Does voting really mean anything or is it just more bread and circuses?

Does voting really mean anything or is it just more bread and circuses?

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Your vote counts, but it counts the same as Pablo who jumped the border last week.

I mean the primaries going on now are now a joke since we saw what really happens behind the scenes. why bother?

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fuck voting proper mindvirus via shitpost efficiency is key and when you nature calls do real life stuff op

Not much good if the party fucks those choosing the candidate 1st

Count the number of major figures in jail for political crimes. That should be more than enough evidence for you to draw the proper conclusion.

but is the answer "not to vote"? it seems it is all predecided.

Hillary Clinton winning in 2016 was predecided

How do people vote if they are not on the voting regeristry and do not have government signed documents proving their address and citizenship?

There are no voter ID laws in a lot of places. There are many cases of areas bussing in illegals to vote.

Then whats the point in voting? It seems America has trouble understanding the concepet of citizenship. if you are illigal here you can not get a job, drivers lience,enrolle at an educational place,visit a doctor, get a gun, use emergency services, ect.

Americans are more cucked than they want to admit. The voting ID laws are considered waycist cause niggers/spics are often too illiterate and dumb to fill in forms.

Considering that this guy happened is proof your assumption is wrong.

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Local elections are the most important ones and the ones that have the biggest impact.

Not every vote will matter.

Close races happen often enough to matter.

ask the people in PA

Would have meant next to nothing if had been Clintons or Bushes once again.


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"Democracy" is just a cover for the Kikes. Don't act like you're above it there in upside down town you fuzzy little fruits.

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Vote early. Vote often.

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The value of a vote is determined by its barrier to entry. You do the math on the meaning of a vote when all you need to do to earn it is remain alive into your late teens while having your basic needs wholly fulfilled by others.

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Doesn't mean much any more.
None-elected (((administrators))) are the real rulers anyway.
If you look at us[EU], the (((lords))) in Bruxelles are picked by themselves, and try to squelch any choice made by the actual people.
And in your[USA] case, just look at how laws passed by your duly elected potus, gets overruled by people you never voted for (travel ban etc.)
Democracy 2.0 have all gone wrong. We have to rollback to Democracy 1.0 at least. Or come up with something new.

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>not liking bread and circuses

msm never fucking tells you to vote right or supports any right wing idea

all entertainment media is pro left wing as well
whatever nigger made that pic is retarded

Friendly reminder that (((controlled opposition))) media is just cloak-and-dagger MSM

my favorites are Tim-Tams and crime dramas desu

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A nessecary circus to keep plebs in check

dis nigga have the head of a fish

In case you didn't noticed now you lose and jews win. It doesn't matter who you vote, an actual one or a shabbos goy are your choices.


Voting and democracy overall is for those who can be easily controlled and they don't resist. Monarchy or nothing.

If voting was important they wouldn't let you do it. The only reason they allow voting is to gauge the overton window.