Name my band
Name my band
4D chess
faith in whores
Op is a faggot.
lips locked on Bibi's butt
are these the new allied powers
I would've told these faggots to fuck off because of the UN condemnation vote.
The Allies
two retards and a faggot
earth wind and fire
Macron is a damn good looking guy.
No homo
Peter, Paula and Scary
The Puppets of God's Chosen People
The Don and the Misfits
Talking Heads
Papa and the girls.
The First Triumvirate
The Three Stooges
Real fucking NeATO
Grandmaster chess and the furious two
The Wall
there's nobody there
2 and a 1/2 men
the west
Alpha and the cucks
Cock and bullocks
viper in the grass
Puppets on a string
The Swamps
The lion, the witch and the wardrobe
I like this one
I still think it’s bizarre Trump is more American than Obama but received a thousand times more hate for doing infinitely less evil shit than Obama.
>i like this one
i like this one
"2 Girls, 1 Trump."
The degenerates
Misplaced Trust
The Fag, the Chad and the Hag.
1 midget, 2 wigs?
Baguette Burger Tea
Plus ultra
the globalists
Nice one.
donald trump and the wailers
Con man and the puppets
>i like this one
>i like this one
i like this one
Zeus, Jupiter, and the Roadie.
Bande de racaille
This is the best.
Bad bitches only
Jew worshippers.
Ça aussi.
Big Man and the Bitches
Dynamic Duo & Mummy Fucker
Tango man and the two scoops.
2 Neocons 1 Paleocon
The ebin memes