Like a silly goose he is firing members of his stuff almost every second day.
This is not a sign of a mentally stable leader or a stable Government.
Sooner or later this will backfire on him.
Looks like he doesn't have skills to choose good talented people to work for him.

Absolute monkey circus.
I'm so sorry that I supported him.
I regret now. Do you?

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He ends his reign in 2035

Sometime this year maybe I think he might pardon everybody and then resign before Democratic Party wins House.

I think you are delusional.

Trump was notorious for firing incompetent people way before he was president. This is how the private sector operates.

I'm not a fan of Democ but I think the buffoon will eventually outdo himself somehow, or some really nasty shit about his past will surface and will finish his very silly bravado behavior.
He is incompetent to understand that the World political scene is not a hotel construction site where he can constantly boss around and insult and abuse workers.

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Probably 2024

7 years

His son Junior is getting divorced.
Wonder how soon before Melania will walk away from him.
Wonder when Ivanka starts singing.

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fuck off kike

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>fuck off kike
OK, but before I do tell us why you are so delusional?

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We can see your nose from here, Shlomo.

7 more years Ahmed.

come down girl

how long until the forces of good around the world take the the hint and starts culling your ilk?
That includes you OP.
See how that works?
Wonder why so few Sup Forumsympians take the bait anymore?
It's because we've won, it's no point, the aether war has been won, you're just partisans making a fuzz cause you know we'll never integrate you in our future.
Satya Yuga is before us, why so soon?
Abortions. Ya'll fucked up.
By massively lowering the mean age by such a degree you sped up time.
It's actually Happening.
I love you

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No, I think he will fuck himself royally with his attitude.
I think there will be a revolt from inside against him.
People like him eventually create too many enemies, or develop mental illness and get removed from the office by force.

Totally legit to see it that way but then again with all the weird shut that's been going on literally everywhere, who knows what the fuck is REALLY going on. The people that don't know shit talk the most while the people that know the most don't say shit.

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>people complain about politicians not changing or doing anything
>trump get elected and starts trying to do shit and does.
>people complain about him changing things

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Kek. I trust Trump more than the people that we've had in power for awhile. If they're not going to give us a good candidate then we'll go with the simple one that won't take orders. Continue on this hellish path or play the fucking joker card thinking ANYTHING is better. Too bad that makes you a bigot.

>is magic real?

7 more years of this kvetching oy vey

Yeah they really don't get modern politics. You have to be soulless.

Bye shill

His catch phrase is "You're fired!" What the fuck did you think he was going to do in office?

He's just fucked with the intelligence community, only dumb edge lords want to follow him. GOP just feeds off bitching about shit, and now that they are in power they still just complain and accomplish nothing.


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Want to know the difference between a hotel construction site and world politics?

The hotel will eventually be made and usually make a profit.

>The hotel will eventually be made and usually make a profit.
This post is so stupid that for a second I was thinking that Donald himself posted it.

It’s only odd because incompetent fucks are allowed to keep their jobs in government. Trump spent all his life in real life where it’s fire fast hire slow.

Trumpcucks unironically think he will be president forever

Really soon. We will see him in handcuffs by the end of April. The firings are to try to slow things down.

wtf i hate meme magic, it complicates things knowing there is this magic power and we can control it but we all just ignore it until something motivates enough to tap into it.

He's going to jail soon. Felix Sater will bring him down.

>Really soon. We will see him in handcuffs by the end of April.
you have to be absolutely retarded to believe this, but that's leftists for you, your side in the deep state has been leaking like a faucet, and yet no evidence of collusion has ever materialized, because it doesn't exist, but please continue your delusions and your goon crossposting from r/politics