These people are the most annoying cunts ever.
They walk slow and block the footpath.
The always get in your way.
They act oblivious to their surroundings.
What do you hate about them and their annoying habits?
These people are the most annoying cunts ever.
They walk slow and block the footpath.
The always get in your way.
They act oblivious to their surroundings.
What do you hate about them and their annoying habits?
Other urls found in this thread:
I hate the fact that they are in every country I've been in. Other than that I don't give a shit about them.
they are fucking annoying, specially when i visit fucking BC, they cling to places with clean air and jobs to steal.
They are absolute subhumans
Chink genocide when?
Stop picking up my Autistic neighbours.
Fight me Kangabooga.
God they are so gross just look at those inhuman rat faces and their bunny teeth.
They are subhuman but probably the least shitty immigrants
I love Chinese women. Fuck FOB and American types in college. Loved both. I even like Chinese American guys as friends. However, Chinese men in/from China are total cunts.
As far as the country goes, I think they should just leave Taiwan alone.
i just dont understand why everyone's greed for cheap plastic trinkets had to make them the most powerful economy on earth. im not ready for a chinese century.
but lets keep the sanctions on russia for crimea, no sanctions for the south china sea though, nope.
Yeah right up untill they own everything in your area and turn your town into a 2nd world shit hole.
They expand way too fast. I went to a shitty greek border town with less than 10000 inhabitants that nobody knows about and they have already opened 3 shops there.
Hitler knew... that black lives matter'ed?
Watch the documentary & find out today!!:
Another must-see classic from The History Channel (un-aired):
Did Hitler hate Chinese people? Let's find that out too:
What about those Scandinavians? Hitler really hated those Scandinavians didn't he and his National Socialist allies? Well:
He totally wanted to take over America and totally did, that's why we're being White Genocide'ed today in all White European nations like KikeWars and Alex Jones say it's "da germane death kvlt elite nazi world order!!"
Yeah, if you fix the word "nazi" with what it literally means: AshkeNazi JEW (aka a "Germanic" Jew...), isn't it? He was gonna take control of America and make it only blonde blue eyed like that card from Yu-gi-Oh, the dragon one:
Okay well, Hitler (NAtional SOcoailist) totally allied with the Zionist Jews (NAtional ZIonist) against the Palestinians and Arabic Islamic Muzzies didn't he?:
Hitler did want to have a Japanese baby and eventually betray Japan right?:
Hitler and National Socialists really wanted to genocide and "HoloHOAX" the Portuguese and Southern European Peoples didn't he?:
Hitler and the NSDAP (National Socialists) saw the Irish as a Jew race, right?:
Hitler thought that Indians were poop?:
Hitler thought that all Romanians sucked:
Canada stands with Israel right?:
They've grown from mostly internal consumption. They prove for a country to be successful you just need a few things:
>political stability with economic freedoms
>industrious culture
>IQ avg at least 90
Actually the Chinese are a very respectable people.
koreans are worse
they chimp out hardcore i think because of a low IQ and still being rich or something
I see them have fistfights at restaurants and markets with employees when they don't understand something and don't want to look dumb or embarrassed
Chink loving /ptg/ fag detected
I am a half and would try to take pride in individuality. Then I learned about the chinks and had to interact with them and realize I am related to these insects. I see how much they steal, cheat, and lie, so it must be that their entire history is a lie. At least my mom is from Taiwan.l and not the mainland.
Canada is a good example of why you don't let chines immigrants in.
Opinions on little china Sup Forums?
Next time you go for a walk around the city oldmate, try avoiding midday. Chinese love the middle of the day until midnight routines.
t. jap
Soon brother, soon
An easy way to piss off the Taiwanese is to call them little china
Parents disposed of my native language to migrate here. But yes sushisuzukiteriyakimistubishi to you too
What the deal with this? Had a Korean guy in my church who had to break up a fight among a group of Koreans because some guy didn't use honorific verb form or shit, so a brawl almost started.
There is one key characteristic that separates those from Taiwan from mainland Chinese: They value freedom and self-determination. Remember this when interacting with insect-kind
Chinese tourists are the worst. Always queue jumping and not just one or two, but whole groups. Good business for the trinket shops, though.
