FBI stooge Andrew McCabe fired

He may face additional criminal charges. Anti-Trump scum BTFO.

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hes lucky we dont lynch traitors anymore!

Bump for libtard tears. May they rot in hell for eternity.

Fired 2 days before his retirement. No pension. The ultimate BTFO


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The FBI is under investigation. They pay for their treason. McCabe is only the beginning. Pull the sheets over your head libtards.

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because the last time he fired someone from the FBI it made things better for him right? this was stupid as hell and is only going to embolden that witchunt probe thats already going

TraitorFag of epic proportions.

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Trump didn't fire him

What did McCabe do that was treasonous to the Trump Administration?

It's claimed that he went to the press and leaked information about the Clinton foundation investigation in October 2016. Why if this is true he's being fired now is anyone's guess.

you still hang for treason.

It's because Jefferson Sessions is a feckless little cowardly elf. He'll be gone soon. He has been the worst appointment of Trumps administration. But that'll soon be fixed.

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This. Also he was fired only a few hours before he'd have been eligible for his pension. It's a major dick move. For all the fun we have on Sup Forums it's clear he was fired, despite his intention to retire in only a few hours, a time table he'd made public a while back, just to attempt to discredit him as a potential witness.

Why don't you ask Andy about his insurance policy with Strzok?

>just to attempt to discredit him as a potential witness.
No, it was to shit down his throat.

He was going to get over a million in his pension i heard


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plebbit retards seem to be hung up on the fact that "he still has 11mil net worth and 2 mansions blah blah blah"

forever being labeled as a traitor and having your reputation btfo is infinitely better than losing muh pension. why are people so hung up on it?

it's time for these hooligans to lay all their truths out in the sunshine

>why are people so hung up on it?
they want blood.

> just to attempt to discredit him as a potential witness.

everyone including you is repeating this line which is what mccabe himself said about the firing. discrediting mccabe as a witness is teh same thing the liberals did to Flynn while simultaneoulsy believing he would flip provide the "truth" to bring down drumpf. Mccabe's documented connections to Strzok are enough to discredit him, it doesn't matter if drumpf took his pension or asked if he voted for him.

The hour after chris wray saw the stupid nunes memo, mccabe was gone

wont happen unfortunately


I can't WAIT until they fire Comey!


No. Sessions did. That makes it even better.

>treasonous to the Trump Administration?
What's that, little bitch.

Trump has zero control over PRO. This was not a political firing. Trump is happy for the same reason Sup Forums is. The rules have been obeyed.

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FISA court is finished.
The swamp is draining.
The game is over.

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>implying this wasn’t Trump’s Plan all alone

Now I remember. What the fuck was that about?

we want blood, nttatwwt.

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he should have kept comey around, that would have been so much better

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Hes not treasonous to Trump administration.

He is likely guilty of leaking government documents, obstruction of justice, the OIG report specifically mentions perjury (though they say "less then candid"), he committed treason or sedition by planning to falsify evidence to attempt to get a sitting president indicted for crimes he did not commit, he perjured himself before the fisa courts

and thats what we know so far
oh and his wife received 670000 from clintons bagman

come on dude, hes greasy and everyone knows it

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Just found out about this. Great news and he deserved it.

Fictional Russian collusion

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discredit him as a witness

hes already done that by perjuring himself before fisa courts and congress, and it wont suprise me when he is chraged with that

that what the OIG report recomends, the OIG was appointed by Obama!!!!

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>Text messages obtained by The Federalist show that Peter Strzok and Lisa Page conspired to collude with Judge Rudolph Contreras, a FISA judge who presided over Michael Flynn's guilty plea and was later removed from the case.

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Trump is happy. It's nice to see him finally get a scalp from this fiasco. Fucking snakes, the lot of them. Burn them all down.

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u're under arrest, turn ur selves in faggots

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Yeah. What does McCabe care. Isn’t this where the “insurance policy” kicks in?

Actually, if there was enough for OPR to insist he be fired there is enough to indict.

LOL. Schizophrenic delusions must make life a real bitch.

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Oh shit boys, they finally did it.
It's all ogre.

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>Suddenly Sup Forums hates law enforcement
Literally nigger behavior.

What exactly did he do wrong? And what proof do you have that he did something wrong?

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is it just me, or did McCabe fall right into the trap by mentioning the OIG report no less than 5 times in his statement?? now EVERYONE is wondering about that report....

