Why does the literary establishment hate Trump so much?

Why does the literary establishment hate Trump so much?

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>concern posting

FeebleFags will never be able to comprehend GEOTUS

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Because he denied Goddess Empress Hillary Rodhan her promised throne.

Probably from all the dick sucking like you OP tbqh

i think a lot of this is just attention seeking. it's so easy to have this popular opinion and be one of millions of twitter rubes that fumble over themselves endlessly to post the most clever hurrdurr about Trump. Nothing could be easier to get cheap likes, especially if you are a sheltered weirdo like King who hasn't seen the sun in 3 years.

This guy is a Grade A coward. You will never see him post an unpopular opinion, and if he does, he will claim it was inadvertently and apologize profusely.

Isn't that racist? I'd get offended for real.

Also, many mutts here. Who was in the right in La Violencia? It's sick they killed each other this much, it's under-reported as hell being probably the deadliest post-WW2 civil war in "European hemisphere".

What do I feel like is going to die of heart attack

>Stephen King
>Literary establishment

The guy writes garbage.

(((literary establishment)))

Its hard to get into the cultural establishment without being a raging leftard. Self publishing of e-books may circumvent that. But the current generation of "great writers" had to get a publishing deal from (((big publishers)))) to make it to the top.

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Van of peace



And yet he is orders of magnitude more successful than you will ever even hope to be.

Didn't he die three days back?

The literary establishment is a tight community. Ideas like cultural marxism and "white privilege" go hand in hand with truly being part of it. Keep in mind these people all talk to each other, so they tend to have the same groupthink opinions about politics

As for why writers specifically, creative people do tend to be leftard. It's a huge weakness.

Because they are the same type of people we see in the entertainment sector.

Shut up and fuck off is what I'd say if I had a twitter
How can Americans put up with these insufferable cunts?

Because he has been the immovable object on their path of destruction... Id guess. He was meant to be a scape goat to justify the rule of Hillary. That is one of the biggest insults to them when the scape goat won't adhere to the planed objective.

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They can't that is why they have been moving out of the city's to independent living.

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"But please take away our guns!"

It's almost as if people with an actual education realize Trump is a fucking idiot

It’s crazy how much he used to look like Dennis Hopper

Your know the NRA is strong on the intent to have better screening and records to deny complete and total psychopaths from getting guns. Its the left that just want to shoot shit and not approach the manor in a intelligent approach. Trump did A real politician move say one thing to get the heat off you then when once the pressure is off do something different.

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Because they tend to be smarter than average.

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Rather have a idiot then someone who is smart just looking to fuck me over.

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They're either (A) kikes or (B) have been brainwashed by kikes.

So was Hitler.

Because their income is based on appealing to as broad an audience as possible. Political incorrectness directly affects their standard of living.

Then you might be an idiot.

Stephen King does because he wants the (((media))) to help him cash in on movie adaptations of his books before he croaks.

It's how the intentionally restricted procedures works man.

Whenever a democrat is in power: everyone to the right of him calls him a communist and he's going to seize power at any moment!

Whenever a Republican is in power everyone to the left of him calls him a Fascist and he's going to seize power at any moment!

The reality? They are all directly involved with or in the case of Trump: has his family intermarried into the international Jewish elite. The method used with Trump is slightly different. In the past the media had to pick and choose what to attack because the politicians were careful with what they said. Trump just won't stop saying inflamatory things, so the whole process is accelerated. What is the result? An intentionally restricted and limited democracy where the people at the top of the political sphere are paid for by the same group of people, irregardless of which party they belong to. Same election different candidates, donations to both of them.

Noam Chomsky is a cuck, but he was right when he said pic related.

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Because the literary establishment are a bunch of limp wristed pussies that live in fantasy land and have no idea how the real world works.

It was a rigged election but not in how they say. Its not a change in power suture just a different political view. yet they are still fuming mad they did not have complete media black out on the real person Hillary is. youtube.com/watch?v=max-9S8Ili0 she killed a lot of Africans to get mining rights now china is setting up shop to genocide them. I hope we keep winning fuck the plan.

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>you're an idiot if you dont work against your own interests.
how exactly?

Because he offends the aesthetic sensibilities of those in the ruling class and those with pretensions to the ruling class. Despite being a billionaire he talks like a talks like a shop foreman or the guy who owns the warehouse. He's crass, eats the wrong foods, didn't go to the right school, doesn't affect to follow the latest fads, mocks their sacred cows, etc. On a gut level they recognize that he is more like the plebs they have disdain for than he's like them. Obama was a haughty fool, but he looked hip, looked cool, bowed down at the alter of diversity, made all the right noises when he spoke - even if they didn't make sense or were outright lies. For the ruling class, Obama was the avatar of everything they wanted to be. He made them feel good just by being.

