Politics and Philosophy

Who are we and what are our political goals and how we accomplish them?

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Hey healing exorcism guy here whats up.

Tell me about your history if you don't mind. What training have you had any? Have you always had this ability? Tell me everything about it if you don't mind we cna just bump the thread convo going until more people arrive there are inanities here that will show up

So my history was this super Christian household that restricted me.
I daydreamed thought of entertainment as my big brother. And my peers were family.
In highschool i had this problem where ppl would come to me with their problems. They would tell me them id feel like shit they were happy.

This went on for years till i started meditating and i started to feel everyones pain.

I have been a transformer for peoplr all my life ultimate back up and support.

I started healing people left and right after that.

I made my sensations so crazy i can feel the earth around me and planets and dieties. Even rocks.

And whats good is i can make litterally any person who is in the know feel exactly what i am feeling.

I have a astral radar but no sight been doing this for 6 years trying to tell people about this stuff and i have always been a group person.

Mandatory Reading.

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Last thread archived, so...
Whacking students with sticks is done by Buddhist monks in order to help them break through the final barrier to enlightenment.
It is not done when they are "running their mouths off" but when they are deep in meditation as a compassionate assist.
You literally don't know what you are talking about. Stop larping as a 3rd reich nu-guru. You are just a newbie with an ego the size of a planet and a fake cult to pull the muppets in.
Several years from now, you will be embarrassed by this shit, and never mention it from shame.
Why not get ahead of the curve and be ashamed now?

nice get you want to tell us a little bit about it? Never read it myself

>They would tell me them id feel like shit they were happy.

First you sound like an empath. Have you ever actually felt pain or you vril circulate if you watch someone fall let's say even if it is just in a movie?

>I started healing people left and right after that.
In what way? rekei?

>I made my sensations so crazy i can feel the earth around me and planets and dieties. Even rocks.

hmmmmm ok you have my attention, Have you read any books on magic like say the picatrix or the keys of solomon?

>You literally don't know what you are talking about
Then go ahead and leave no one will miss you

You shitted up someone else's thread with irrelevant garbage. I'm just applying karma.

>I shitted up the thread
k enjoy yourself then kiddo try to keep quiet though your last (you)

lool I'm not taking sides or anything that was funny. But surely you see the hilarity in applying a cosmic inference onto yourself. Shall I call you the Brit of Judgement?;)

No no no desu I shitted a thread of total horsehit with truth now he must play God and give me my just desserts in karma. This place I swear, everyone wants to talk about someone else's ego and never look in the mirror it is quite funny, it is all the fluoride they drink me thinks

>surely you see the hilarity in applying a cosmic inference onto yourself.
Do you actually think I take any of this seriously?
I'm just going to prod this idiot until he spergs out (again).
At which point anyone seriously looking for spiritual improvement will realize he's just anther crazy and leave.

caught between perspectives cut me some slack :P I'm here for peace but I gotA go. hold it down for me eh?

Just more ad hominems and insults. It's all he's got (apart from nazi inspired jewelry).
Autistic screeching incoming in 3...2...1...

This is energy empathy at this point when my friends talk i feel like smoke coming out of them and into me. Its magnetic for me almost. The smoke feels cold hot electric painy. Sometimes the smoke changes my personality a bit till i clear it out.

For your movie question if i focus i can feel the energy from every scene.

I heal by creating different energies in peoples bodies. Say someone has a sore throat i heat it up and move it out.
If someone has low circulation open it up with some magnetic energy.

Different things require energy
I am very experimental and i want to master people feeling every sensation.

Here is a practice imagine you are earth and you have trees i can feel the trees on my bidy and make myself feel wind.

I have read tree of life
Modern magick
Self transformation of kabbalah
Those 2 are wip
Sacred magick of ancient egypt.
Scanned through golden dawn. I love to read and learn. Not much of a summoner though

Affinity to healing.
Dark to light.
Astral entities linked to earth.
Ancient egypt
Ceremonial magick

I just try to read the Bible and pray. Be transformed by renewal yah feels. Seek first and all else will be added but I'll see you on the flip!

Jesus was a good man, with good principles. I try not to pay attention to all the walking on water shit, though.
Goat herders and their imagination, eh?

Walking on water = sun rising and setting

kek for sure brother much love brother good to see ya

and I see you bro. Its tough to communicate sometimes through this medium. its all cold

I see you too, my strangely introverted friend. You got some funky stuff coming down the line eh? don't lose sight

Judging from you're last post, you seem to be fine with experimenting on other people without their permission. Not that anything you claim to do actually works, but have you ever heard of ethics?
>First do no harm.

The black sun is all and it is nothing. It provides without any recognizable ruling. It is out jewing the jew. Don’t mess with the black sun or the sun will mess with you

This Jesus = Sun

Summoning how elementals? Have you ever been in the astral realm oobe?

Thoughts on tribalism and its use in the advancement of the groups goals.

>He's making it up as he goes along!

