G'day cunts. How we going? Looks like its been a while since anyone has made a decent AUS/POL/ so I thought I'd come back and make a special edition.

>SA election: It could be D-Day for more than one political leader

>South Australia heads to the polls for unpredictable election

>South Australia heads to the polls for unpredictable election

>Xenophon not swayed by late bad polls

>SA election: Record number of voters casting ballots in unpredictable poll

>South Australia election: Complex race could take weeks to play out

>South Australia decides in forecast close election

Other Aussie news:

>Big Australia's rubbish future does not have to go to waste

>So many Australian place names honour murderous white men and their violent acts

>The Australian dollar is still getting smoked

>Shorten shares 'outrage' over UK spy attack

>ASEAN summit protests: Turnbull shaking 'hand of blood, the hand of exploitation'

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Other urls found in this thread:

first for OP is a gook

Rip I've been found out after all this time

Who /radelaide/ here? Ready for Labor to win yet again?

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what's their dinner bonus?

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How's /ourgoy/ barnardi looking for this election?
With xenefag get btfo?
>in other news
Who else here written to their MP and all their senators demanding we save the Boer?

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please no, don't let labor win

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All you can eat for 11th wedding anniversary with the wife and kids m8.
What about you?

Fuck Australian politics is boring. It boils down to 'How big do you want your nanny state, big or fucking big'.

The REAL Australian politics is on the ground housing, jobs & wage growth. All are shit and getting worse.

VB and cheese and bacon shapes
fuel for champions

>How's /ourgoy/ barnardi looking for this election?
Not good. He's polling about the same as Family First did. He didn't even campaign here to be honest. You could go and ask anyone in Adelaide who Cory Bernardi is and most would say 'literally who?'. The ones that did know would reply with 'hes that fascist/homophobe'.

Don't forget there's a Federal by-election in Batman today too. The Greens will probably pick up their second House seat.

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>would reply with 'hes that fascist/homophobe
normal people wouldn't use those words

>Greens will probably pick up their second House seat.
please no say it aint so

It's not all bad user. You've just got to really spend heaps of effort pilling your local reps at state level.
They all get in thinking they're gonna change things for the region, but then they get to the capitol city and just get utterly ignored.
I've managed to convince 8 of the 10 state reps in my regional area that separation into a new state, if not feasible (yet) is at least a great threat.

Isn't Xenophon more likely to side with the Liberals in a hung parliament?

You might as well kill yourself now. There's no sense in punishing yourself any further.

The won on primary votes in Batman at the last election, but Liberal preferences saved Labor. There's no Liberal candidate this time, so Labor will need a miracle to win.

I knew SA was the cuck capitol of the country but that's disheartening

greens were only a few votes away from it last federal election

that area is pozzed as fuck so greens should get it this time

much as i despise the greens i'm down with labor getting a kick in the teeth

I forgot it was today, I should have included some articles about it. Cory Bernardi ran a candidate in there for some dumbass reason. AND he campaigned heaps over there for some dumbass reason. He should have focused on the SA election more than there. Not even the liberals were running a candidate.

Wtf? Fucking phone posting man. Somehow changed flag to the second faggiest meme flag there is.
Sorry lads

Greens are going to win seats in Pozzbourne again. Batman, Richmond and some others.

Build the wall when?

What do you mean 'new state'. Are you shilling FNQ statehood to your rep too mate?

Cory Bernardi is a moron. He only ran a candidate there to spite the Liberals.

>SA politicians doing anything

Just wrote any old shit on the cards and dumped them in the bin, more concerned with the Pirtek fishing comp tomorrow.

It wont be a joke in 20 years mate when there are 200,000+ Africans in Pozzbourne.

Fuck Melbourne and fuck the 'Federation'.

If only they'd win maribyrnong, tossing shorten out would be fucking hilarious

but i'm not surprised at all that labor cranking up the communism isn't enough when cunts can just vote melon and have all the poz they want without unions pulling the strings

30 mins till SA polls close

At the state level, they'll probably win 4-5 seats in November and hold the balance of power in Victoria.

At the federal level, they'll probably pick up Wills, as well as hold Melbourne and Batman.

It's amazing how quickly Melbourne has transformed into a Green-Left city, when we were always called the "jewel in the crown" of the Liberal party.

Nah mate, in a different state entirely. But my region provides 40% of state revenue (as well as generates 40% of the electricity and provides 10% of the water supply) but receives less than 5% of government spending.