Hoping the next gen of Chinese tourists know English and want to be more Western.
Most Taiwanese I've met don't consider themselves ethnically chinese. I think that's historically wrong but speaks to the values being so different from the mainland
Can't you just punch one? That's what they do in China, I'm told. Determine dominance rank like apes.
Fucking keked so hard
>landing on any european airport
>half the advertisements are in chinese
Shall the spic whomst've lived with chnks drop le redpills?
Chinese fuck bitch, come to Japan no respect. We need Nanking all of China
they seem to be the dumbest fucks i ever encounter both on the road and even walking along foot paths and at work.
I pummel through gooks on a daily basis, i see them approaching me from afar standing in a line & thinking i'm going to move out of their way.. or maybe they don't see me & then I just pummel through their tiny bodies. Sometimes I hear them say sorry afterwards, but I don't even give a fuck and continue my superior stride.
How can those small people with their child-like bodies and ugly faces, tiny dicks, annoying as fuck languages and accents think they're anything but inferior?
Fucking peons.
based nippon
>chinese gentleman and his squat girlfriend walking towards me two abreast in a two man alley
>he is clearly aware of me, yet doesn't move at my coming, chattering in mandarin
>I'm just staring down this guy as I walk towards him, he doesn't budge
>plow into him, he finally gives way
>he gives me an angry and impotent look like I did him wrong
they're strolling around like they own the joint and won't even make way for a citizen of the country they're occupying
shitskins/gooks/syrian jews do this all the time. in NYC you have to use your elbows to get past these subhumans.
i'm actually starting to practice clothesline and some other wrestling moves on these worthless creatures.
next time when i plow into a locust, i'll make sure they fall and stomp on them
this is what 21st century city living will do to a man
>be me in Australia
>streets are shit and small
>see fat angry australian staring at me
>ignore him and start talking with wife
>fat australian dude plow into me for no reason
>he is so fat that he occupied entire alley
>he don't want to fucking apologize
Stupid white barbarians.
Next nuclear bomb China please
Let's make this a chink red pill and webms thread.
I got the KUNG POO webms covered.
Chinese cyclists look like they entered an alien planet and need to adjust to gravity or something here... also they do their groceries in the evening moments before the store closes
I bet none of you retards ever even been to China, and if you have it's been less than 2 weeks. I've spent ten years of my life in China, and its never been like what these threads are like. Yes, some Chinese act like retards, but thats not the overwhelmingly majority of those who act normal. I fucking hate American tourists because they are loud, fat, entitled, and always bring up WW2; but that doesn't mean I hate all Americans.
China is the future in so many ways. They have advanced in many respects far beyond the West has, and this is why I believe there is a sense of jealousy mixed with anger at our own political systems for failing us.
They aren't perfect, and please don't think that is what I'm saying. Communism has devalued human life there for so long, they are just now coming around within the past 4 years or so. This is why so many outdoor places are dirty in China. They think "welp, its not mine, so I won't take care of it", but inside their homes are always clean.
Animal abuse does happen there, but not everyone partakes in it. They do not view dogs as mans best friend. They've had so many famines for so long, they kill and eat anything that moves in nature. This too will end within 5-10 years since food has been abundant for such a long time.
Chinese people themselves are always friendly, and appreciate you when you try to speak Chinese or like their culture. I love living in China, and I'll be going back there very soon due to various investments I have there.
Check out SerpentZA's videos on YT if you want another Western Perspective on China. He loves it, but it also critical of it.
>surveillance camera on every corner in every directions
>no public restrooms
life must be shitty over there
And? Shart in the mart. Who cares? China has 1.3 billion people. You're bound to check some fucked up shit on camera.
Success breeds jealousy. Don't concern yourself with the opinion of sheep.
Contributing. China needs to burn.
t. chinks
>always bring up ww2
I bet you haven't even been to the United States, and if you have it's been less than 2 weeks.