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There is a channel called the Son Of Saturn that will help you with this. Actually JeZeus is the sun and Jupiter, Jupiter is the messiah and Son Of Saturn. Since Saturn is the father of Jupiter really Christianity is Sun/Saturn/Jupiter worship

Thats how i got attacked. I scanned someone and the energy came to me with a worm feeling wiggling near my head. I have to be cautious now.

No i want to go there so bad.
I dont summon i experiment with sensations and healing.

Try flipping yourself once upside down and add the chakra energies from both bodies you will feel a different kind of energy.

I am sensations healing and experimentation

Well we are a folk movement so of course we have to be tribal we can't be the only tribe that isn't surrounded by hostile tribes

knowledge of providence and core Quran and Bible, because the enemy perverts both, particularly the Jews and the Salafists. When either lie, it's important to check them with history and their religious lies. Protect nature from degeneracy. Affect normies about the evil of the Kikes throughout history. Save the Boers. Find them farm land, legalize Hemp so they can farm it, shut down all ridiculous trade imbalances like hemp fabric, that's like $5 billion. Kentucky and WA state have land.

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Yeah very funky stuff i think the worm is still here its annoying to get rid of one of my biggest sissues is healing myself

or sorry Kronos is the father of Jupiter which is still Saturn of another name I mixed mythologies but I think you get the point just diff names for the same thing

What movement are you referring to and what defines the characteristics that define the tribe?


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Damn desu excellent post ty for this let me make a suggestion

imo the best way to red pill a normie is this link to a video on a YT channel like Atlantean Gardens that is about history type stuff and they will start exploring on their own and learn things like this out of academic curiosity and they will begin to red pill themselves

The Renegade is the best red pill site you will find because you just link to an (((inoffensive))) article and let them red pill themselves they have articles on everything so you can send this to someone trust me this is the best red pill procedure.

Truthstream Media
Storm Clouds Gathering
Thulean Productions
Red Ice TV

Impartial Truth
Esoteric Truths
Son of Saturn
Renegade Broadcasting

Ascended Masters
Bodhi Mantra
Robert Sepher
Atlantean Gardens

some people even spam links to these kind of things to celeb twitter accounts so millions will see them, these seems to work well it covers everything you mentioned pretty much

>I scanned someone and the energy came to me with a worm feeling wiggling near my head
Then don't go round "scanning" people. Learning magic is like learning a martial art. You don't learn karate so you can go round kicking random strangers in the head. You study it, but save it's use for when it's needed, such as when someone tries to mug you, or when you can save someone from a mugging.
What you are describing is the psychology of the subconscious. A lot of communication goes on "under the radar". The feelings you attribute to spiritual sources are in all probability just your gut telling you to beware. You should always pay attention to your gut, but not act on it instinctively.
There are real wizards, witches and warlocks out there. Magic isn't what most people think it is. You probably just bumped into a psychopath. Trust me when I tell you they are MUCH better at this than you (it's all they do). Don't fuck with stuff you don't understand. It's the psychic equivalent of sticking a fork into a plug socket.

Well to be honest you are who we are looking for and would like to help you sharpen your skills but as I said we can't simply train anyone in the arts for reasons you can well imagine but if you will walk the path we will help you along, but it is not a quick or easy path as I am sure you already know

the folkish movement of course :)

Oh trust me i scanned and breathed and it all came to me.

Im a healing wizard not one that summons things but i could.

Its cool is there another way to talk to you guys without Sup Forums. I dont go on here to often. Im in the trenches more with people in the astral. I am down to learn and perfect. Ill perfect it so well i could be the best at what i do. I have a passion for energy work.

Oh also i know of a discord that was attacked by blood magick which someone commited suicide and a ton of people got attacked. They used to astral spar as well. When your in a group you have to be prepared for anything and i know i can defeat any other worldy thing.

yes at the channel yo can leave comments or email me. Have you ever heard of the Monroe institute?

>When your in a group you have to be prepared for anything and i know i can defeat any other worldy thing.

Yes a Buddha, all gods demons and men bow to Buddha. It is strength of mind body and spirit pretty much impenetrable

Where do I sign up?





Bodhi Mantra's name is Robert Sepher.

>Sēpher Yəṣîrâh, Book of Formation, or Book of Creation) is the title of the earliest extant book on Jewish esotericism, although some early commentators treated it as a treatise on mathematical and linguistic theory as opposed to Kabbalah

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>Bodhi Mantra's name is Robert Sepher.
>>Sēpher Yəṣîrâh, Book of Formation, or Book of Creation) is the title of the earliest extant book on Jewish esotericism, although some early commentators treated it as a treatise on mathematical and linguistic theory as opposed to Kabbalah

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Nigga learn english please.

>Bodhi Mantra's name is Robert Sepher.
>Sēpher Yəṣîrâh, Book of Formation, or Book of Creation) is the title of the earliest extant book on Jewish esotericism, although some early commentators treated it as a treatise on mathematical and linguistic theory as opposed to Kabbalah

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>Bodhi Mantra
>Robert Sepher
>Atlantean Gardens

Bodhi Mantra's name is Robert Sepher.

