Basically, there is no President.
The guy who was elected to that office in Nov 2016 has abdicated all the responsibilities of the office in the interest of publicity.
State governors, Representatives, Senators, and foreign heads of state just ignore what he says because it's just random and can't be taken seriously.
He occasionally signs stuff that the Republicans in Congress sends him. But an anemic tapir with bedsores could do that.
There is no President.
Basically, there is no President
You're right. He's a God Emperor
Wow, a con artist and reality TV show host turned out to be insubstantial.
Who would have ever expected this outcome!!
So, what you're saying is Donald Trump achieved anarchy in the USA? Nice achievement, all he had to do was get elected and then act ineffective.
You’re just now figuring this out?
>All these shills in this shitty shill slide thread
how desperate are you faggots getting?
I can only imagine the atmosphere of fear at your office of cocksuckers.
What? Did you just recently found out that you will be charged with sedition?
Did you think day of the rope was just a meme?
Shill for your lives, motherfuckers.
ur a gay
>foreign heads of state just ignore what he says
If only that were true.
I have more money on every paycheck to pay my bills and I’m not being forced to have health insurance at all times next year or face a fine of almost $1000
I got a raise last most at my job too
You kikes and the MSM you run can twist this however you want, but you cannot convince Americans that it’s not easier to pay their bills. You just can’t. You lost.
There are people who have never felt anything but negative impacts from whoever the president was. War, being forced into health insurance money laundering schemes, etc.
This is the first time I’ve ever felt a direct positive impact from whoever the sitting president was. People will be redpilled by mere reality. Sorry shills
And you are a memeflag commie cocklover about to go to prison for life for choosing a shit tier job working for jews.
lmfao you are done nigger
Yep hes just the worst....
Fuck off faggots
Do you ever worry that someday in a not so distant future your bosses will have to do some cleaning and your name will be on a blacklist?
I mean surely you must've realised by now the situation you encounter yourself in, between a bullet put in your head by your employers, and life in prison.
You are actually shilling for your life at this point.
Hope those 0.002c a post are worth it, faggot.
maximum salt levels achieved
did u have 2 suck a dick to be allowed to say that, comrade
Why would anyone need to be paid to fuck with Sup Forums when it's low-effort and high-reward enough to just do it for free?
>all this effort for a shill thread
The president is ineffectual. The United States has no leadership or direction. Weakening its influence and position in the world. Russian continues to be an aggressor essentially turning all of America's online tech against them, like a slow-motion 9/11 using social media, disinformation and influencing campaigns to insanely good effect. Without Trump essentially giving the order to strike back, America remains crippled by indecision.
What an insipid answer to a perfectly well formulated question.
Is that cold scripted or was that the best your current fear and anxiety allowed you to respond?
Man, I'd really like to know all the bitterness that goes through your head right now, how dreadful you must feel.
I'd cum to that. It brings me so much joy to know each day is a literal hell for all the faggots at your office.
Remember, we love every bit of your angsty.
Oh one more thing, what are you planing to do when they thread to go after your family?
Will you have the courage to pull the trigger yourself or will you try and make a run to spill the beans?
Personally I think you should off yourself, why should your family suffer from your poor life choices? Your fate should be your own.
Just imagine in a future when your family find out you either died or went to jail for life for shitposting for kikes.
It doesn't get any funnier than that!
Come on now little shill! Don't leave me hangin', I'm thrilled to know about your thoughts, we all want to know how fucked you feel right now
Kanye is next
why are you so autistic jesus christ
You are being pathetically outmemed. It is time for you to stop talking as though anyone is taking you or this conversation seriously.
But aren't you a shill too, shill?