Do you trust any websites, tv, papers, magazines, or youtube channels to actually tell the truth...

Do you trust any websites, tv, papers, magazines, or youtube channels to actually tell the truth? What hasn't become it all become click-bait, fake news, lies, and politically bias?

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Other urls found in this thread:

The jizuits have total dominance over Western media, so no, "I dont's" trust them yiddle diddles.

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Well most of Sup Forums says they don't trust the news. But they still want to talk about politics and current events; which are all learned about through the news. In fact we get daily links to news websites

Which kind of makes me think. Why are we even discussing it?

>not only watching OAN or local news


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99% of it is fake and you haave to dig deep to find buried stories.

Aside from when I research to connect the dots I don't give a fuck about the media in any capacity and they should be imprisoned imo.

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>and you haave to dig deep to find buried stories.
>Aside from when I research to connect the dots

How would you tell a real one from a fake one. Is a real one that just fits the narrative you want? That's really what most people on Sup Forums do.

I deal with substantial facts and actions being taken, not speculative reporting based on anonymous sources.

Such as?

Frankly so much shit gets just made up or misrepresented I don't see how you can be certain of anything. Even stuff that's caught on film is starting to get shakey. Than there is all the stuff which doesn't even get reported.


We're living in a time where different factions view "truth" as a subjective (and malleable) force; truth can be warped, repackaged and resold in whatever way makes whoever is spouting it ("it" being their versions of "truth") the most money, while also keeping people fighting over which version of the given "truths" are actual objective truth, and that's all our politicians care about anyway since most media is utilized solely to offer one side of any argument with blatant bias, and keeping people divided and uninformed basically ensures career terms for shit-ass politicians.
>Trump’s message at Davos: ‘Peace and prosperity’
>The way I try to define the President's foreign policy objectives to people is he really has two major foreign policy objectives. Peace and Prosperity
>PyeongChang Olympics: A New Cornerstone for Peace And Prosperity
>Major Jewish GOP donor moves into sights of Trump probe
>Robert Mueller said to be looking at Elliot Broidy, who gave George Nader 'detailed report' on meeting with president
>Netanyahu-backer named in new probe into UAE attempts to influence Trump: report
>Trump to become first foreign leader to dine in Forbidden City since founding of modern China
>Trump’s ‘madman’ rhetoric may have scared North Korea to talks, analysts say

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I usually go to RT or Al Jizzera. Their fake news is the least dishonest

Because of the jews.

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This is the best channel for global politics

Why not Press TV (Iranian state media)?

Al Jazeera produces fancy documentaries that I can't be bothered to watch. Add Turkish TRT World to the bucket.

And why do you trust these dozens of websites you just copy pasted? Because they tell you a narrative you want to here. You probably don't even care if it's true or not.

People do not even want true news. Sup Forums certainly doesn't. People just want reason to be outraged and their own opinions justified.

The news is giving people EXACTLY what they want, it's not some evil plot by the news people. The people themself want bias ans sensantionilism; that's why they click the links and save the images. Look at the sperg directly below your post for an excellent example.

I don't trust teh websites. I trust the INFORMATION.

The information comes from the website you dufus.

Yes and they are actual events taking place and that have taken placed. They aren't speculations on the future. You find out what's going on and what's to come based on what's already happened. Not speculating on what Trump is going to do next.

For me, the new rule of thumb is if they don't allow comments on their news articles, I'm immediately suspicious of the content. You'll notice it was left leaning "news" sites that got rid of their comment sections in the last few years because people weren't buying the lies anymore and were calling them out in the comments.

OAN is good. They'll argue conservative points, but they don't filter, lie, or mislead.


Im usualy a nice guy - too nice as I try my best to be chrsit like.

Yet, Lets examine the question:

"Who reads BuzzFeed"

The answer is:

>ANYONE who is forced by bots that forum post, or fake identitarian-warfare feminists, along with some homosexuals.

I have never met a classically 'normal' person reading BuzzFeed and not detecting a certain bias attributed to its outlandish perspectives.

unless, they want to see those things.

Just like the intense xenophobia and racism here, touting as racial realism, but packed so tightly into a small echo-chamber that it comes out as toxic and 'too much'. Well, that's buzzfeed and these other shit posts, that perpetuate an echo-chamber of few driven writers and lots of people who like to read reactionary content.

