Why are their nearly more Holocaust survivors then there are WWII vets? I mean if there were 16 million US active service members in WW2 and 550,000 are alive today. How were their 9 million Jews in Nazi occupied territories with about 500,000 holocaust survivors alive today.
But why do holocaust survivors survive better and longer than US service members? I thought the Nazi killing machine was the perfect machine of death.
Jaxson Stewart
Yeah my fucking grandad enlisted when he was 16 by lying about his age. We're talking about many millions more US service members, with much lower casualty rates than they say the jews went through all dying out before the jews.
Don't add up.
Logan Wood
You don't understand, pretty much any jew can say they survived the holocost because they are alive.
Jason Martinez
This is why public radio has been trying to teach the masses about epigenetics.
Landon Richardson
Even normies are figuring this math out. I just had this conversation with a friend. How the fuck are all my grandparents dead, all of whom lived through or fought in WW2, but I read about a new holohoax survivor every day?
Well after reading something about Israel saying survivors can be recognized up to 2050 or whatever I knew something was up.
Aaron Richardson
Note for the DOTR.
No survivors.
Jaxon Myers
Devil's advocate here, if the holocaust did happen, it involved children as much as 17 years younger than the average US soldier. Gives them a bit more longevity.
That being said, It sure does seem mighty suspicious.
Josiah Ross
all ww2 vets were adults during ww2 many holocaust/holohoax victims were children during ww2 retard
Benjamin Scott
School shooting survivor here you guys are being anti-Semitic.
Christopher Rogers
Our government gives them extra in income tax if they are holocaust survivors jews do not want anyone knowing this.
Charles Stewart
But i thought they gassed all the children first because they couldn't work as slave labor?
Josiah Gray
Because it was real in my mind.
Luis Diaz
? There were about 500K holocaust survivors in 1945. There are less than 100K still alive today.
Andrew Brown
Jew wizardry
Christian Richardson
Naw, shit ton of holocaust survivors were kids. As in 0-15 years old. Which means they will out live most of the soldiers.
>Why are their nearly more Holocaust survivors then there are WWII vets? In principle, because you need to be 18 to join the army.... while the gas chambers are something the whole family can enjoy.
Isaiah Scott
Funny how all the kids seem to remember the gas chambers and the holocoaster and the soap. Really activates my almonds.
Ian Perry
This is exactly what they say, i have seen funny shit where one guy claims Auschwitz was a one way death camp, then another guy says no i was transferred from there to another death camp. The other jew claims he is a liar and that that never happened that it was strictly one way.
Nathan Phillips
there should be no detainees left, they have all died, they didn't survive shit, I survive everyday it's so dumb
Andrew Wright
This show is about an evil nazi concentration camp. But the nazis are nice and funny. It was produced by Jews in (((Hollywood))) in the late 1960s.
In the 1970s the Holohoax was being "revealed" with (((documentries))). Ask your Boomer parents about why they never knew about the Holocaust and they will say, "nobody talked about it back then". LOL
Wealthy Jews in Hollywood apparently didn't know their relatives and escapies who became movie stars were being slaughtered either so they made Hogans Heroes.
>Our government gives them extra in income tax if they are holocaust survivors jews do not want anyone knowing this. holy fuck is this true? Everyone should know about this
They didn't say that every child was gassed, just ones under a certain age. School taught us that newborns were thrown into the ovens in some camps.
Nicholas Robinson
I learned about the holocaust in school, they never taught us that 100% of babies and children were gassed and that none survived.
Noah Mitchell
Statistics, mathematics and reason are white privilege. You sir are a clear white supremacist for using logic. Jewish defense organizations have been noticed, you sir, are a nazi.
So you WERENT taught that 100% of babies and children were killed, you were taught that SOME children in SOME camps were killed. So there could have been a lot of other babies and children in other camps that survived. Gotcha.
Nolan Brooks
>550,000 are alive today.
How are you shitposting from the 20th century?
Most recent Holocaust survivor estimate I saw was 100,000.
Aiden Evans
No, I was taught that some children were literally thrown into the ovens. They strongly implied that all children under a certain age in all camps were killed.
William Bell
So why didnt the Nazis gas the children first considering they couldnt work?