Bump for the lost pension, top fucking kek. Worth almost two million dollars. Fuck this lying criminal.

Think about it. The Peter Stroker/Page texts were LEAKED by the OIG, they were straight up PUBLISHED. It is pretty clear they were “prepping the LZ” for when the report is actually released in full which should be about any hour now. Libtards are too dumb to realize it but they should all be on suicide watch now.

The IG can't interview him now.

Worse, once he is indicted and has to buy a team of lawyers he is going to have to sell assets, probably his home, like Flynn.

This is a good summary. Don't forget about his "insurance policy" with Strzok and Page should Trump win--essentially a plot to overthrow Trump's legitimate presidency because they didn't like him. They should all hang.

Perhaps but a second special counsel will for sure. And this time he will be telling the truth you can bet your ass.

>just to attempt to discredit him as a potential witness.
bullshit, he was literally fired by the OIG who was an Obama appointee for very well laid out and supported reasons including lying under oath, plotting to unseat a duly elected president, obstruction of justice, blah blah blah. He's fucked and he deserves it.


1.8 million in fact


I love the way libshits keep trying the Alinsky "minimize and mock" techniques on conservatives, although they have obviously ceased working quite a while ago now

What did he mean by this?

>discredit mccabe as a witness
Wow, did you get that talking point from CNN?

Do you want to know what McCabe is a "witness" to?

McCabe "witnessed" Comey tell McCabe how Comey's meeting with Trump went.

That's like me telling you I saw a unicorn, therefore you are a "witness" to me seeing a unicorn. Did you see the unicorn? No you didn't. But you witnessed me TELLING YOU that I saw a unicorn.

This goes back to Comey trying to fuck Trump, and shows what a weasel he is. Because Comey and Trump's conversation is a 1:1 he said / she said, Comey thought that he could simply tell 3 other guys at the FBI about his conversation, so it would kind of be like 4 against 1.

Comey: "Trump demanded loyalty and that I drop the Flynn thing"

Trump: "I did not demand loyalty and did not demand that Comey drop the Flynn thing"

Comey: "I have 3 witnesses who will testify that I told them that Trump demanded loyalty just like I said"

Do you get it now?

I'm pretty sure the IG already interviewed him.

Either way, it doesn't matter. The Nunes memo sealed his fate, hence why McCabe chose to voluntarily retire after Rosenstein showed him the memo before it was released.

Not only that, but Strzok and Page are awfully quiet. Could be they are pondering not only their own possible firings but also even pending charges against them. If they are worried enough, they can start talking. And those two could reveal involvement in that "insurance policy" all the way up the food chain to King Nigger himself. Not to mention the Clintons, of course. Who literally paid for the dirty dossier to be fabricated by Chris Steele and a bunch of Russians, that same dossier which they then used in the FISA court to get a warrant to surveil the Trump campaign and family...yup.

Exactly. I wonder if the Clintons or Obama will try to funnel money to him somehow to try and buy his further silence, protect themselves etc....

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None of this matters if there aren't public executions to show this shit will not be tolerated.

>the OIG was appointed by Obama!!!!
Ironically, all this is coming out because Democrats demanded the OIG investigate the FBI

Sup Forums likes good guys, if phrasing it that way helps your deficient leftist brain understand the dichotomy, and ethical law enforcement folks are the good guys. Agents who manufacture evidence and collude with nefarious elements to grind a political axe are the bad guys.

Does this help with your NY Post tier black/white understanding of things?

This is where it gets interesting. We assume the Peter Stroker et al are not talking. My bet is they are singing their ass off. Hallelujah choruses in ascending keys. It would not surprise me if the DOJ has them holed up in a safe house to keep Soros et al from an hero.

All these leftist FBI anti-American traitors trying to stage a soft coup against the ELECTED PRESIDENT deserve to be tried for treason and sent to the electric chair. Can you imagine if the intelligence agencies of Russia or China tried to do that to their elected leaders? Heads would fucking roll.

Can you even imagine the screaming of the kike Medina if the GOP had done what 0bama and Hillary have?

>t. weedfag

Just in two last months senate uncovered this: How many other crimes he committed before is yet to be uncovered, but its obvious that McCabe, Comey and Rosenstein should face firing squads.

Truly a great day for Israel.

Sundance over at CTH thinks that Strock, Page, Ohr are talking,

"Whoever winks his eyes plans dishonest things; he who purses his lips brings evil to pass."

