Red pill me on Oklahoma bombing 19th April

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Who's the bitch

It sounded like all the doors in the building were slammed at the same time, at Nicoma Park Intermediate, about twenty miles away.

I was in fourth grade and they wouldn't tell us what happened.

I said red pill me faggot, i dont want to read (((wikipedia)))

Go on....

tim saw a video called "waco: the rules of engagement" and it pushed him over the edge

Some trap.

I thought it had something to do with William Pierce's book "Turner Diaries"

That’s just a meme. They plow up a federal building with a truck bomb I. The book, so you can say that “motivated” the attack, but the rationale behind the attack was the hypocrisy of the US government and it’s corruption and abuses of power

My parents drove us by the actual site a few months later after cleanup had finished. Pretty surreal to see blown out windows and bits of damage so far away from the actual blast.

I couldn't figure out who would want to do such a thing, but then I had an epiphany: the British were talking their revenge after their defeat in the revolutionary war.

I figured there may have been more to it

This is provably false.
It was the fucking Etruscans. They had no motive beyond being Etruscans.

he got the idea from the book but waco was the catalyst - the image of charred adult/child hands clasping each other is a very powerful image

Killed ca.170 people and did a whole lot of damage, this seems an effective execution from this kid in his 20s,

pretty shitty quality, but Ted drops all the knowledge you need on this subject

you mean 1995, right? Keep in mind McVeigh never had an autopsy.

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Ty brutha

>a truck bomb did the damage it did to the building.
no way
forgot the actual video

>Killed ca.170 people and did a whole lot of damage, this seems an effective execution from this kid in his 20s,
I figured this whole situation had a pretty high impact for such a rookie. We have shitskins specialized on blowing shit up and even they can't score such high numbers....

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personally I think it was the beta for 9/11, in "A Noble Lie" the people said it didn't hurt their eyes or make them wretch/puke like it should have, explosives found. Citizens petitioned and were told to STFU, and they had more than enough people signing petitions.

I was just reading up on it. How come on the last day of the siege the feds killed nearly all the people?

at 24 min, he talks about a bomb used in Saudi Arabia, which was supposed to be the same one used in OKC bombing. yet you can hear the discrepancy in the damage

clean up the evidence. they literally tortured those people for weeks over some bs trumped up charges

because during the siege they were smokebombing
those can cause fires

There's a shitload of info I never heard of, ty 4 inputs

here's another one, this dude researches well, as with everyone except Ernst Zundel, you kind of take it for information.

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It was a failed attempt at "9/11". There were 2 bombs that never detonated. Had they, a helluva lot more damage would have been done.

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Bill Cooper called BULLSHIT when they tried to say McVeigh and Osama Bin Laden were in contact or co-conspirators

Highly probable.
>A truck loaded with diesel fuel and fertilizer bomb rips off half of a huge concrete building
GTFO with this shit, and this is supposed to be the official narrative.

>Red pill me on...
... them titties.

Had to get ur attention somehow, rite

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Something is off about the skin there. is that a doll?

Got 4 hours and shitload of tabs worth of documentaries open, another day is gonna be wasted on uncovering (((tehir))) BS

>He doesn't know about fertilizer bombs.
You can destroy most any building with a properly built fert bomb.
As long as you position it near the central support columns it will destabilize the building structure and gravity will do most of the work for you.

An experiment to study the reaction of the american public to a false flag scenario and the media controlled narrative.

A lot of people were involved in the planning and execution stage, including german nationals. McVeigh was in the U.S. military at the time of the attack and was involved to a degree.

But it's all been done before.

godspeed user, godspeed

then when Columbine happened on 4/20 people were saying it was to hijack the weed smokers, and it was Hitler's birthday and all kinda shit. Massive attack on the Aryan man back in those days.

I believe the fertilizer truck bomb definitely did that damage, but more was supposed to be done. Convenient that McVeigh was pulled over 3 hours later on a state highway in his getaway car without a license plate... and what about John Doe #3? There's more to this story, but the official narrative isn't as likely to be questioned compared to 9/11. OKC narrative is pretty solid to your average normie.

so they say in "A Noble Lie" that it was 2 middle eastern males, which obviously could be Israelis and McVeigh never had an autopsy. So Tim could be in Israel, chillin, and we'd have no way to track it, no photos would get out, no way to to ever go over there as a tourist, they'd look at all your zip drives and phones. Plus who would ever go over there. For all we know all these mass shooting so called victims are in Israel, they seal everything.