>Sēpher Yəṣîrâh, Book of Formation, or Book of Creation) is the title of the earliest extant book on Jewish esotericism, although some early commentators treated it as a treatise on mathematical and linguistic theory as opposed to Kabbalah

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Whats your email

Monroe institute?

I have just issues healing myself im now getting over them

Watch this playlist in fact you should watch every video on that channel

You should actually start with this to get your feet wet

Just work on educating yourself for now and when you are ready to do more you will know your physic awareness and knowledge are key and the first step trust the process

kek as much as you crack me up please take your crazy somewhere else

I don't care all I want to do is explore the stars and Colonize some fucking Planets for the Glory of all Terran kind.

hahahahah I love how you zoomed in on the eyes you are top tier insane bro no joke someone even sent me a link to you shilling your insanity on 8pol

>Im a healing wizard
No you're not. A healing "wizard" is called a warlock (wizard+warrior+healer). It takes many years of study, and immense powers of mental concentration. There is no "cold feelings" or "smoke". It's all about paying attention to what is going on around you. REALLY paying attention.
My advice is to stay away from these black sun cultists, and in particular OS132CWz, who is one of the most disingenuous spirit guides I've ever come across (he's also not very good at it).
If you want to study this properly, start here
Once you know how to observe and deduce, you can go anywhere, and learn anything (including what makes people tick)
Signing out now (have to go to the gym to meet a fellow maven)

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you should also watch this playlist

my email is [email protected]

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if the Reich had won this timeline would literally be Star Trek tier my dude

>rubs hands

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I know

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I'm aware of the basics and the some of the varied flavors presented. The folkish fork is foreign to me, however.

I AM DYING LAUGHING I LOVE YOU DUDE you have that cool kinda crazy you are fine by me my dude continue this shit is hilarious. How many videos did you watch and how much time did you spend making these images? I am rolling dude this is good shit here. He was saying I am guy named smiley a week ago this is top tier insanity here

These are nothing but the ramblings of a few bible fags druid hipsters and meth heads

>imply your esoteric-aliens demoralization wants anything but the Jew World Order

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>How many videos did you watch and how much time did you spend making these images?
I'm just doing it right now as you Jew post. I know your Alien Nordic esoteric Serrano bullshit. It's a psy-op I've seen before

Well it is all there for you bro participate in the comments and learn everything you can, we going to war soon desu just get you and as many others as you can ready

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Sent you a email

>Esoteric-aliens wanting a subversive and dangerous creature roaming the Universe.

k I will respond in a bit. Have you read the dhammapada? Do you know how to steel your mind and resolve?

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This goy makes great content

nice editing of what I mean, Robert. 20 IPs and you still talk like a Jew every post.

No but when i meditate nothing exists besides me.

I know that well

I know daydreaming walking through traffic always surviving i use my intuitions with everything

Why dont you guys create a discord i know a ton of ppk luke us


I thought you mean that Aliens DO want the Jews to rule the world, and I thought why would they want a horrible creature with Spacer-faring tech to roam the universe. I'm not even disagreeing with you.

We have one numerous one sec


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I'll do that, my comments are here with you now. Why would anyone be willing to align with a foreign tribe when theirs is well established? We want like minded groups to bring into the fold.

Well the channel is much better because we have our people there are others just learning it is community be part of it you will find what you are looking for trust the process mang

>Who are we
>and what are our political goals
None, you are not politics and have no political involvement.

Fuck off, a thread died for this mental turd.

will do, I hope your accommodations will be as fruitful as promised.

I bet your one of those leakproject faggots haha

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you know I';m sorry but your /x/ teir larp needs to stay in /x/ no matter how much your magik gives you the need to bark louder all this summer heat makes me fucking want to kill myself this place is lost

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Our wizards are powerful we have been training for over a century with the monks in Tibet and yogis in India we have been re-grouping we will come out swinging I promise you and we will win or we will burn it all down before we let the kikes have it, this is our time we will not fail

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where is that discord server

She is god tier

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is that you $cout?


Based my dude is this your work?

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Is this question a meme?

Yes, some weird shit going on in these threads. I’m going to bed lol

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kek we just have a resident fruitcake and the usual shills night my dude when you gonna release some vids to share?

Haven’t worked done any video editing in a while. I find it extremely time consuming compiling footage/ speeches images etc. that’s just the start of it. The editing takes twice as long. If I feel a spark of inspiration about a particular thing that I think is worthy of sharing I made make something new but right now I want to spent my time on other things, like bettering myself

You work on yourself and what makes you happy we have many people working on the awakening don't worry about it. Just letting you know if you ever have some you want to share we will publish it on my channel or even at the renegade

When I was little I used to doodle a lot in school and it usually ended up being the black sun even though I then had no knowledge of it, pretty fun.

I could tell you what this means but you probably would never believe me