I don't understand why we're still developing nukes

Seriously, it's estimated that less than 100 modern nukes will permanently destroy the Earth. Just fucking nuke yourself, it has the same effect... (pic unrelated.)

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>mfw we have used thousands already

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The difference is we didn't use them all at once. A singular nuke will do next to nothing, because the sudden radiated dirt in the air will come down in less than a few days. If we use even 10, it will cause a huge dirt cloud that will last for at least a decade, causing mass starvation, and permanent damage.

I agree, America has far more nukes than it needs. Why should you spend time and money developing and safeguarding that shit? Only good thing that could come out of this is if all nukes in America went off inside their silos simultaneously

Go look up how many nukes have been tested, if nukes were gonna destroy everything they already would have.

"The difference is we didn't use them all at once. A singular nuke will do next to nothing, because the sudden radiated dirt in the air will come down in less than a few days. If we use even 10, it will cause a huge dirt cloud that will last for at least a decade, causing mass starvation, and permanent damage." Literally one fucking comment above.

>100 nukes is all you need
then who cares? get a job lazy fuck

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I have a job... I don't see your point.

Who do you think invented (((nukes)))?

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>what is nuclear detterance

MAD keeps us from firing any, unless an entity has nothing to lose.

correct me if i'm wrong but modern nukes have an insanely short half-life compared with the a-bombs we dropped on the japs?

We do not need the Earth if no Russia is there

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>kekistani commie poster
bruh, you went farther than full retard.

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Aliens you fucking retard. Those green slimy bastards are set to fuck with us.

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If we don't focus on building machines for war, then there would end up being too much stuff. We can't have that, friendo.


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>it's estimated that less than 100 modern nukes will permanently destroy the Earth

It is estimated that the moon is made of cheese and could feed the whole earth for 1000 years.

Obviously we need to form a council of elder magicians who understand the dangers that nuclear weapons pose... On their orders we will build a massive underground vault in Antarctica and store all the nuclear weapons there. The vault will require seven keys, which will be guarded by seven immortal bio-enhanced warlords (appointed by the magician's counsel of course) and these immortal guardians will then be locked inside dungeons on the seven continents of the earth. A prophecy will then be written that in the time of Earth's greatest need, a hero will arise who will defeat all the seven guardians, retrieve all the keys, find the vault in the Arctic and launch all of the nukes simultaneously at Israel. And then we can live in peace.

>it's estimated that less than 100 modern nukes will permanently destroy the Earth

Not at all. The world might get cooler, but only retards won't survive it.

The problem now is that Russia has 100 megaton cobalt devices. They can kill much of the animals on the planet's surface.

We need to take all the funding away from defending other nations that aren't paying their dues and build the strongest nukes on earth with the fastest, most evasive and far reaching delivery systems. Fund nukes and nuke defenses and let the outside world defend itself. If you threaten us just a little your nation, the literal land mass attributed to your nation will be glass, not just cities but terraforming the entirety of the nation and all those around it that didn't heed our command to take care of it for us will be rendered a radioactive wasteland. There is no reason we shouldn't be ruling the world by now. No reason to tolerate chaos when you could control.

The actual purpose of nukes are to target and destroy military targets in the event of a war. Not flatten city scapes and cause nuclear fallout across the globe. The idea of war is the destroy your enemies will to fight, not literally destroy the entire enemy. Modern nukes are the size of tsar bomba, they're much smaller, designed to destroy high value targets.

aren't the size of tsar bomba i meant.

Not anymore. Also, UK and France target metro areas specifically because they have so few.

Russia has made 100 megaton enhanced radiation devices for their Kanyon strategic torpedoes.

The planet will be conviniently nuked to shit once the (((elite))) are on Mars with their terraforming tech and robotic/automated """""labour"""""

I'll have mutually assured destruction for 600 please, Alex.


Pandora’s box has been opened. Nuclear weapons will never go away. There isn’t enough trust in the world for that to happen. As long as humans act human, this situation will never resolve and we WILL get into a nuclear exchange some day.

That is unless some day the world is ran by a benevolent AI that oversees the situation.

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There aren't and have never been enough nukes to destroy the planet.

did it change from 3 to 4?

A nuclear war now will probably kill off 99.99999% of humans with the only survivors being in deep bunkers.

Putin the madman literally did it and constructed large cobalt devices. It's no coincidence saying that he'd kill all life if Russia is nuked, recently.

Because I want enough nukes to blow up space nigga.

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Still won't destroy the planet. Also won't snuff out all human life. I'm not aware of any nuclear targets in say...Africa or South America.

The radiation from the cobalt devices will circle the globe and coat the surface with intense radiation that'll last for hundreds of years.

Usually, the radiation will be fairly harmless when it comes back down to the surface, as it's only bad for ~2 weeks.

Meh. People will survive. Those hippie memes from the past that got repeated constantly turned out to be scare mongering.

This is generally fact, though.

All of us have radiation in our bodies from the atmospheric tests in the old days; said radiation is harmless for all intents, but it's still there.

Now, if that radiation was say, fatal, then we'd all be dead.

That's what cobalt devices do.

Have to keep feeding that military industrial complex.

true tbqh, and if you want a white pill / black pill depending on how you see it we've had cobalt thorium bombs since the 50's which cover the entire earth with a layer of cobalt 60 that has a half life of over 90 years and emits deadly gamma radiation, it would kill all life on earth, not even the elites could survive it, and that was over 60 years ago, watch dr strangelove by stanley kubrick

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fuckin checked based leafbros

Yes, we saw and you're still wrong dumbass. You're massively overestimating the strength of nuclear weapons like some fluorided sheep. The earth is huge, and as big as a nuke is it's still a tiny pinpoint of an explosion on a global scale.

Not accurate. The spread of radioactive material is dependent on the design of the bomb. The difference between a bomb and nuclear bomb is fission vs fusion. Fusion being far more powerful.