McVeigh was opposed to what he saw as federal government trampling on individual rights like at Waco and Ruby Ridge. In the Clinton's defense, they had ok'd tons of murders in both Arkansas and DC. They saw George HW Bush kill JFK with little national reaction. So they became out of touch with how bad murder is considered by the public. It was not until the tragedy in Oklahoma that they understood they had displeased a segment of the country. From that day forward federal law enforcement proceeded more carefully in such situations (see: cliven Bundy). The Clinton's continue murdering to this day but have learned to obfuscate who gave the orders. Some notable recent operations: Seth Rich, the failed attempt to crash Obama's plane during the 08 primary, election night plot with Budh Sr against president elect Trump (aborted at the request of Defense Department), successful operation. All in all OKC bombing was a tragedy but it was useful in reminding political elites to keep their murders more on the DL

My uncle was stationed there, he was called at like 6in the morning and told not to come in

there shouldve been more retaliation to this. i cant fucking believe that this shit happened. i pray janet reno splits hell wide open.

cute story

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I believe you.

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>all these homosexuals talking about anything other than OP pic

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those tits are very nice

witnesses. if you watch the video youll see two feds shooting into the flaming building

The agents were all busy arresting goyi... I mean protecting and serving.

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and the train full of republican congressmen?


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I get the feeling it all goes downhill once you take the support away. Tits aren't so sexy when they're in her armpits.

well my father owned the building and he was emailed via sat phone not to come in at 4am

I thought that was Lindsey Pelas for a second.

He did nothing wrong except not putting his license plate on his car

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The Terrorist were socialist. Blaming gun owners, and conservatives was the con of the century. The media got away with it. And the militia movement was blamed. History is written by the Media. :(

Found the fucking Gaul shill trying to blame good honest Etruscans, honest citizens of Rome, for the corruption of those unwatered wine swilling heathens. SPQR you druid lover

What the fuck are you talking about, McVeigh was literally /ourguy/. He did the bombings in response to ruby ridge and waco. He said he would've picked a different spot if he knew of the kids. Saying it was some controlled op is autism.

Get a load of this cigarette.

I require evidence. Here's Ted Bundy. You've seen the Columbine kids and Tupac.

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>those tits are very nice
How do we stop this. I'm trying to do some serious research here.

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Watch "A Noble Lie" first. It's very well made and will set the groundwork. Then branch of from there.

My father works at Nintendo and he saw smoke signals the day before that told him not to come in.

evidence from clinton's Arkansas days were stored in that building. whitewater, rose law firm,, money laundering, etc.

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Because it was the result of a PAT-CON operation gone wrong.

Alex Jones is also PAT-CON FBI stooge by the way

yeah Noble Lie and then Corbett after, I still haven't really seen all of his, he pisses me off about the Pentagon attack, but delves into McVeigh more. I think we disappear people to Israel, like the fat football coach at Parkland.

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Not sure if directly Clinton ordered but certainly she was intended to be at least an indirect beneficiary. Regardless, it is a safe bet that when the final go ahead was given, it was not lost on the sponsors of the derailment that they stood on the shoulders of giants

Clinton is a filthy liar, he's amply exposed in "The Mena Connection" video. Ever since I heard about the staged funeral part of Operation Northwoods, I've always thought we disappear people, maybe throw in some cosmetic surgery, no way to track them. Pay em off and away they go.

Redpill me on VEB fund OP

I was a teen when this happened.
The media propoganda demonised the hell out if the people inside the compound to the point were people responded with 'good riddance' on the deaths of the kids.

Likewise, user. My own father said much the same. I then pointed toward the gun cabinet and said, "will you say the same when they kill me coming for your guns like they did the kid in Idaho?"

Last time I ever heard him be so glib about this sort of thing.

>agency looks like shit after Ruby Ridge
>decide to try to make a big victory with Waco
>fuck it up on an unbelievable level
>murder every witness possible to minimize attention to it
It was simple incompetence at every level.

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Try murder.

kitty_catxox INSTAGRAM

You have no fucking clue nigger

looks like a fucking ayylmao

webcam whore on mfc

The funniest part is that it DID work, the ((((feds)))) learned their lesson and showed more restraint when dealing with standoffs, ie the Bundy Ranch thing.

Whatever you do, don't do any research about a dark skinned "third man" seen with both of them. Also ignore all the numerous ties to islamic groups in the Philippines. And whatever you do NEVER talk about how EVERY islamic group on earth can trace it's funding back to the American CIA (usually through Saudi Arabia).

It's all just a coincidence.

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ATF wanting to be its own government. Some of them should have gone to jail for that raid. FBI followed up with a clusterfuck and everybody died. And these are the same morons wanting more gun control?

waco the rules of engagement is a great docu but it didnt come out until after the bombing. tim was actually there at waco

Boobs...I'm sorry, what?


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There's a guy who can't remember nothing. His name is Mr Kallas.

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those veins are pumping collected semen to the tits, right?

khazar milkers

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H-How can she breath during sleep when 40 Kilo tits are resting on her lungs

also sauce

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Ted doesn't look at all well...

Stored in the "Federal Bldg" - well, what a surprise. Did you think they'd be in a MacDonalds?

Gravity won't treat her well.