Wyatt Cook
You know in the holocaust threads, one of the main arguments is that all elderly people and kids under 15 went straight into oven.
Jack Gomez
Everyday a new survivor is born
Joshua Ortiz
Were those children in death camps?
Michael Nelson
>Holocaust survivors Because people who at no point were under treat of being killed consider themselves "survivors".
It’s like "rape survivors"
Joseph Harris
Soviets were evil people.
Sebastian Richardson
SOME being the operative word. Do you know what "some" means in relation to an overall quantity? Let's use some syllogisms.
All camps have some babies and children. Some camps kill all babies and children. Therefore, all babies and children were killed and none could survive to explain why there are still ~100,000 living survivors.
Is the above syllogism logically consistent or not?
Charles Richardson
I'm in Canada, and I remember the trauma of 9/11 like it was yesterday. I'm a 9/11 survivor.
Austin Phillips
You are luck you survived mate, they could have flown that plane into Canada!
Oliver Kelly
Caleb Thomas
You don't understand. They told us some children were LITERALLY thrown into the ovens, not that some children were killed.
Mason Martin
Here why slowfags, "the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, defines a Holocaust survivor as “any persons, Jewish or non-Jewish, who were displaced, persecuted, or discriminated against due to the racial, religious, ethnic, social, and political policies of the Nazis and their collaborators between 1933 and 1945… includ[ing], among others, people who were refugees or were in hiding.”
Xavier Nelson
I feel your pain, user. Surviving is a challenge, and the 34 million Canadian who made it through 9/11 are all heroes in my book.
John James
If Mengele did not personally give you a prostate exam, you are not a Holocaust survivor.
Austin Myers
hmm.. very good point. >many holocaust/holohoax victims were children during ww2 a child born in 1940 would be 78 therefore any 78 year old jew claiming to be a holohoax victim is full of shit because if they were a victim theyd be dead
Because the holocaust is a "fire sacrifice" straight from the Talmud, it's mentioned in the book of Genesis too, 9:20 I believe. Jews are obsessed with religious meanings and the occult.
>the 1917 revolution in Russia was orchestrated by jew Lenin >Stalin was jewish >Stalin was allied to the "Allies" >Stalin built the iron curtain >all death camps and proof was behind the iron curtain >the wall didn't fall until 1989 >the soviet union didn't fall completely until 1991 thanks to massive amounts of food donations from the "allies" as his murderous regime killing hundreds of millions through democide >the number of "holocaust deaths" was corrected by several million in 1991, just a coincidence goyim, that's why we didn't tell anyone and people who deny the 6 million are jailed >David Cole made a documentary inside of Auschwitz, the camp manager admitted to the gas chambers being built in the 50's >still no evidence of ANY of this nonsense being true >only these survivor stories exist as anecdotal evidence, and they're full of holes
And here's the kicker: >Germany was forced to pay lifelong survivor pensions to anyone who claimed to be a holocaust survivor, provided that they had a story to tell
HMMMMMMMM, really makes you think huh? Until the 1950's, the myth was electrical evaporation chambers, but none were found so they turned it into gas chambers and ovens.
Xavier Anderson
never forgetti
Dominic Mitchell
Trying to figure out why there’s a picture of Corey haim
Jaxson Fisher
Does anyone actually read the super serial rants on pol?
>kids under 15 US Army enlistment age was 17. Last I looked 15 is a little under 17.
That definition includes every Pole or Russian who was in Nazi-held territory. (Note that the Nazi objective WAS extermination of the Poles and about half the Russians, so it's not actually unfair to count them as survivors)
>Until the 1950's, the myth was electrical evaporation chambers, but none were found so they turned it into gas chambers and ovens.
Nope. In the 1940s, the Allies knew that the Nazis had been murdering huge numbers of Jews in the camps. They did not know the technique used. The notes from brainstorming sessions trying to FIGURE OUT what the Nazis had done include a bunch of dumbass ideas people came up with. Once the first death camps were liberated, it was a lot easier to figure out what the Nazis had been doing.
Matthew Martinez
Fucking disgusting.
Nathaniel Turner
Remember! It's everyone else's fault! The Jews are God's own chosen people, obviously! They would never do anything immoral or wrong, surely?
