
Don't be a minion!
Bin that opinion!

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God damn if only they could arrest Muslim Paki rape gangs with that level of efficiency, maybe then Lee Rigby, Ariana Grande, and that Bridge attack wouldn’t of happened.

Fucking nonces

They get paid like 20k a year.
Gotta figure most are either currently or up and coming lard asses, who would rather conduct their investigation from the air conditioned office's twitter account, than out in the no-go zone where they could be hacked by a machete or set their daughter up to become some nonce's kebab.

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I've couldn't be more disgusted with the pussies in England allowing this shit and not justifiably chimping out on mass. Figure it the fuck out! Time for gentlemen is over.

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How many were jailed?

Probably none

Report the leftists and Muslims for Hate speech.
Fight them with their own weapons

>le evil Hitler drawing

Never change britcucks

Hating whites is not counted as illegal hatespeech

In fact it's actively encouraged by the government, media, academia, etc

Ana yet Rotherham pervs walk free

The government owned BBC actively advertises for non white to apply for jobs.

It’s a pure double standard.

Wow! They're pushing out Muslim rape gang numbers. Great job!

>Jails over 3000 people for upsetting people on the internet
>Jails less than 1% of that for running 40 year child sex-slave operation including hundreds of criminals and thousands of child sex-slaves

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>Lauren Southern gets banned from UK, invited into EU parliament
>Pettibone and Selner get jailed for wrongthink, their voices get amplified
>Another muslim rape gang uncovered, rape rates similar to Congo
>Lord Pearson in parliament says we sharia law and wrongthink real
>BBC openly discriminates against white native population
It is time to seize the day lads
Lower and working classes are redpilled
Middle classes outside of Londonistan are redpilled somewhat, especially up north
We need to drop redpills everywhere, carpet bomb internet with low dose, none offensive redpills
Under press articles, twitter facebook etc of police forces, home office, MPs, BBC, press etc
Say how British state is actively working against white majority
How any dissent is squashed
How people who want to protect their families and communities are jailed for hate speech or wrongthink
How police covers up crimes of non whites
How police detains anyone who points at the problem
How other issues like heroine abuse are left to rot

race war now
gas the kikes
its da joos
be offensive
be threatening
get banned

Anything offensive will be purged
Cold hard facts are best redpills
If we can make this into longer lasting operation it will perpetuate itself pulling overton window our way long term
Time has come for another battle of Britain and we are masters of memetic warfare
Take this pasta and drop it in all shill threads, that immediately stops them
Shills are afraid of good ideas

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>abusive language directed toward certain politicians

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No wonder they need Russia as a bad guy to divert the public

>Be British
>Celebrate guy who pulled a sword from a stone
>Can't be trusted with knives
>Celebrate another guy who shot arrows at a corrupt government
>Can't even say words the government doesn't like

So we can Call it a Dictatorship
Where is the Right wing Opposition in Britain?

Oy vey goyim! We must arrest you because you said things that made people feel bad feelings! Also diversity is our strength!

British police enters Sup Forums
Circa today colorized

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The rules don't work that way, it's expressly set up to target 'the majority', even if 'the majority' isn't the majority locally or even nationally.

>da joos

That's almost as twice the girls they raped! Good job,


I hope this isn't fucking real

every single one of them is getting atleast a ten year sentence.
thats minimum.

>not understanding how it works after all these years

Stupid kraut.

First they take your guns, then they take your opinion.
>Who needs to express their opinion anyway? >Our forefathers never planned on the internet!

What's new here? Britain and USA are dictatorships. Everyone knows this outside of Britain and the United States, lol. These shitty empires have brought a dictatorship even in my country. There was not such a shit for about fifty years. Since the time when a person could be imprisoned for "social parasitism", i.e. for unemployment. It was the times of Andropov IIRC.

Only the UK could discover cutting age faggotry technology to be gayer than California. All the real men left in Britain left for America centuries ago and now all that's left is the cucked degenerates.

Attached: under arrest.png (500x372, 165K)

its not lad, some user posted it a month before christmas for whatever reason but everyone else thinks its real again all of a sudden

The sad part is that its believable. Seriously, if my government tried to strip me of my freedom of speech I would take up arms against them. I don't understand how Europeans can stand to be silenced by their own governments.

Don't worry lad. So long as you don't have a username they can't get you. Retarded tripfag are the ones being jailed.

Kek, at least they are doing something right

>Seriously, if my government tried to strip me of my freedom of speech I would take up arms against them. I don't understand how Europeans can stand to be silenced by their own governments.
Crowds of autists would be chanting "nigger nigger nigger" at the foot of the Capitol steps, I almost wish the libs would try

Based Ameribros

>Ello ello what's going on here then?
>Nothing officer me and me pakis are going to do some raping g
>Alright lads stay out of trouble, report any offensive comments you see
>We will officer

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Whatcah doing rabbi?


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We may be goblins but at least we can express our opinions senpai desu.