I'm pretty shocked by the left-wing reaction to the South African refugee thing. You'd think they'd have a least a little bit of sympathy. Instead it's basically that we have to accept every non-white refugee before we even consider south africans.

I blame the poor polling on Cory Bernardi. I had high hopes for him, but he didn't campaign AT ALL. I saw 2 adverts on TV, and just your average shitty A4 sized flyer things that they stick to Stobey polls. Literally the most half hearted campaign ever. He didn't even make it on to the nightly news once, unlike Nick Xenophon who was making it on literally nightly and is the talk of being the kingmaker.

Its going to be a rough night boys. Not going to archive these ones because they're live.

>Liberals set to end Labor reign in SA election


In 20 years the only Africans in Australia will be Boers.

Also, they'll probably pick up Melbourne Ports if that Jew - Danby chooses to retire at the next election.

Christ, 4 Federal Green sets in Melbourne alone. I want out.

>It's amazing how quickly Melbourne has transformed into a Green-Left city
Being host to like eight universities will do that.

I guess the big surprise for a lot of cunts is just how pozzed our education has become.

Look, I'll tell you why Melbourne transformed.
>Be a non-white
>Want more non-whites
Vote for the most leftist party available. Easy-peasy.

Turks do the same thing in Germany, they vote for the turbo-cucked leftists in Germany then vote for ultra-nationalists in Turkey.
It's clever isn't it?

Can you imagine whites traveling to foreign countries, voting leftist in their elections to import more whites, all while still voting for nationalist anti-immigration parties in their home countries?
Neither can I; It's fucking absurd.

ya'll hear about the r9k an hero?

He's not even our guy. He's in bed with Gina. He's only our guy if you want to have mega Christian US style Republicans and tonnes of shitskins doing tradie and mining work and stuff.

a goy can dream

at least i'm not a nigger

Lol. A day of the rope in Australia LARPer. How cute. Pozzbourne faggot.

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I heard on the news Greens members rang up stupid old farts who would've voted Labor and told them they don't have to vote because they are over 70. Lel.

>Still living in Pozzbourne

I'm not watching that gruesome shit. Nearly got me.

Nah I think this guy is more right Immigrants/non-whites don't vote Green. Chinks and older Greeks/Italians vote Liberal, while everyone other type of immigrant votes Labor.

The Greens are the party of the inner city white soyim. For all their talk of diversity, they're probably even whiter than One Nation.

its just him doing a cut cat wave :3

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Nobody besides Labor and Xenophon campaigned here. The Liberals are basically invisible and everyone else is too small to give a shit. Nothing much will happen besides Xenophon's team getting some seats as the new outside party with either Labor or Liberal winning by a narrow margin.

Fag. You better not be new.

>inner city white soyim
Pozzbourne making excuses again.

I've got enough mental scars from that sort of thing. Sometimes I look at r/watchpeopledie

Saw some Mexican cunt on his back, getting his organs cut out whilst he was still alive.

>and tonnes of shitskins doing tradie and mining work and stuff.

>Cory Bernardi's party calls for pulling out of refugee convention and halving immigration

Well no, because white people have no self interest whatsoever. A lot of WNs meme about the chinese being autistic and soulless, but whites aren't much different. We're actually the same breed of civilized autist - bred to have less humanity because humanity in its natural state creates discord. The great in-group preference has just dissolved to a higher degree with them to the point that they really only have allegiance to the family, while there's still some remnant of greater tribal loyalty left in us - just enough to sort of care about the lives of random people, with the ability to recognize members of the tribe being completely gone, leading to us recognizing everything from niggers to fucking housecats as human on a subconscious level. Some white people actually retain the archaic tribal instinct, mostly in families that have historically been farmers (a farmer who recognizes his livestock as anything but moving objects will never be an efficient farmer) and soldiers (gotta kill foreigners). They call themselves sane, others call them monsters. They are in fact more human than anyone else.

Whites who lack significant racial bias are just a step away from being like the chinls.

reason I bring it up is cause you know they shut down Sup Forums and 4chins for 12 hours while they scraped the server IP data for the FBI?

then ya'll know how his funeral was canceled because cops are hanging onto his body pending investigation?

State of CA is coming for our toxic online spaces

You forgot to take your meds again m8

I dunno man, the libs campaigned against SA Best.