WWII ended 73 years ago, only people left alive today would have been in their teens or early 20's and they would be in their 80-90s today
Samuel Ortiz
>US Army enlistment age was 17. Last I looked 15 is a little under 17. so what, those 2 years from 15 to 17 accounts for kikes being massively overrepresented in ww2 survivors?
Elijah Russell
>the Jews are people with a powerful document. It is a FREEDOM document I believe in the Holocaust but come on.
because they keep producing them, any Jew that is 80~ years old qualifies to be a Holocaust survivor even if they didnt live in Europe at the time
Angel Fisher
There's so many more vets but they don't all have some constant need for everyone to know because they're cool people.
Most old guys you see, i mean real old now, are vets, they don't show it off like War on Terror or Vietnam vets seem to.
Juan Davis
>those 2 years from 15 to 17 accounts for kikes being massively overrepresented in ww2 survivors? Absolutely. Not only that but most holocaust surviviors still alive today were probably 15 or under at the time meaning that some of them could reasonably be in their late 70s or early 80s. None of the WW2 vets alive could have been any older than 24 but not any younger than 17 so most of them are pushing ninety with even as old 100. That is a huge deal.
Benjamin Butler
>1918 revolution directly allowing Rothschild himself to buy the land for Israel through funding the war for the English >no reason
The jew truly cries out as he strikes
Owen Martinez
2018 - 1945 = 73 years ago 73 + 16 (age you had to pass for)= 89 73 + 6 (or younger) = 79
Unless it confuses you that there are more octogenarians than nonagenarians.
Isaac Clark
>PoW camps are death camps no one believes this
John Adams
Your government taxes jews more?
Parker Scott
the kikes say everyone under 15 was sent straight to the chambers
Jace Gomez
Lenin was not Jew. Stalin was not Jew. All proof was not behind the iron curtain. David Cole now accepts the Holocaust. There is mountains of evidence but you're retarded.
John Evans
Thanks for proving my point for me, you lying kike.
>Library The library photo is an outright hoax: it's actually a photo of the library in Pforzheim Officer POW Camp in Germany made in 1918: kingsownmuseum.com/ko2556.htm
We have the soviet professor who managed the camp on tape, admitting that the camps were altered in the 1950's on several occasions to plant holocaust evidence. Without the camps, you only have eye witness reports and those are full of holes and impossibilities.
You have NOTHING, you're done. People are waking up to your bullshit at a rate where everything you do to try and stop it just speeds it up further. You could retreat and hide away, maybe that way Europe will not seek to take revenge as there is no need to purge you. That's the best you can do at this point, total avoidance and silence. Meanwhile the ADL is censoring youtube left and right, Twitter is dead and facebook is dying. Every time you try to curtail the truth, you just make your problems worse and our convictions stronger. Truth does not fear investigation, so why does the holocaust need to be shielded from anyone even questioning it in part? If it's true, any research done into it will prove it further. It's not. You know it. That's why you try to shut it down.
"Beschränkte, Idioten, Krüppel und kranke Menschen müssen in kürzester Zeit durch Liquidation zur Entlastung des Lagers aus demselben entfernt werden. Diese Maßnahme findet aber insofern eine Erschwerung, da nach Anweisung des RSHA entgegen der bei den Juden angewendeten Maßnahme, Polen eines natürlichen Todes sterben müssen."
"Imbeciles, idiots, cripples and sick people must be removed from the camp as soon as possible by liquidation to unburden it. But this measure has insofar complications as, according to RSHA order, contrary to the measure applied on the Jews, Poles must die from natural causes."
>contrary to the measure applied on the Jews, Poles must die from natural causes
>contrary to the measure applied on the Jews, Poles must die from natural causes
>contrary to the measure applied on the Jews, Poles must die from natural causes
Every jew in Europe during 1940-1945 considers themselves a Holocaust survivor, even if they never had to deal with Nazi's, poverty or concentration camps.
It reminds me of 9/11 and how even some dipshits in different areas of NY and NJ consider themselves "9/11 survivors" despite not even being around the WTC when it collapsed.
That's exactly the mindset of the Jew to pretend to be "survivors".