When did everything get PC?

When did everything get PC?

I am so positive that The music industry, and Hollywood from my perspective was very edgy growing up, i always thought that they pushed the envelope when it came to shit, but its almost like everything they produce now is watered down.

or is this just mandela effect

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because growing up they had to get you to think like them, on a macro level. 80's and early 90's were all about rebelling against your "lame" parents who they knew had opposite political views, after that it was all about pushing the envelope to be edgy ect. Now they are in charge, and culturally dominant, so the next step is controlling maintaining and dehumanizing the other side. This is where PC culture and SJW come into play, the hit squads that now make people with perfectly normal traditional or conservative views be forced to keep those views in the shadows.

After this phase is gone youll need to openly love support and embrace the fucked up ideology and culture they are forcing on people. It wont be enough to passively accept it even.

You cant be edgy when your the establishment. thats the point they have reached...and now the pendulum swings the other way as the oppressed culture and sub cultures start to feel edgy and taboo....just like the satanic marxism that hollywood once shoved down our throats was.

Let them do what they want, it only redpills more and more normies

It’s still edgy, look at Sup Forums
They get triggered by any artist that does anything remotely progressive, they sound like cranky old people talking about the good old days when times were more wholesome.
The real red pill is that conservatives, republicans, whatever they call themselves on this board, etc. can’t adapt to change and are just being reactionary and reluctant to examine themselves

If Buscemi and William H. Macy weren't so good in Fargo I'd probably never watch it again just to avoid seeing this sjw mick cunt's face for an hour. Fucking potato niggers are a plague.

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>I am so positive that The music industry, and Hollywood from my perspective was very edgy growing up
And theres the crux of it. Life moves in an action->reaction format. Edginess->PC liberalism->to in your face trump inspired rightisms-> extreme PC liberalism (coming in 2024)

So uh, if everyone doesn't stop trying to get a reaction out of everyone else, the world should be a very interesting place when the civil war breaks out. I look forward to seeing how far left this reaction will go.

>When did everything get PC?
gamer gate.

Does your memory only go back 4 years ago? This is a much older problem.

I'd say it started with the Balfour Declaration


They started the culling in the 80's and 90's
Every Goy rock/pop star has been killed that wasnt an occultist faggot.

she sounded like a total loon during that acceptance speech

>or is this just mandela effect

>mandela effect

you mean you fucking forgot?

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>muh reactionary

Gee maybe we hate change because the "change" is fucking bad?

It goes back a lot further. The day the jews sent their evangelizers into rome to convert the romans to a peaceful bullshit jew religion to destroy the empire was a pretty big one.

I thought so too. Exactly like some drugged-out homeless person.

Wondered if it was just my imagination. Immediately googled it, to find every fucking news outlet praising her for empowering women.
>News Outlet

The media isn’t even trying to be subtle anymore.

I remember when movies were entertaining, yeah.

>Boo: A Madea Halloween
>Not Entertaining

Pleb taste.

Mandela effect is not people getting PC. It is a result of planes within the universe which should of never crossed rippling together due to us fucking with time and the Higgs Boson in late 2012.

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>I am so positive that The music industry, and Hollywood from my perspective was very edgy growing up,
You were just a liberal cunt.

In Croatia, I noticed this PC trend happening from 2012-2013, somewhere when 9gag was at peak of popularity. You wont believe it, but those normie memes contained alot of political SJW narrative and I remember alot of kids becoming SJW weirdos. Girls with red/blue hair, while guys becoming cuck white knights during college, hi-school.

Meanwhile, I noticed changes in social structures where those gypsies, albanians and bosnians (ie, minorities) becoming treated like kings and country buying social peace with social welfare for them. 5-6 years later. They now drive expensive Mercedes, BMWs & Audis, living in luxury houses, all on welfare and because of organized crime - mostly selling coke, extortion, people smuggling in Italy etc. etc.

Video here is from September 2017. when reporters from one Croatian TV station investigated one of many criminal gypsy familie and when they come to their luxury house, they were attacked by gypsies and almost killed:


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Come on, kiddos. Political correctness has been in overdrive for a long time now. I'd like someone to track down the first occurrences of "political correctness gone mad" in British tabloids. I'm sure the PC mentality has been well in place at least since the 90s in the sense of policing language and causing storms in a teacup.

Frankly and unironically it's a part and parcel of living in multiculturalist / multiethnic societies.

This is the most retarded fucking thing ever compiled and you should be ashamed of yourself for posting it.

This is someone not knowing how something is spelled or where it is found georgraphically, who thinks it is a certain way for a long time, but them only to find out that they were wrong the entire time. But instead of admitting that, it's the Mandela effect man!

Nice try Schlomo

Get back in the oven

I met a Croatian babe once at a language class, and also crocop exists so I think the country is awesome. So the local SJW stuff was 20ish years after independence? In Poland people still hate gypsies but I guess there is always more reasons to be involved in crime like drug dealin if you have less to lose,

Since the spin was invented.

It started in the mid 80s, we laughed at it and said "Who will take this seriously? "
It became a very useful tool for social control.

You people confuse a bunch of weirdo elitists who pay useful idiots to set up one side against the other i.e. gamergate in order to divert attention from unsavory practises i.e. gambling unfinished games overpriced dlc etc through sexism racism with ordinary hateful internet culture which has always attracted mainly youths incl 4chins

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