the victims had no weaponry to defend themselves. Businesses are robbed and so are pedestrians. I imagine these cocksuckers would think twice on mugging an average Juan if he knew that he might be packing heat too.

Self-defense forces fought off cartels. Government came in and made them surrender their guns to which they complied because no one wants to die/go to jail. Their communities are back in the shitter.

How many times are you going to post this. You Dem shills are so boring. Cant you come up with new stuff every once and a while?

Hmmm... how long were dem fancy shits spending nearly hundreds of billions to kill a bunch of ill equiped sandniggers.

wow those pilots sure are flying poorly. wonder it it has anything to do with their families getting shot up


Why do we have to have this same thread every day?

This faggot will never reply to you. Jew proxy anti gun shills only reply to extremely flawed replies. Remember your Alinsky they will never expose themselves to criticism when there is demoralization or strawmanning/high grounding to be played. They have nothing to gain by engaging and losing an argument that they know god damn well that the facts are not on their side. They will pretty much only use appeal to emotion and implied social pressure. They just come here to test the waters and keep up the constant pressure against freedom.

The thing that they absolutely will never fucking admit is that gun control isn't about the guns. It's about the control. When did any country that passed gun control stop at guns? Australia is banning pretty much all toys that look too much like military guns now. Not to stop gun violence, but to stop children and adults from being able to interact with gun like objects. Remember these monsters want to destroy all culture so as to be able to have complete control over the world population. Gun control ends when they have completely destroyed all traces of civilian gun culture. And I only mean civilian gun culture. (((Their))) guns aren't going anywhere.

Attached: jew gun control.jpg (652x755, 138K)

>completely ignores propaganda, morale, and supply
>thinks that the insurgencies in the middle east wouldn't have been completely wiped out if that's what we actually wanted, but it wasn't because the kikes want a sustained threat (MIC)
The guns we have from the second amendment are a deterrent, nothing more. It makes it not worth the effort to impose an open police state.
They don't mean we could successfully resist them if they did. We can't. Our best chance is with parts of the military breaking off and bringing their equipment.

So stop posting this retarded comment and quit replying to these bait threads altogether.

This. No gun culture. No armed resistance to the NWO.

Attached: PSDT_2017.06.22.guns-01-03.png (310x533, 24K)


Because people take the bait every time
Remember folks, sage without an image and insult shills in Hebrew
? כמה שילמת, עכברוש