>be me
>be poor fuck
>start new job with moving company today
>go to site
>niggers worked hard during shift
>niggers give me free food
>niggers chill as fuck, all cool
>be me
>be poor fuck
>start new job with moving company today
>go to site
>niggers worked hard during shift
>niggers give me free food
>niggers chill as fuck, all cool
Other urls found in this thread:
some niggers are cool.
Its complicated the fuck you want from us
Another dumb cunt. Go roam the streets of Chicago Detroit Compton or malmö Paris in EU to see where high concentration of our based black guys with maga hats leads.
I dunno man.
I'm a fuckin autist that had his brain blown
I still am suspicious of them but it's nice to know there are good niggers out there
I guess what I'm wondering is
>How do we get rid of the bad niggers without hurting the good ones?
Around blacks never relax
Fix the family and end dependence on the government.
Good and bad people exist in every corner my dear.
The question is who to relate to and who to avoid
Give it a few weeks and you will hate their guts, soyboy
>my subjective experience proves crime and welfare statistics wrong
Not all blacks are niggers, but all niggers are black.
every nigger is black, but not every black is a nigger. Every group has their respective untermensch.
Listen to some of william pierce. I lost the video but there's one radio speech where he talks about there being good blacks and bad blacks. There being good whites and bad whites. But just because there are good blacks doesn't mean we should surrender our right to a racially homogenous nation. Furthermore, with a racially homogenous nation, we would be able to deal with the bad whites the way they should be dealt with.
This and ethnostates
those arn't niggers they are black people.
huge difference between the two.
>my anecdotal experience means stats are wrong
Dude, its not anyone's but your own fault for not understanding what the statistics mean and how they apply to *aggregate* populations and how that in turn applies to you day to day life. Even if they are good people aka hold values *our* ancestors forced upon them they are still differentm you'll notice it after working with them for more than a few weeks when you notice that they lack a low time preference. Then again you might as well.
Malcolm X wanted that for black people, at least during most of his time with the Nation of Islam. However I personally couldn't say goodbye to my friends that aren't white.
>guys a few black guys arnt straight up niggers
>black people are amaizing!
kys whats the ratio of good blacks vs bad and compare them to whites
Because they have a job... And they don't want to be fired. They know you're getting promoted and want to be on good graces...
They're like most animals. If they like you and you don't piss them off they are very friendly.
The liberals are kind of right about treating them nicer "fixing' them, but they still get pissed off pretty easily.
What people don't understand is that the old must be killed by the new. Red Dead Redemption is an excellent storyline about this- there is something romantic about cowboys and outlaws but ultimately federalization and rule of law are better constructs whose establishment will inevitably end up hurting people whom are not necessarily bad, but do not have a role in the new society.
World governance will replace national identity, and some degree of multiculturalism is here to stay. Even the nationalist movement is international in scope, as evidenced by Lauren Smith a Canadian meeting with Nigel Farage who himself met with Trump, Le Pen at CPAC, etc. The Duginist multi-polar world would end up being global governance by oligarch elites whom work together.
Traditionalists, reactionaries and racists want to re-create a dead world. Technology is not developing in a way conducive to the world they want. The critiques of post-modern society are themselves entirely steeped in post-modernist irony.
Which is not to say that reactionary forces cannot and will not gain power. But to say that in the long run, they will lose. Enacting patriarchal structures when communication networks that empower and favor feminine hypersocialization and not stoic ideals are the defining tech of the day is inherently going against the grain- Evola was right that we are in the Kali-Yuga, adapting to that is more fruitful than resisting.
It's never been about one nigger you stupid kike.
It's not a contradiction. We try to keep shit concise. You spewed a whole lot of nothing.
lol never change Sup Forums
One of my best friends is black. He’s a total bro. Watches anime, has good taste in movies and likes to make racist jokes. That doesn’t mean blacks aren’t disproportionately shitty.
This should be a banner.
Just wait a few weeks, then get back to me. Here's some things you can expect:
>at least two niggers will fight over something stupid, even throw punches
>the nogs will start taking smoke breaks every 30 minutes
>they'll give you a nickname that is actually somewhat demeaning and will talk shit about you behind your back.
Maybe they'll prove me wrong but I've never not seen this happen.
Oh dear, now I have a sudden urge to fly to the united states and start sorting wheat from the chaff.
One day, give it some time
You might want to get off Sup Forums because your brain might be infected.
In terms of intelligence, there is a disparity between the races but not enough where you can immediately treat every nigger as a retard, for example. Same goes for work ethic, personality, etc.
