How long will this material culture last?

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God, the least they can do is take steroids so they can have ANYTHING.

What is this?

kill it quick before it escapes.

whitebois are like domesticated house cats

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>Those skinny ass arms

The sad part is I have cousins like this. They never go outside. You can't have a normal conversation with them. They're just a bad batch. Seeing the disappointment on my family's faces when we do thanksgiving and the 25 year old children are dragged down from their video games to watch us eat meat while they watch in disgust is unbearable. Something is very very wrong with these people

existence will be a constant intake of government approved media, all meant to dull pain and fear of eternity as the powers that be exploit your time and labor for profit

Are they autistic?

As long as Jews are around.

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>dragged down from their video games to watch us eat meat while they watch in disgust
I can understand that. I don't like watching people while they eat. It's just not polite.

I can imagine what this image sounds like.
the soyboy screams in excitement like the nintendo 64 kid, except he is saying

Not long. As the west gets more shitskins, there will be less money to waste.

just send them to a neo-Nazi boot camp for the summer lol

No, but they were test tube children of some sort. My aunt couldn't have kids and they used science to make these things. I really think they shouldn't even be here. Something is fucked up that's for sure

as soon as china crashes the u.s. economy and leaves us in a depression


Until the material, and the people who provide that material, runs out. Soon.

Nuke the place from orbit. It’s the only real way to be sure

Thank God I'm a big, tall guy and never had to worry about being materialistic to fit in and shit.

>How long will this material culture last?

Until the last of the boomers die off

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Videogames are good for unwinding or if your bored, But these faggots make them their fucking life, its all they do and they need to be fucking gassed.

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Until the dollar collapses, the global economy implodes due to ever-spiraling debt, and the draft is reinstated to invade China.

So about 5 years, give or take.

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Give them steroids

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>be me
>playing retardedfield 1
>playing operations Battle of Marne
>black german
>use Springfield Rifle
>take a FT-17 Renault tank
>win battle
stay mad, faggots

Till societal collapse and an authoritarian despotic regime puts us all in work camps.

A beautiful dystopic future with no hope for a better, white world.

fuck she's hot, chicks like this make me wanna fap alone in my room so hard

Soy boys

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