>it's not some evil plot by the news people.
I'm don't necessarily think that - evil? Depends on your outlook. Immoral? Absolutely. It shouldn't be regarded as "news" either way, as it's basically now just roundtable gossip.
>People do not even want true news.
Which says a lot about the society to which we belong.

I have complete trust in the Onion.

Within a generation, the internet will be fully regulated. The disinformation has gone out of control.

>Yes and they are actual events taking place and that have taken placed.

By now you should have learned events can be reported in ways that basically destroy the truth. By for instance being selective about what is presented or omitting certain points. They've been getting better and better at that every year. If a website, paper, or channel itself cannot be trust than the information is not trustworthy either.

>Do you trust any websites, tv, papers, magazines, or youtube channels to actually tell the truth?
Not since Smith-Mundt Modernization, no.

You say that with a pirate flag?
The natural conclusion of full internet regulation would be even more out of control disinformation. The only difference is, you would have zero levers of control over it.

I was thinking about going with this as the OP picture too. You get the idea: Sup Forums has their own equivelent of Buzzfeed and they love it.

But it's not just Buzzfeed and Breitbart. All the cable news is complete shit. So are all the News Papers and big websites like the Guardian or Washington Post. It used to be you could at least respect the WSJ but than they started running fake news about how piedipie (however you spell that fuck's name) is a Nazi.

Maybe I'll get an Economist subscription and see if they are any good. As it is now I'm thinking about completely giving up on believing anything in the news that isn't explicitly caught on video, and it needs to be a real video not quick cuts.

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>not in bottom left


>Not bottom left

>Not being in the bottom tier leans right

Mother Jones "high quality"...

The government can completely control the internet. All they need to do is turn those SIGINT capabilities on to its own people. Nowhere left to hide.

The Hill is the closest I've found to neutrally presented news, and separate labelled opinion articles

>All they need to do is turn those SIGINT capabilities on to its own people
Do it then. You'll find the people will use your own weapons against you.

Are you kidding, the economist is almost as a radical leftist as BBC is

I trust motortrend

>high-quality news

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Lol it’s not even outrages, compare to other news, is this the best you got to disrespect bbc?

I trust none of them.
I get my news by deciphering the legitimacy of shitposts on a mexican scuba forum.

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in picture form, yea. in recent years, i mean..

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Attention, UK and US cuckolds. Anti Gun protesters are planning on joining forces with the Antifaschiste Action and riot in the streets March 24, led by liberal pundit Emma Gonzalez.

We must counter protest in order to secure our guns and rights to our constitution.

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Doesn't that just make it worst? Sup Forums just takes news which is already click-bait or politically bias and than distorts it even further by only showing the front page. Or even worst just circling random parts and drawing lines between articles like an mental patient. It makes what little value there was in the news even smaller and multiplies the amount of opinion-pushing and deceitfulness by an order of magnitude.

See this guy
This place and every other social website is worst than CNN.

Tell that to CNN

I get my news from

Chris Cantwell via Radical Agenda
Stormfront Radio

You would think it couldn't work but it really does.
I'm actually more informed than many of my colleagues and I also hear of events sometimes days before they do.

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>Do you trust any websites, tv, papers, magazines, or youtube channels to actually tell the truth?
No. Now that we have the Internet, it is so easy to provide all sources through linking that there is no need for trust. Any information outlet expecting trust rather than providing evidence, sources and proof is defacto untrustworthy. So basically all of them.

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I don't know if that's good news or bad news that Sup Forums is a better than average news filter.

they're shit faganon

it wasn't this bad 20 years ago, liberals have given up on any non-biased reporting

Definitely bad news, user.
But this is the world we live in.

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Nothing. At least Sup Forums is funny

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I don't fully trust a single media outlet. You have to learn to trust your own judgement after seeing what's being reported.

(((The Economist))) as not biased. Yea right. Those fucks are complete jewish mouth pieces. Just like movies. Its a fucking look inside the mind of a jew and its terrifying.

I can look at dutch news on a daily basis but then i would just read copy pasted articles from (((US))) Media
I honestly see grammatical errors at times which makes me think our journalists are just translators

I haven't watched TV for at least 10 years, so I'd say no.

>What hasn't become it all become click-bait, fake news, lies, and politically bias?

I love oan