So it's all about the shitty Republishit party? The party that freed the slaves, made them citizens and gave them the right to vote?
They always play nice at first you fucking idiot.
>acquaintance was born in US but lived in russia whole life
>she is smart and beautiful
>last year she is coming to US to study in uni
>trying to make friends
>all whites just ignore her "thinking of me like iam second-class citizen"
>never accept her
>her only friends is niggers and asians
>"wow I thought they were worse, but they are pretty good guys compared to all these smug-face whites"
look up how black men talk about black women. you'll see it isn't black men that are the problem. its thots creating indoctrinated and uneducated black boys that's the problem.
all real issues in society stem from women.
blacks that actually work for a living are a bit different than niggers that mooch off of welfare women. but i still dont want to be in a movie theater with them and i wouldnt invite any of them over to my house.
>be nigger
>get a job
>be a good nigger
not so hard
I agree with this sentiment.
Those were black people, not niggers.
There's a difference between niggers and black people. Niggers are niggers while black people are not.
Give it a few more weeks user
You'll start to realize how much of a foreign entity you are in that type of environment
Like it or not Group think will always be present with people's who's skin colors are the same
Friend Today
Target Tomorrow
That's the type of mindset one can find living in a negro society
You dealt with some black dudes trying to earn a living. Lots of them out there. Good people.
Niggers, on the other hand, you can't mistake. You'll know them as soon as you see and hear them. And if you're working next to someone, they aren't a nigger, because niggers don't work - or at least not for long.
Serious, lots of black folks are good folks. Most aren't. Those are niggers. Never relax, and remove them from your life. But not because their skin is a certain tone. Because they're niggers.
Based response
They're WORKING, user. That means they're not really niggers. They have no reason to jump you or mug you or whatnot.
>niggers chill as fuck, all cool
>oh no, niggers be hitting on your gf
>ohh well.jpg
>niggers be stealing my cash
>i guess its okay
>niggers told me to join in on a bank robbery
>be really anxious, my first robbery ever/podesta.zip
>niggers framed me
>be me go to prison
>you dropped the soap#homo
Black people are tribal. You work together so you're part of the tribe, accelerated plan. Black guys love having white buddies cause sooner or later if you go to bars with them you'll be their chaperone. You won't realize it at first but you're their key to city. Places they'll never been in because of their "baggy pants, no blue shoelaces in here on wednesday," the door man will you and think well maybe this guy is taking his employees out for a drink better let them in. DeJeremey and Anterimus buy you a few more shots than you're used to, laugh at all your jokes and next thing you know they're harassing not just the white women but all the women. You stand by passively wanting to stop them but now you're part of the tribe and must work with them tomorrow. Tomorrow you're all a little hung over but now you've bonded, you feel somehow wrong about the whole affair but they are now friendlier than ever because they know you are part of the tribe. The other brothers pester you to go out partying even on work nights. Your only option is to become one of them, a racist traitor or quit your job.
The moral of the story is black guys you work with are way better than hispanics because black people are at least dyed in the wool americans just don't go out drinking with them unless you're looking for book material.
t. factory worker
I am laughing out loud at the skewed justifications and cognitive dissonance of some of you people. Really is amazing, and thats why I had to remind myself I come here for pure entertainment.
The issue with blacks is that they are stupid, that doesn't always make them bad people, but they have a specific set of racial/genetic traits that do not do so well in a society that has been created by people with other racial/genetic traits. A lot of people from every race would fit the bill for someone who could be conducive and productive in society and with others, but that doesn't imply that specific races or cultures do not have a disproportionately high amount of offenders.
If you asked these blacks what they thought of the skinny little doo rag wearing unemployed niggers doing break and enters and trying to mimic shitty thug rappers they would probably tell you they despised them as much as someone on pol.
Unfortunately due to ineptitude, lack of resources, lack of education, and human tendancy to simplify and generalize, all blacks tend to get compartmentalized in to one category, but the truth is, some of them are better than a lot of white people.
The issue's pol like to beat in to you over and over again have a grain of truth to them, but generally they are over simplified, due to, once again, a lack of aptitude in the human race period.
Why not judge people by their character instead of their skin?
The cream will always rise to the top
>my dear
Sério, mano?
Not knowing the difference between a black man and a nigger.
user, please.
Tits or GTFO
>he believes what he reads on the internet
>couldn't handle Sup Forums if god helped him
>is now in denial hes such a pussy at taking red pills
>start new job with moving company today
give it 2 weeks