Also, do you get a fine for ripping down their posters?

Who are SA Best expected to second preference for?

And Labor shilled hard against SA Best too. Couldn't go an hour without hearing those ads on the radio. They're clearly scared of them shaking up their duopoly.

how do you explain this?

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I've heard of a lot of Chinks voting Labor but it's probably a class divide more than an ethnic one. Business owners voting Liberal vs their minions voting Labor or something maybe.

Doubt any of them vote Green because legal immigrants fucking hate rapefugees. Cunts had to jump through hoops to get a visa and migrate here while abdul and his pack of niggers get visas and passports handed to them for nothing more than being niggers

Labor is also the party of Beijing so there's probably a lot of newly-passported chinks doing what the chink grapevine from the motherland suggests.

Also yes you do get fined. If you get caught.

Who /Danig/ here?

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Actual happening: they are protesting comet ping pong for six months

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you were larping and posting BLACKED threads and forgot to switch back to geo-flag, don't pretend otherwise cunt

Shame he's a massive cuck.
I am amazed, I think their party might actually perform OK. They ran a pretty good campaign to be honest, a lot better than Cory Bernardi's (he literally didn't have one). They were on TV, Radio and even ran a candidate in my electorate which I really am surprised about. Whether they win a seat or not will be a different story though. Shame their policies don't seem to be very good imo.

>legal immigrants fucking hate rapefugees
Its a secret ballot mate.
>Oh me hatey ferro chinks, china shit!
*Voting time*
>Big Chinese grin and vote for the faggiest most cucked white party their is, the one that doesn't even really believe in borders or militaries.


(((exit polls)))

That's true. Though SA is basically a Labor safe haven so I guess that's why everyone bitches out and doesn't try. Merely hoping to get in by default.

Low voter turnout reported in the southern half of the Batman.

The bulk of the Green vote came from south of Bell Street last time, so this is bad news for them

SA is labor strong. Although hopefully after tonight we will see that ended. 16 fucking years. 1 6 y e a r s. Last election labor only just managed to win through a hung parliament (and coz an MP died).

I predict Lib win because of the TAS result. Smaller states are jealous of our chink cash and they want in.

I honestly wasn't. I know there's no way to convince you but I may be the only truthful person on the net

>I may be the only truthful person on the net

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>45 minutes since polls closed
>No results out yet in Batman


What is this "FIX" you speak of??(((?)))

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>be SA fag
>Don't know where to get a prostitute
>Don't trust

Reminder that if you didn't vote Australian Conservatives you're a literal cuck.

>prediction says Xenophone won't win a seat


I drew an extra box and voted for Adolf Hitler i also drew a huge Nazi sign on the white ballet paper and wrote fuck the government. Shitty ass government threatening people to vote by enforcing a fine

>I may be the only truthful person on the net

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so what? he's a left wing faggot. sort of funny at times, but still a left wing faggot. I wish i could believe otherwise because like i said, he is quite funny at times.

>only 0.2% counted in batman

something strange is a foot


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does a liveleak exist of the full livestream, or at least the part where his mother walked in and the cops came?

what the fuck is this shit

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It's illegal to shoop the election posters right?

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When you vote, are you assigned to a specific polling place, or are you allowed to vote at any within your electorate?

If the former, are there any maps that show polling place boundaries?

You're allowed to vote anywhere in your electorate.

>If the former, are there any maps that show polling place boundaries?
Yes, usually they're held in local schools, community centres, church halls etc so they're easy to find.

just google "rk9 suicide" bro
i just watched it

Cunt.... That's my council area.

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The not knowing is going to eat you up inside. One day you will look back on this moment and wonder if you were graced with the presence of the one user who didn't ever pretend to be something he wasn't.

And you'll never know.

That's what happens when 45million people vote. It takes a long time to count them all.

yeah nah mate, theyre fucking wrong. SABEST going to win 5-6 seats.

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I see. Thanks.

How do polling stations prevent fraud then? In the states, you are assigned to a specific polling station. How do you guys cross-check to make sure people don't vote at multiple polling stations? I guess it's possible, but it sounds like more trouble than it's worth.

What the fuck. Cory Bernardi couldn't find some time to campaign properly in SA but he can find some time to commentate on the results of how shit his party will do because he didn't campaign?

fyi Cory Bernardi is on Channel 7 Adelaide's SA election special