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>not raping the police officers
Paki gangs have a higher level than the rossers

Yum yum yum. Tastey bait

>don't da joos
What about when you can actually link it all directly back to filthy kikes, you need to fight the disease not just the symptoms.

don't underestimate your adversary. direct confrontation is too dangerous in the current climate and nobody wins anything from a liberal outrage flashmob. you can subtly & indirectly imply it with strong empiric evidence to back your claim, but even then you're likely to receive push-back. You only have to change a few minds each time. Long game is the only way.

Yes. Bongs should shut up.

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So 10 people a day.. id expect more niggerhaters

What I don't understand is where is the end game here? What is the big idea? There should be some sort of a plan behind destabilization of Britain. If there is none, and everything is just a product of collective ignorance, lack of action and "it is not up to me to decide" mentality, then Britain is lost.

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UKIP are a mess and Britain First are being censored.

This is why tensions between UK and Russia are rising, Britain is showing up Putin, he'll be vulnerable if he doesn't up his game.

I wonder what the racial breakdown of the perps is

That's a drawing of big brother from the novel 1984

yet someones house over the road last week got broke into and the cunt was seen on camera and they still havent caught the fucker, or the miggy serial bus stop rapist, acid attackers or the guys running round stabbing everyone.
Yeah i agree online shouldnt be a place to spout hate freely but theres more important things going on right now.
All this shit with russia going on, every country round the world biting each others ankles and waiting for a reason to get fucked off and dick wave with missiles and all anyone cares about is feelings

If you go around posting dumb shit you deserve what you get.
>play stupid games and win stupid prizes

I live in India haha you can't do the needful

we never had an actual rebellion to be free, our republic were made of paper and the only revolution was a proto-communist one (I'm talking about the first French revolution)

Ah, so Sup Forums is a honeypot now. That explains why it still exists. Get off this site before Gookmoot eradicates you for shekels.

>be stupid Boomer
>go on Facebook ™
>post offensive drivel with your name attached
>get nicked
>be stupid millennial
>go on Sup Forums
>post offensive thread complely out of context making wildly untrue implications
>get lots of (you)s


Britain First was the most liked British party on Facebook before (((they))) deleted the page and banned them.
The political leaning of the British populous is, I'd say, overall right-wing (Unless we're talking about shitpits like London). I'd like to think Britain First would get a lot of attention if they ran next election. However, I'm not sure if they'll be allowed to because """"Racism""""" though.
Personally I'm holding out for a right-wing shift in The Conservative party.

seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? why do you think every other race of "humans" would methodically apply the law like a german would?

Moi gaff moi rules innit??

Britain forr bootifull British people!!

Nunnoffthat foreign muck! French?? Yukk does this look like a wine bar to you, you greasy European rat? Oii lads deck 'im!

That's why I'm voting for Britain First lads! Oohs with me?

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>be bong
>get jailed for opinion

wew lads

Are you daft? Hatespeech law are intentionally asymmetric laws.

Its jus terrible wot this country iss commin too innit? Even the Yanks are moaning instead of yeehahhing. Bloody foreigners erodin our bootifful country

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Reporting leftists and Muslims for hate speech is hate speech.

Lol this kraut lives under a rock



come on sven, you know your country does this too right?

It's not actual hatespeech they don't like. They only dislike right leaning hatespeech.

Looks like we might have to save mother big brother.

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Not on the scale of yours desu.
If Sweden is the Congo at this point the U.K. is the Liberia of Europe.

>10 days notice
As if our courts are even remotely as quick as that.

Oh yeah? Can you plot and organise a new holocaust? No, nobody can. Nobody is free.

It’s official, the government of Great Britain is an enemy of and a threat to to white peoples everywhere. Within it’s borders beware.

but the same trends are happening in all western countries, why do all of you think it wont get worse for you? and why are we cucked when the same things are happening to you and your doing nothing about it

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Attached: Met Say Charging Shoplifters, Vandals 'Not Practical' as Arrests for 'Offensive' (592x2727, 1.09M)

looks like prison is becoming the growth industry in England much in the same way crisis acting is the career choice for kids in america

great time to be alive huh?

Every time things get peaceful they find ways to turn everything into shit.

Can you imagine what life would be if we left the niggers in africa, the mexicans in mexico, the muslims in the middle east and the indians in india? We would all have peaceful meaningful lives and be happy.

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>The sad part is that its believable.
yeah if you're the sort of painfully gullible turd who believes everything they see on Sup Forums

>Seriously, if my government tried to strip me of my freedom of speech I would take up arms against them.
no you wouldn't. you'd sit in front of your computer and bleat and whine about it online while chugging mountain dew

but your government doesn't need to "strip you of your freedom of speech". your citizens are good enough at doing that by themselves

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you first leafy
do i really need to tell you that your picture is a prank?

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>mfw bongs start getting arrested for mutt memes

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Never change Ameribro.
And remember they get to you by going slowly, taking your rights inch by inch. If they tamper with the 1st or 2nd amendment, even a little, you know they are going for everything.