David hogg has been victim of assault university.
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Seems like one of the connector wires is frayed from being exposed to the elements.
He's clearly dying for some attention...
Sounds like he's on drugs.
>unironically acting like a teenage girl
Yup he's a soyboy alright.
plot twist not going to scool for 3 months hurts ur grades and college chances
Why doesn't his dad take him camping/hunting and let him fire his first gun for a change? I bet he loves tell people on who he survived a false flag school shooting.
soy soy soy soy
>He's verified
America should be atomized
when did teenage girls and soyboys start using "update" all the time?
>recruited as deep-state fuckboy
>sucks cock and reads the jew lines given
>500000 new NRA members
>psyop total failure
>ditched by handlers
>still pretends to be optimistic he'll be fine after a few muffins
>muffins = heroin
I give the faggot 1 year max for an hero by 'hotshot' and we will never hear of it.
>be hogg
>refuse to return to school
>calls for educational boycott
>tries to get into university
>Admitting to the world that you failed to get into college for some likes and comments.
I would be embarrassed to admit to MYSELF that I failed to get into a College. I would wait until I found one that accepted me and go.. yeah I wanted to go there all along. What the fuck is wrong with kids these days, do they feel no shame?
He is trying to guilt colleges into accepting him through social media pressure. With how fucked Academia is I'd say chances are good he gets his way.
Will he get assault memed to death?
are his tweets spammed with insulting replies?
Why would you want to go somewhere that doesn't want you to go there? If I interview for a job and I don't get it (which has only happened once) I would think to myself. Hmm.. I probably fucked up and didn't deserve it. Not HEY GUYS ON SOCIAL MEDIA THIS PLACE DIDN'T HIRE ME WAAAHH I'M SO SAD I JUST ATE A HALF A DOZEN MUFFINS AND I ONLY HAVE A CHOCOLATE BAR LEFT. FEEL BAD FOR ME.
>America should be atomized
Coming from a leaf of all fucking people.
He seems to have forgotten that he's still a white male.
these are fake, right?
Rapid fire assault meme with extended swag and Trump stocks.
You do realize that half of the content on twitter is made up of people doing exactly that right?
No LOL... he's been rejected by multiple 3rd rate Unis
he has numerous mental illnesses as he outlined extensively through his cringeworthy plebbit career. obviously that's par for the course when it comes to Jews. at least I'm glad noodle arm has made so many friends now. I wonder how many will stick around when his 15 is up.
>Be Hogg
>be groomed by CNN to act at the right time
>Finally my time comes, let's milk that school shooting
>Skip school until guns are taken away from citizens
>NRA gets 500k more backers
>I am popular now, I can fix this!
>By acting smug!
>Trump invites me to the WH to speak face to face
>'lol fk u fgt 2 cool 4 u'
>That surely showed him!
>y is ppl mocking me on twitter
>'I am a teenager look lol muffins yum!'
>No university in the entire country will take me
>An hero
>I'm a cool guy
>I'm nice enough guy
>I'm a groovy kind of guy
but then I get a little MUFFIN in me
Hahaha what an actual pussy. Boohoo, I didn't get what I wanted, now I'm going to cry into some food like a woman.
Bitchmade is as bitchmade does.
>shilling for gun control
>literally too retarded to get into uni
I think he’s trying to get his acting career out of the gutter by fishing for offers for a muffin commercial.
He obviously doesn’t even want to be educated.
>refuse to go back to school until gun control is passed
>never finish high school
>no college wants you
new NRA members
>>NRA gets 500k more backers
is this shit true? i joined after finally watching that dumbass cnn town hall
What's the context on this? Are they rejecting his application to go to college? Or are they rejecting him as a public speaker on their campus?
2018 Nobel Peace Prize winner David Hogg
Tweets are fake
No, they're not, but good job making me check
Nope they are real.
>Wow how relatable I too like chocolate muffins and hate getting rejected from universities. Maybe gun control isn’t such a bad thing after all....
He also used his classmates getting killed as a way to get likes, retweets, interviews from CNN, and a blue check by his name. So I’d say he doesn’t see anything wrong with guilting colleges into accepting him via twitter
He should tweet more about his failures and shortcomings, it's satisfying
the truth accidentally spilled for a few minutes
>be university
>SJW infestation
>sponsors flee
>admission rates drop like a rock
>another activist applies after making shitload of stink
i thought this kid had powerful connections
I loled.
>Hogg actually expected the leftist (((deep state)))) to hold their half of the bargain
lol what a faggot. MK Ultra isn't sending their best!
