Israel Appreciation General /IAP/ Jews are nice people

How do we show more support for our best ally?

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By wiping it off the face of the earth.

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how much are you willing to donate to Israel?

By not letting them taking $3.8 billion of our foreign aid...welfare leeches

>By not letting them taking $3.8 billion of our foreign aid...welfare leeches
3.8$ billion? LoL.
"U.S., Israel sign $38 billion military aid package"

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I got a free Israel trip this summer. Do Israeli girls make you wear condoms?

no they best girls

So the meme is true that it's only the diaspora has degenerate whores?

Per year, for 10 years, still makes them welfare leeches

No. remind them that you paid for the IDF uniform they wear.

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We dont need the fucking money. Our GDP per capita is now higher than UK.

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That's something I'd actually say, be careful

take our money fren

Good so stop taking it and get off our welfare spoon, let's just trade, can we just do that?

No way. Jews like niggs take gibs

The only one who looks Jewish is the one on the far left, the rest just look Slavic

Let's not forget that the money that USA gives to Israel as security aid is allowed to be spent only on USA made military equipment. So, all the money comes back to USA when Israel buys military equipment from USA companies like Lockheed Martin etc...
In this way USA is increasing its spending on military production which in turn provides many jobs to USA workers. It infuses the relevant companies with more money, which they can spend on research and thus ensure USA military superiority. So, it's not a total waste of money from USA point of view.
Another reason for providing the aid is strategical.
Middle East is rich in oil, and thus USA seeks influence in this region, just to be able to influence the oil prices.

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>So, all the money comes back to USA
It goes to fund the military industrial complex, I wouldn't say it goes back to the US. It probably isn't even taxed knowing how much our government loves to give corporate handouts

Man fuck that, our country's having budget shortfalls and you say we need more security? We're already spending over $600 billion on security, anything over that is just breaking the bank. FUCK...THAT, we're good here, We should get FREE VALUABLE stuff from you guys, not that security shit. I want $3.8 billion worth of tech from you guys for free to balance it out

Great pbotoshop, this is what they truly look like... A real shekel princess

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There was only 1 country allowed to modify the software for the Lockheed F35 jet and that is Israel

They provide a lot of technical expertise in weapons development, besides other technologies and medicine

That's a half nigger

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New bestie after peace deal Congress in

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a lot of Jewish women are hot

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I agree. We dont need that money. especially when..
"6 in 10 Americans don't have $500 in savings"

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The reason so many isreali women look european is because we fucked so many of your women. not my fault they love our kosher dicks.

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That nose

Thank you, finally an Israeli that cares more about their national sovereignty than abusing their ally

Israel can lick my ass. they are the direct cause of every bad thing that happens in the middle east. without them arab nationalism would have succeeded and we wouldn't have to deal with faggot islamists today

>Israel Appreciation General
I'm friend of Israel.

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Evangelicals should be purged from the face of the earth

You are now aware white women are biological weapons of ethnic erasure.
Yeah fuck some more sluts!

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Then you help give them $3.8 billion per year, cause I wanna put my tax money towards our OWN people who need it, like our 40,000 homeless vets

We engineered them ahahahahhahaahha
Just look at the rate at which a black and white parent have a white child.
Further more look at the stolen generation.
Did you really think you could best the people that invented war ?

Other way around buddy. Shiksas can't have Jewish kids unless they convert, a Jewess pumps out a Jewish baby no matter what. Your women cucked you with white cock, they grew big milkers specifically to entice the white man

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grab a dictionary and look up the word

Pol needs to be more pro israel

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Your best ally deliberately attacked one of your ships and you're so cucked that you did nothing.

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Jews need to be less anti-white

They havn't given me my shekels yet so no.
Untill then I will keep telling their secrets.
I want my Trillion Dollars to change the world.

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you joke, but if you target the very top of a society it's actually a potent biological maneuver.
At around the 19th century, the Ottomans royal family was basically Slavic. Now had the social mores remained the same, that injection of european blood to the very top would flow down rapidly throughout the nobility, and you don't even have to lose many white women to achieve this.

Now you are thinking Jewish.

you need to fuck right off.

t. chang lee lau

no t. reasonable human being

You fucking retard, they didn't want your dicks they wanted your shekels. White women are gold diggers, they love jew gold.

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I am very serious.

Fuck it.I'll probably end up with a beautiful russian woman like many israelis do.
Ashkenazi genes are fucked up. I want my kids to be healthy. even if it means less IQ points ^ ^

The Ashkenazi IQ is nice, glad I inherited that and not the nose

no reason to be a cunt cause you have no more centrelink to spend on huffing gas

i hope you end up under a nuke

How does it feel to still be propping up that same military with billions of taxpayer bux a year?

let me reiterate what i said earlier for you mutt brain dead retards
Israel are the direct cause of every bad thing that happens in the middle east. without them arab nationalism would have succeeded and we wouldn't have to deal with faggot islamists today

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Let God sort out good Jews from bad Jews.
We should just keep quiet on the topic.

Actually God is warning us not to attack them.
God said that He will deal with them and will punish them according to His will, but woe to those who attack His people.

So think about it and act accordingly if you are smart.
Control your mouth if you fear God.
Just be quiet.Let Him deal with them.

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how does it feel to be chinese colony

Pretty shit, but my taxes aren't paying for Zionists to have their own ethnostate while my own country isn't even close to majority anything, so that's nice.

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Nice meme dude, have a gold star.

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I agree, although the temptation is strong talk is cheap.

It look like canadians cant control their "temptations".

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That man runs an entire country

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They keep electing him. nuke that faggot country.

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this is so gross.

What do you do about such things?
Some things you just can't change, learn to pick your fights I guess.
If you are assuming that most Canadians are like the ones in your pic. You are simply wrong.
I just have to assume you are intelligent enough to be aware of this also.

Stay away from our women, you gentile scum.

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Hear hear

From the time of the beaker people our kind has taken and conqured the milky khazar mountains
The rich and fertile semite peninsuila
The voloptuous valley where caveman milk floods deep into heeb caverns and crevices...

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Israeli "Special" Forces

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