Chinkanon here, why aren't east asians as hated as jews/niggers/spics/sandniggers on this board?
Why is there no gook hate?
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u.s. affects se asia on far less significant scale than it can on china. also show flag larping analwart
Simple. Only place where European explores felt like they were meeting an equal society. East Asia's long history, fireworks, wisdom, morals, tradition, and the fact they had a written language and wheel helped too
There are only two civilizations worth a shit in the history of humanity:
Western civilization (Europe)
Eastern civilization (Asia, not including the Middle East)
Europeans never had their own civilization. All came from middle east.
India and SE Asia has that too but still seem hated.
Because your not retarded crime machines and you are an obvious out group.
Yeah the Greeks and Romans never did anything intelligent.
Their ideas were clearly stolen by the Arabs, same deal with the Vikings.
MENA has many great ancient civs retard
I mean shit, Marco Polo was pretty damn impressed with China. As was the Portugese and Dutch in Japan and Korea. Siam impressed Europeans too.
But when they got to Africa.... Or saw the Amerindians in the Americas...... Um.... Yeah....
India was just too filthy
Muslims were always the traditional enemies of europe.
Jewish groups were always seen as manipulative
But the orient truly impressed the europeans and still impresses the west to this day.
>felt like they were meeting an equal society
>flood said society with opium when they don't want to trade
China is a communist shithole, I'm living in Canada atm.
Greeks copied from foinicians and they copied from egyptians.
Outside of Persia (which was raped to death by Arabs) and Egypt (which has been irrelevant since Cleopatra) there is diddly squat.
East Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Koreans) aren’t hated because their cultures value education and hard work, this makes their nations almost like White nations.
All other Asians (Vietnamese, Malaysians, Filipinos, etc) are worthless shitskins and are just as bad as niggers.
T. Ghengis Temuge
They're Sup Forumss last hope at getting laid since white women won't touch their beta asses.
I think we are done here. Fuck off arab
China is probably the most corrupt country you can think of.
Pajeets are filthy disgusting pigs that don't even know how to use a toilet, of course everyone hates them. As for SE Asia, maybe it's because you yanks got your asses kicked by the Vietnamese.
Oh yeah Roman culture came from the middle east. And middle ages europe lived and died on what was happening in Yemen....
Go take a walk, Finn
>the most corrupt country you can think of.
I think there are plenty worse
t. Chang
Most of the hate on india is on the gigantic indian underclass that drags shit down.
From the looks of pics of india, it looks like shit's going to implode on itself any second.
Your average American has no fucking clue of the difference between SE asia and China, except filthier. So the good shit SE asia does gets attibuted to E asia.
the Indian upper class is made up of muslims
u forgot Ukraine user
Because I'm an ignorant Ameriburger, I have NO clue if what you say is true.
But even if it is, they're smart enough not to identify themselves with islam, as America still associates that with airline hijacking and terrorisim and shit like that.
In 20th century India, the upper-class (Ashraf) Muslims dominated the government jobs and parliamentary representation but as the country transitioned into a democracy the Hindus now hold the government jobs but the Hindu way of life is what is typically associated with negative stereotypes in India such as street shitting, so essentially the Muslims can still be counted as the "upper class".
Okay? They can run their country as they wish bit over here they don't commit violent crimes. I don't care that they don't adhere to our ethics of running a government.
I’m so white I don’t tan, I burn.
Also, consider every astronomical and scientific discovery in the past two millennia and realize 95% come from European or Asiatic regions.
I hate when people are too stupid to know they're stupid. Have a (you) to either way.
I wanted to post this!
Cool, enlighten me on how the Silk Road didn’t exist and gunpowder isn’t a thing.