Double plot twist, college is worthless and only worth 4 months of on the job training.
oh fuck, that is brutal
Either that or he's actually eating muffins at that rate.
>1 muffin = roughly 300 kcal
>4 muffins an hour = 1200 kcph
>that's what this skinny faggot roughly uses over an entire day
If true, he's going to swell up like a balloon very fast
He doesn't mention which ones
This kid will be American president in 2028. Screen cap this.
>do you agree that mentally unstable people should not be able get guns
Come on guy, this playbook was writtennby Stalin
Inb4 he does it on Sup Forums to get the board frozen for 3 hours again
>his lifes work
what is his reddit name?
>break out the emergency chocolate bar
How fucking gay can you be?
You forgot
>uses gun to an hero
>gun sales skyrocket in celebration
Is this what a gud goy is worth?
We should make a deal with him. Hoggmeister, beaner dyke and blonde roastie commit ritual suicide with ar15s and we'll consider banning bumpstocks
is this real? these kids are starting to lose their flair. reminds me of clock med ahmed mohamed. who even cares about him now
Rejected? Sure... must be hard for 25 y/o s to go through college that many times, kek
>insufferable political agitator
>uses his classmates' deaths to promote himself
>why don't universities want me to cause trouble for them?
Topkek The Hoggwash getting what he deserves. Bumping for justice
Ban Bump Apps
Why the fuck is this retard tweeting out every little thing that happens in his life?
He sounds like a fucking attention whore girl, what a pussy faggot.
His GPA or whatever Americans use must be pretty shit.
Stop trying to post this literal nobody child as some important person, fucking shill
Soon to be a fat white male, if he keeps eating those chocolate chip muffins by the dozen.
David Hogg: I had 6 muffins and I ate 4 that means I only have 5 muffins left. I was just rejected from every university :sad face: PS plz ban all guns
>open foundations logo is a modified pedo symbol
What? I thought all modern colleges use the GPA credit system. Maybe he isn't getting in because the schools know he'll bring political trouble.
I'm thinner than him and can confirm a few muffins and I'm g2g
This kid is becoming more and more irrelevant by the tweet. I can't wait until he starts counter signaling to get attention from right wing retards. He'll be on Alex Jones by 2019.
I got into a big state school with a 2.1 GPA out of 4. My tests scores were also only above average. It must be because I'm a spic. It's kinda ironic that this faggot fights for leftist values and can't get into a college because of affirmative action, but I got in because of my race and I'm a fascist. There truly is justice in this world.
I can't wait to order a burger and fries from this faggot.
Why does he write like a 15 year old girl?
Stop morbid obesity.
Ban assault muffins.
That's right; he's hogging all the attention, or at least as much as he can.
Because he has a bad sense of humour.
Is this a rhetorical question?
So basically he's objectively not very intelligent and yet he things he should be lecturing people about complex political issues? How does that make any sense to him? How do people become that way?
Fucking underrated
Is this?
Is this?
A little of column A and a little of column B, T.B.H.
inb4 gender change
Can someone shoot him already?
Dunning Kruger effect
He's so dumb that he doesn't even realize he's dumb.
He should shoot up those schools for not accepting him
I was contemplating this earlier. I concluded that it all comes down to emotional decisions. For example: You remember that ICE video that was on twitter recently? It's a similar concept on a broader scale.
To simplify; a few kids get shot-up, then a solution of removing the weapons that did it is made. To a generic day by day kind of person the choice seems simple, logical. These parasitic emotions are fed to them on their social media feeds and have about as much depth concerning the problem as a kiddie pool.
To further elaborate on the Issue you need look at how Google operates and how these childish ideas are amplified by a total left wing monopoly.
Being a good leader means making the hard decisions.
>Mobilizing your personal anti-Constitutional army to harass university admissions departments this fucking hard
Wait, I thought he was done with education until we repealed the 2nd Amendment.
He declined an invitation to meet Trump and then insulted Trump by calling him a "draft dodger." At that point, anyone who was actually stupid enough to care about gun control realized that he wasn't interested making any progress and his relevancy (along with the shaved head goblin) dropped like a stone.
>We should make a deal with him. Hoggmeister, beaner dyke and blonde roastie commit ritual suicide with ar15s and we'll consider banning bumpstocks
I'll give you the other two, but not my blonde roastie!
Why hasn't anyone school shooted this faggot yet?
I can't really blame any sensible college for rejecting a full time activist, think of the shit they'd have to deal with, this kid would be riling up his classmates to protest something new every month or two.
Some Berkeley tier social justice shithole will take him in.