Pol humor thread

Could go for a chuckle, post ur good ones plox

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Interesting, its sorta true

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Classic sminem

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Idk if this one is any good but made me laugh so i screen shot it, let me know if you like it so i know if i should keep it or not

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Has he found a new feeder?

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Kek does this work?

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Nikolas Cruz?

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Confused. What does this mean? Is it the current time we're on right now not allowed for Brits to use the internet?

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Man, I wish there were chunks on pol

Same goes for Saudis, North Koreans and Iranians

I’d love to hear more about what goes on in those places

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I'm starting to think that comedy is impossible for islamists.

>Ever since takingWest African History 20, I've been fascinated by the rich cultural taspestry that is Nigeria.
>Ever since my parents and three brothers died in the gasoline explosion last month, my mind has been dead to the world.

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Captcha is blocked in China, so they have to buy a pass in order to post. Saudis are more common than the others.

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this is some centrist shit

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It's illegal in bongistan to view far right content on the internet


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Atheism /=/ Big Bang theory

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I can’t wait until Isis ducks you and beheads you like this guy in the pic you Jewish faggot cuck

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How many NOT MY PRESIDENT REEEEEE MUH RUSSIA REEEEEEEEE posts do you think she's made since then?

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Russia is a massive graveyard

Next time I'm fucked over on Aliexpress

>mfw you put your new fireworks to the test, but it's illegal, but it's okay because he violated your personal space ( i.e. the NAP)

Attached: hah.png (614x879, 643K)

what the hell is going on, did that motorcyclist point a gun at that guy with the fireworks?

no, the motorcyclist was being a cunt and got too close (the 'gun' you saw was the motorcyclist putting his thumbs up or something similar). The one with the fireworks got his own back though

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Whenever I'll think about how whites are smarter than blacks in the future I will remind myself of this picture.

you find this retarded shit funny? serious question.

are you trying to contradict yourself?

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Is there a version of this without all the shitty reactions?

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I know Hank personally... ask me anything.... I have pics and other shit.

Hahaha haha haha haha hahaha


Keep it

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Got one.

Dinky Doodle came to town

With a tiny asian noodle

He stuck an eggroll in his pants

And lied he had a penis

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>Frankenstein, zombies, and Dracula deliberately created to be antichrists
>some retard comes along and mocks Christ for being similar to them

Attached: Game of Bums.jpg (1000x1000, 186K)

so, do you or do you not?

Bongs the mindpolice is watching

Brits take advantage of that camera angle

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I'd take advantage of her from that angle

He's ded? I didn't even realize.

But that's probably cause he contributed nothing to society other than state sponsored propaganda who his brain dead husk of a body.

Only if Maisie says

"oh please sir fuck me bum"

you've got to be kidding
best get an attorney, and whatever you do, dont make any statement, none whatsoever, confirm your name and address only

>oi Grug you gib wug sum dug

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>low desire to be in society
>moderate social success
>actually at (4,0)

First image I see of her that's moderately attractive. Her smirk is on par with "that fucking cat".

i now feel justified paying for an ESO plus membership

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Are they going to give me one because i keep pointing out the Mayor of London is a Terrorist Sympathizer

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that stupid quote underneath ruins it

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what the fuck did i just watch

is there more of her?