Trump is the polar opposite of that. He represents everything and everyone they loath. Always remember, when they spew their hate at Trump they're really what you believe, how you act, what you love. They hate you. Trump is just the stand in for you.

cuz I am not trying to fuck you over? I am not with that piece of human waste.

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Fucking hack


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DHURR HURR DURRR HURRR MUH TRUMP DURR - zionistpayrolldicksuckerCelebs2017-2022

i want to make them all eat their own feces and lock em up in a basement with minimal food and water to starve em near death and then release em in a desert or jungle somewhere to fend for themselves.

>Why does the literary establishment hate Trump so much?
Probably because more people are scared after reading Trumps tweets than after reading any of Kings books.

Because the industry is run by jews and they tend to only allow good goys and fellow members of the tribe to reach success.

Wait, I have a better one, they hate him because more people read his randomly made 2am tweets than read the books they've slaved over for months and years.

Yea I am aware they where both in the same boat as far as puppet masters.

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As if we needed any more Stephen King is a fucking hack writer, he used the word chestful wrong

This faggot wants another book curse striking him?

>Trump needs a dictator uniform with a chest full of medals and ribbons
This but unironically

Good one

>implying communists were in control of their own countries
kek y are gommunists so fucking retarded?

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I hope he starts acting like a South American dictator in 1973.

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How does such an established author not know what a tinpot dictator is?
A tinpot dictator is just an expression for a very unimportant person. It's not a way you can actually describe a dictator. A tinpot dictator is not dictator of a country, it's literally just a euphemism.

What does success have to do with determining if a work can be considered literature? He writes pop fiction, it isn’t high art

I lol'd

Because most people who have an education or even half a brain understand he's terrible for the country.

Because they are just trying to do what they think will make them popular with friends and the public. A lot of these people spend a lot of time writing and making public appearances. Only way to have an idea of what is going on nowadays is a lot of time doing your own research. They do not have time for that and lack NEET solitude so they will be wrong almost always

Which is funny because they're too detached from reality to realise it's costing them fans

>Listening to a degenerate pedo on Twitter in the first place

Media as a whole is jewed. I’m sure if you look into publishing agencies there is a vast Jew over representation in the highest positions like any other job field.

just posting this for thouse who screen capture memes. it's got a few in there to snip.

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Chomsky discovered that elements at the core of sapient thought can be modeled computationally, and he literally wrote the book about the PR industry being an interface between hidden power and an unwitting public. He may be the most red-pilled person alive.

They are told those ex-fans are ignorant racists who are butthurt at the authors enlightenment. The idea that the fans they are losing are actually more sophisticated than they are will never cross their minds

a lot of people hate trump

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>no one else had checked this.
>the absolute state of Sup Forums
checked and fpbp

hiugv kjhvg kgfuy ddsd jkgguj

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>President of the United States

>Writer of pre-teen gangbang fiction

with every passing day Stephen King reveals himself to be a crypto-kike

hg hhh kkk lll ggg ddd

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ddg fckjnuihbr dxyttvb9uy

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(((no brow)))
(((receding forehead almost coming to a point)))
(((thin, tall, elogated skull, flat in the back)))
(((full lips)))
(((weak chin)))
(((large, downward pointed nose)))


Hey... that's kinda mean. The 1955 dictatorship fucked up my country for good.
Fuck you Stephen King.

Because his clothing isn't diverse enough.

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I hope it remains that way
It's harder to lose when the enemy reflexively underestimates you

They're playing it up for maximum bucks, it was like this during W (not NEARLY as bad, but), and pretty much silent during king nigger. Entirely partisan D&C

every tentacle of the (((establishment))) hates Trump,user
they are all heads of the same (((hydra))) and speak in unison
Universities,Hollyjude,(((authors))),(((singers))) EVERYONE.

they hate him because he's not a manipulable puppet like say Hillary would be

either that or this is all a scam and he is controlled opposition

lol, I almost had to go check

that tweet was better fiction than 80% of his books

Because they are incapable of introspection.

>Stephen King didn't attempt to snort and drink himself to death several times.
Yea, I'm going to pay attention to his political opinions, right after I cook some base off this spoon and smoke some dust.

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Because they, like actors, don’t live in the real world. They don’t even live in the same world as smug LA liberals. They’re even further up their own asses. Their careers will never be threatened by illegal immigrants.

because for all his flaws he can't be bribed, he can't be threatened, and he owes them nothing.
And he has a sense of simple patriotism and a lick of common sense.
all these they fear