They score a higher IQ, on average, compared to white people. That alone merits some respect.
to be fair sandniggers did some neat math & astronomy
or so I was told in history class idk
Europeans invented basically everything that's useful, because Europeans invented: science, mechanized industry, and modern agriculture. Now that those things exist, Asians are going to produce most of new innovations (if demographic issues, or territorial conflicts don't fuck them over) because there's: much more of them, they are slightly more intelligent, and their cultures are intact. But once AGI, nano and biotechnology fully manifest (probably within 50 years or at most a century, if there isn't some widespread catastrophe), either everyone will be level, or humans will be completely irrelevant. Whites invented the methods that Asians will use to create transhumanism, and everyone else was filler.
Lots of faggots with a chink fetish here. I think the Chinese are the worst race in the world
Enlighten me on how the silk trade and the discovery of gunpowder in China (it was discovered in Europe by Roger Bacon) relate to science
They are Chang, you’re just blind because you think people lusting over Asian (Japanese) gfs means we love your insectoid race and that we wouldn’t nuke you
you dont have niggers in asia, not like we do. If you did you would understand why niggers are the most hated even when you blowtorch dogs to death for fun.
The science took off after 1648
The first impressive tech appeared after the 1750s
Before that, nations got conquered by the likes of the Ottomans and you had a decent life if food grew alright (the Irish failed at this repeatedly).
>Jews: The guys manipulating the whites to their determent on a massive scale
Are Asians doing this?
Not really
>Niggers: Raping, killing, stealing throughout the western world
Are Asians doing this?
Not in modern times.
>Spics: Taking advantage of all things built by whites, while trying to overrun white culture
Are Asians doing this?
Not in most places.
>Sandniggers: Check all of the above while, also trying to force conversion to their heathen religion
Only British """""Asians""""" doing this
It's almost like whites aren't racist without reason.
This is China's history
>farm rice for all of human history
>have incredible amount of resources but no intuition to do anything with them
>get addicted to a shit tier drug
>cry and kill a bunch of their own people
>communism, kill more of their own people
>"what if we copy white people?"
>steal idea's, reach 2 billion locusts, but most of them are that stupid that they can only do factory work.
>we wuz invetardz n shiet
they're the same thing: 1+ billion leeches who think they deserve an industrial revolution because they couldn't into civilization the first 2 times. we simply need to euthanize them all
All Chinese inventions are jokes.
China did not invent paper, printing, gunpowder, compass.
1) Egypt invented paper(papyrus) 5000 years ago.
Papyrus is defined as paper.
The English word paper was derived from the word papyrus.
Papyrus - Wikipedia
China started to use animal bones as "paper" 3000 years ago.
Oracle bone - Wikipedia
There were a number of civilizations invented paper, example, Maya.
Maya codices - Wikipedia
2) Middle East invented writing 5000 years ago.
Middle East invented printing 5000 years ago.
It was before the Chinese history.
Johannes Gutenberg invented Printing press, (the machine).
3) Greece invented gunpowder.
Greek fire, its chief ingredient was saltpeter and sulfur, making it an early form of gunpowder.
China was ruled by Manchurian tribe for 300 years till 1911.
The population rate was 1 million Manchus VS 100 million Chinese.
Manchu conquest of China - Wikipedia
Manchus had the right of the first night in China.
Queue Order
When the Manchus defeated China, Chinese men were forced to wear a queue or they would be killed.
China was very backward in history.
1) China entered metal age 1000 years later than Middle East, Europe, South Asia.
Bronze Age, Wikipedia
2) China entered Iron age 600 years later than Europe and Near East.
At the time, European used iron tools, Chinese used primitive tools.
Iron Age - Wikipedia
3) Glass was invented 5500 years ago, it was before the Chinese history.
History of glass, Wikipedia
4) When European and Middle Eastern built stone/brick houses, Chinese kings lived in a mud palace.
The Great Pyramid of Giza was built 4500 years ago.
Erlitou, the capital of China(2100 BC – 1600 BC) was built by mud.
Erlitou culture - Wikipedia
5)China was the last of the "ancient" civilizations to develop writing.