> Nothing in the universe is infinite. Even souls are finite. There’s only so much soul to be divided among mankind. China has so many “””people””” that there aren’t enough souls for everyone. In fact, the vast majority of Chinese don’t have a soul at all. That is why the Chinese are so susceptible to sudden deaths and mass genocides by famine, disease, disaster, and enslavement. They’re literally a counterfeit people whose lives have no value. They’re the fake watches and illegal DVDs of the human race. They’re not even eligible for heaven or hell or reincarnation.
you gotta show force to these subhumans. show them who is BOSS. they are uninvited and unwanted invaders claiming domain over you and your land. a friend walks with a cane for this reason. the shitskins fear the cane.
aussies should start walkin around with cricket bats and swing the insects away from your rightful path
They only care about themselves and money. Dodgy bastards, they'll do anything to fuck you over if it benefits them
I prefer them over niggers and sandniggers, atleast they're polite, behave appropriatly in public, smell good and dress stylishly.
I once saw a couple of dudes that looked like they were straight out of prison pushing around and threatening a little asian dude, made me feel kinda bad desu
I'm American. I just happen to live in Germany now for the past 5 years. China 10 years before that. Once you become an expat is easy to stay one if you have a good degree and know the shit companies want.
If America had more CCTV's we would see alot this shit.
>Chinese hate thread
This is a good read
>Be American Government
>Tell farmers to go to Kansas and Oklahoma because it'll be rainy and perfect for wheat forever
>Subsidize wheat price at 4 times its actual price
>Tons of farms move to the most dry place in the midwest
>"lol opps we don't need wheat any more WW1 is over" drops wheat price back down to its actual market price
>millions of farmers lose their farms to (((banks)))
>millions more starve to death
Such is life in America
Divide and Conquer.
Still better than POO Indians and Pakis
and as an american what you're saying is that americans come to germany, and then start talking about ww2? frequently enough that this has damaged your view about them as tourists?
i can't imagine that's even remotely close to true. maybe you saw one guy do it once because assholes exist, and sure americans are loud in contrast to the bland stoicism of the german people but come on now
Just think about how she was probably conquered by multiple Soviet heroes.
>we would see alot this shit
that flag won't hide you gook
I fucking hate when on an escalator or crossing the street at traffic lines, they either take up the whole width or they stand/walk on the wrong side. Stay on the left side fuckets
They pick their noses in public. Straight golddigging. Fucking insane to watch. No hesitation or shame.
>will cough/sneeze without covering mouth
>will burp next to you (what the fuck?)
>will spit on the ground
>will throw trash on the ground and litter wherever they go
>bad drivers
>rude, no manners. treat strangers like nuisances
>will treat pets and animals like shit. pic related
I recently read about Mao Zedong and it turned out that COMPARED to Zedong's China, Soviet Union was a fucking stronghold of democracy, personal freedums and common sense. Chinks really took it to absurd levels in 1950-60s.
You think the average IQ in China is 90?? Are you fucking insane?
What movie was this from i forgot to warez it when someone said last month
No pingpongs here, only vietkongs
>greedy idiot finds deal too good to be true
>does it anyways
>gets scammed
>cries about it on a Mongolian sliding picture forum
Wew lad
It's usually the older boomer ones. They always bring up WW2. I've heard some hilarious things come out of their mouth too.
>"I heard this post office used to gas people in its basement!"
>"So those are the Alps? So that means its Switzerland over there?"
>"They really burned them alive in those ovens!"
There's other stuff, but I've forgotten now. The younger generations are just loud, which sadly has now become annoying to me.
Spotted the dinky doodle boy
Chinese shill. Lol blyat
>muh dick
You know you sound just like a nigger when you say that. As I've said before, I'm white American living in Germany.
Have you had the pleasure of seeing elderly Chinese women peeing at the curb? Or squatting on their heels for hours on end (how do they do that?), hawking beaded mesh slippers and screaming "one dollah-one dollah-one dollah-one dollah..." for hours on end? Or old men walking, hands clasped behind their backs (the women do this too), hocking lugies every few feet?
Just lovely.
All the keks were had
Yes yes. Go back to US and join the military already.
Justin Trudeau has no Chinese genes whatsoever.
I will say that the uneducated people usually irrationally hate Japan and Japanese people. You're most likely not even Japanese anyway, so it doesn't matter. That was one thing that annoyed me about being there. Any mention of Japan would be met with "Japan sucks". I'd also see signs for random places that said "No Japanese".