Not really. He authorized a few agents to clear up inconsistencies in the reporting of the Clinton foundation, which he was authorized to do.

The biggest thing that led to him being fired is the charge that he misled investigators.

They fired him right before he could receive his pension, why?
>OIG and OPR can only interview employees of the government.
He was their little bitch sitting in an office, waiting for them to stop by and receive satisfaction.
>Same with Strzok, Page, and Ohr
Everyone who was getting pissed he wasn’t fired missed this.
>Fucking hilarious, demoralization shills got to so many people.

That’s an awfully round about way of excusing him for altering 302s.
And it’s a lie.
No one is authorized to alter 302s.
But you really believe what you are being told don’t you?
>Such a good goyim, such a loyal goyim, trust the goy, we won’t lie to you!

Logically he is right. My bet is they already well aware of the Prisoner’s Dillema.

>Prisoner’s Dilemma
Its pretty abstract thing, not applicable to real world criminal investigations.
If you manage to make a deal with DOJ for confession, your position cannot get worse if someone else also confesses.

It's kind of like when I went to be 11/8/16 seeing that Trump was just barely hanging in there in the election returns. I love waking up when justice and rightness prevails!

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I dunno. The first to turn rat gets the best deal. IIRC if worked for John Dean.

I think that he is going to bring down a lot of people with him. He doesn't strike me as the type that is going to take one for the team.

27'ish hours if we're being sticklers. *BOOM* Headshot... right when he thought he'd made it under the wire.

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My magic 8-ball says the axe swings on Big Bad Bobby M. next.

Can you imagine serving your country for two decades under three Presidents, only to be fired by a 5-time draft deferring, bitter, narcissistic, unqualified old man currently under criminal investigation within hours of your retirement? Politics aside, this is such an awful way to leave a job.

>Pissing away decades of government service to scheme with a America-hating Kenyan.

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He wasn't fired by Trump dumbass.

>Fired by Trump
Being this dumb

Imagine donating money to a fucking millionaire spook's retirement. The absolute state of bugperson twitter activists.

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lol no

He did exactly the same thing Michael Flynn did so why wouldn't he

Well he was caught doing some bad things his own FBI told sessions to fire him so sessions did. You should at least do basic research before you make stupid statements I wish this was not so Anonymous so we can find out who people were guess we could but that would take more work than it's worth

DNC emails. DNC says 27K emails, front page of WL database says 44K, & DNC icon on pg w all leaks says 18,252. Why? They are all there (43K). You can not search the ones w DOCIDs not in sequence (over 16K of them). You have to link direct to the DOCIDs that don't appear in sequence w the emails that are searchable. For ex, the below links arent searchable. If you search a string of text on WL, the result will not be produced. U have to direct link to it.. wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/21547 wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/21635 wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/22078 wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/22099 wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/22115 wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/22177 wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/23141 wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/28673

So, if you go to the WL main page it says the dump has 19,252 emails. then you click, that screen says:
WikiLeaks released over 2 publications 44,053 emails and 17,761 attachments from the top of the US Democratic National Committee -

release seems to have 27, 515 searchable, this bugged me.

There are tons of DOCIDS missing.. The 1st page is missing docid #5 i.e. You just directly link to these emails by entering the missing DOCID.

The interesting thing though, is that say you search the email address in this email (which does not appear in search results): wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/22177

It wont produce a result. No results for the email in that link/isnt searchable. I've emailed this to a bunch of reporters but not bites so if anyone has the time to read 16K DNC emails that have apparently not yet been investigated, have at it

Why don't you call your wife and ask her what it feels like to be a loser?

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>Hannity told me so it must be true.
You got a opinion show calming this and nothing else. Go fuck yourselves you vindictive cunts. The only reason McCabe was fired like this was to send a message of toe the "Trump did nothing Wrong" line or get fired.

Trump and his crony politics are massive shits and I look forward to the aftermath of 2020 and Trumps impeachment.

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He's not going to face any criminal charges, for god sake...

Yes, and now all the other conspirators are shitting their pants. Say bye bye to pension, healthcare, and all the other goodies you lying pieces of shit.

All the people who enabled McCabe are going to cut deals to save muh pension, no one is going to fall on their sword for that piece of shit.

The rats are jumping, time to save their own skin.

McCabe is fucked, the dude is 50. He's toast.