China invented writing about 3500 years ago,
Oracle bone - Wikipedia
Middle East invented writing 5000 years ago.
European invented writing 7000 years ago, Vinca Script.
Vinca symbols - Wikipedia
There are many Chinese " square characters" in Vinca Script.
Did Chinese invented their own writing 3500 years later, or they copied?
Don't they have a huge pointless civil war where they kill off each other in massive numbers every ~100 years or so? They're coming up close to 100 years since the last one
China is the final boss of this planet
Then whites can move to the next one
A powerful red-haired Caucasoid from the Western frontier uses Western inventions such as the chariot to invade the East and conquers all the yellow-skinned submissive Mongoloids and rules over them. He institutes strict laws and standards throughout his empire to dominate and control his subjects and this leads to the Chinese cultural identity.
Chinese Mongoloid peasants rebel and oust their Caucasoid masters and make a peasant their supreme emperor. Thanks to all the technology and culture brought to them by their Western conquerors, the Chinese experience a golden age.
>3 Kingdoms
Constant warfare between a bunch of peasants who want to be emperor. Someone writes a bullshit novel about them 1000 years later making them superheroes.
>Sui then Tang
A northern Turkic people called the Xianbei conquer all of China. Tang is another golden age where Western culture is prevalent. For instance, the beauty standard is imported from Caucasoid Turkic northerners and fat lewd chicks are seen as the ultimate sex symbol.
>Liao then Jin
Northern steppe warriors invade and conquer half of China and enslave the Chinese population.
The remaining southern half of China.
Founded by Genghis Khan (who had red hair according to historical documents) and his Mongolian descendants. They first conquer Jin, which is already foreign-occupied, and then they conquer Song and rape all the Chinese women. Chinese are relegated to the lowest social class in the multi-ethnic Yuan empire.
Chinese peasants rebel and oust the Mongols. They once again make a peasant their supreme emperor.
Northern steppe warriors called the Manchu invade and conquer all of China and subjugate the entire population. They force all Chinese men to shave half their head and massacre 30 million Chinese.
Japan defeats Qing in a war and liberates the Chinese from 300 years of Manchu domination. Later, Japan weakens the KMT, and Communist peasants take over China.
Why are chinese so into "we wuz"-isms? They're worse than niggers. Pasta? Really? That's your claim to fame? Also, it's completely wrong and you're an idiot for perpetuating a myth made up by americans
Also, the compass was developed indepdently. Even at that, the chinese "compass" wasn't even close to the modern maritime compass invented in Venice in the 13th century, it was just the same lode stone shit used everywhere. Papyrus also existed, before chinese paper. Gunpowder could have very easily been developed independently and nitrates are something anyone can come upon. Also, smokeless gunpowder is a western invention, would the PRC even exist without smokeless gunpowder?
Boiling leaves in water is universal and people have been doing it everywhere forever.
You're insufferable, china contributed a lot, Europeans and the rest of the world did a lot with that stuff and have made enough variations such that claiming any of that shit, other than porcelain, tea, martial arts, and other specific chinese customs, as "chinese" is hilariously idiotic.
Actual culture and history, like said.
It's just sad though that guys on shit like aznmasculinity won't work with us and instead shoot themselves in the foot with shit like crowdfunding porn.
Masculinity is a thing most intellectually developed cultures are lacking right now, it's something we have to all work together to reclaim.
Wow, it's even worse than I thought. Basically only one of those things is something the Chinamonkeys did themselves, and it was just fighting amongst themselves to take control of a structure imposed on them from outside once their superior conquerors had died
>implying that the Middle East wasn't whites who also descended from the aryans
how could you ever hate this qt
idk but you should be. Lived with a Chinaman and they're worse than the Jews.
I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them.
I personally hate gooks. I think most right wingers defend gooks because they think the "model minority" fallacy helps them win arguments (it doesn't).
this is gold