Awooing for crooked cops losing their pensions. "First we're gonna fuck Flynn and then we're gonna fuck Trump!" McCabe said. I wonder who feels fucked now. Bwahahaha!
I pretty much hate /ptg/ now but like Trump too much to leave There are like five people left who still discuss news and policy so I only have to ignore 90% of the posts each thread, and TrumpOP always does a stellar job so that's nice
McCabe owns 2 mansions, has a net-worth of 11 million dollars, and is upset that he can't retire at the age of 49 with a 2 million dollar pension. Plus, the reason he can't retire at the age of 49 with a 2 million dollar pension is because he leaked information to the media and lied about it under oath, which is a crime. Seems like a totally stand up guy.
If you still support the racist fascist obese cheetoh in queef, you will be exterminated by me and my communist comrades. YOu better prepare your butts, Drumpfkins. Meuller's red, hot, permanently dry, and delapidated cock is coming your way, and it's going to literally rape all of you. This is not a metaphor; Mueller is literally going to rape every single Drumpf supporter into submission. You hear me? YOu are all gonng donw. You stupid facsis sons of bithces. The bernie coalition goes stronger, and all your bourgeois setinemental motehrfucke working class rural and suburna retads who don't even make 80k/yr like me are going to be destroyed. By whom, you might ask? By Mueler. Mulelr and the big red hot cock block chop stock drop cock lock knock brock team.
and we're ready to take you all down. Racism is going to lose. Hungary, Poland, Austria, Italy, Brexit, Trump: these are all flukes. These are all pathetic fluky dookies that we're going to flush down the dain in 2018.
Get ready for the blue wave. Here it comes. We're going to be surfin' the sea of Drumpf tears for years to come.
threadly reminde that comey is one letter away from comfy. You don't hate being comfy, do you? Why would you hate Comey? He's /our guy/. Drumpf showed up with a big hammer saysing "it's smashing time time to smash lolololololololoolololol" and comey put his balls on the desk, beckoned with an open extended palm and said "Try it, drumpf. You smash my balls, nad you're opneed a can fulla a world of hurt on your ass, bitch.
Guess hwat. Drupmf backed down. If you're not buying Comey's book in 10 days, you are literally an n-word and deserve to be tortured to death.
A group of senators from U.S. corn states have asked President Donald Trump for a meeting about the nation's biofuels law, amid expectations the administration will soon act to lower the regulation's costs to the oil refining industry.
The group of Republican senators wrote a letter to Trump on Thursday in which they opposed a plan he is considering to limit the price of credits that oil refiners must acquire to comply with the Renewable Fuel Standard.
"Let there be no doubt - the consequences of a waiver would be severe and immediate across the Midwest, impacting farmers and biofuel stakeholders alike," the senators wrote.
The letter was written by Senators Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst, of Iowa; John Thune, of South Dakota; Roy Blunt of Missouri; and Deb Fischer of Nebraska.
>JUST ((((((Mueller)))))) will find every last scrap of money-kikery in Trump Org in any attempt to resist Drumpf. When will Sup Forums take the Jebpill?
Liz Mateo, just hired by Calif state govt as a "hero Dreamer," apparently has a work permit based on a asylum claim filed in 2013
>Immigration asylum officers decided in August 2013 that all nine had credible fear of persecution or torture in their birth country, Mexico, and could therefore not be immediately deported. They received temporary parole into the U.S.
>Mateo, Marco Saavedra of New York and Lulu Martinez of Chicago voluntarily crossed into Mexico before trying to reenter the U.S. as an act of protest.
She “self-deported,” visited family in Mexico, then tried to cross back into the U.S. and claimed she was persecuted in Mexico. She still waves the Mexican flag with pride—odd behavior for one who claims she is unable to live safely in that country. Now she governs in California.
appreciate your post because it shows how the normies think
they all believe this deep down so they cant ever pretend like they care
theyre pretty much toxic reprobates gone against human life
thats the only thing thats wrong in the whole universe how you treat the less fortunate (homeless are prime example )
Matthew 25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
I wonder why she hired a criminal defense attorney instead of the usual divorce lawyer...
Hunter Garcia
I have determined there will not be a blue wave through comparative analysis to previous "wave" type elections. A quick rundown:
In 2004 President Bush won a lot of states and won re-election, but he lost many states such as New York and New Hampshire and Pennsylvania as well as many areas of the Rust Belt and districts in places like Florida.
In 2006 the Republicans lost a huge number of seats. Overwhelmingly these are not just seats in Blue states which Bush lost, but they are also districts in red states which Bush lost, the majority of the time anyway.
The Republicans lost their majority in the House at this time because they had maintained a fragile mixed coastal-southern-heartland alliance of districts, without truly dominating in any region. The loss of northeastern and midwestern working-class districts resulted in an overall loss of the House.
In 2008 Obama won election, but he failed to capture the majority of Southern states and heartland/plains states.
In 2010 the districts which allowed Republicans to sweep the House were overwhelmingly in the South and in rural areas where Obama had not been quite as popular as he was nationally. The loss of the Southern and rural Democrats- the Blue Dogs- caused the Democratic party to remain a minority ever since.
President Trump won election in 2016. We see that areas the Democrats are attacking- such as Ohio and Pennsylvania- are areas he won, and they are attacking districts he won as well. Ultimately though with the exception of a recent minor upset the Republicans are unlikely to lose these Midwestern districts (or enough of them) that the Democrats badly need to regain the House.
William Nelson
only need fair opportunity. which doesn't exist right now in america.
Sweden is happy to help resolve tensions on the Korean peninsula but it is up to the parties involved to try to find a way forward, Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom said on Friday.
She was speaking a day after North Korea's foreign minister Ri Yong Ho landed in Sweden for talks, prompting speculation the visit could lay the groundwork for a meeting between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
"We believe in dialogue and in a political process," Wallstrom told reporters.
"We are hoping that if we can use our role and also our contacts, then we will put them to the best use."