Sup Forums can’t debate this

Sup Forums can’t debate this

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Other urls found in this thread: Working Paper.pdf

>Post job listing with poverty level wage
>Make it clear this isn't a well paying job
>People apply
>You hire them

Wow this is nazi-level stuff

So we should close down all small businesses?
That'll be sure to help those minimum wage workers, can't pay them minimum wage if you're not paying them at all!

>Fuck you for creating jobs
>Also fuck you for hiring people who want said jobs and apply for them

Now OP you can't go posting shit like this, you're going to upset all the sons of white collar bankers on here.

Pretty legit point, unless all staff in the hierarchy including the owner are also working below poverty levels to get the business up and running.


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Once again pol over simplifies everything

Minimum wage is $0.00 per hour, always has been, always will be, no matter what laws are passed. If you're too stupid, lazy, unreliable, or dishonest to add more than the minimum wage's worth of value to your employer's product for every hour you work, you will certainly lose your job. Someone more productive than you will take it, or your employer will go out of business, and you'll be worse off than you were before the busybodies and communists and financial illiterates voted to hike the minimum wage.

>If you can't afford to have kids, you shouldn't have sex organs.
>Asking people to pay your welfare so you can have children is entitlement at it's finest

>You are asking human beings to use their lives to subsidize your desire to breed.

>If your children were worth being born, you would work for them.

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How about this for a business?

>build an apartment building
>rooms are just one big room, no bathrooms or kitchens
>power will be supplied but metered to users desire
>one big restroom for each gender for all use
>*laundromat styled washing area
>gay bathouses
>mailboxes and adresses
>*public wifi for all residents

(* indicates can be cut for more savings)
would this be a place to run, if always full of tenants at minimum wage?

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I actually agree with this.
As with anything if you cannot afford to maintain it at your best, then you dont deserve it. If you require a product to function, then you must operate it at ideal. Quality, over quantity. At the same time, I have no problem in the bussiness owner firing people if need be, so that his BEST employees can enjoy a pay raise, while keeping their job. And while it is anyones right to use their profit however they see fit. It is also anyones right to boycott goods and services from places that are seen as being especially greedy, and harmful to their employees.

If you can't afford to work for the wage the employer is paying, you can't afford to be employed by him.
You are asking human beings to subsidize your desire to have a high paying job.
If a job is worth taking, it's worth doing so at the wage the employer gives you.

Spoken like a true faggot who has never ran a business.

>"j...just raise prices"
>"wait, why is no one buying things here any longers?"

>if you can't afford to pay a living wage, you can't afford to be in business
This is absolutely true and the reason why I'm against minimum wage because all it does is kill the free market and accelerate capitalism's descent into corporate rule

Did you even read the article?
>There may be another factor lurking behind the apparently contradictory findings: Neither paper has gone all the way through peer review and been published in an academic journal.

Right here

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>Sup Forums can’t debate this
I completely fucking destroyed it in ten seconds and I wasn't even trying.

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In all honesty I'd rather be a subsistence farmer than work any minimum wage job but kikes make that impossible

i keep a hammock in my truck op

that's a bunch of words, but things still happen regardless
thanks for playing

It's sad and being poor sucks but if someone agrees to work at a low wage you should be able to hire them. That being said, you usually get what you pay for, so it might not always be the best strategy.

Simple, people can choose to work there or not

Looks like multiple studies DO show that raising minimum wage costs jobs

I think shared bath/toilets/laundry could work, but you would need to make sure everyone had their own kitchen for food preparation and storage. I like controlling what I cook and eat as well as managing my grocery costs personally, I wouldn't be willing to live without that.

The article I sourced talks about all of this.
The title is just super click baity.
>There may be another factor lurking behind the apparently contradictory findings: Neither paper has gone all the way through peer review and been published in an academic journal.
Once again does pol know how to read?

Cool story bro, but employees still gotta put food on the table.

so the argument remains. The minimum wage is survival and if you can't pay up then you deserve to go bankrupt.

How do Libs square that logic with wanting illegal immigration (which depresses wages)? Are we just supposed to magically provide money and services to everybody at once?

There is a certain pride and dignity in working your own land for your own benefit, certainly more so than retail and fast food.

buy a minifridge. And maybe I'll add like a public kitchen area.

The idea is to remove anything extra from the cost so you all share the burden for cheap, giving a cheaper living space. Still needs work but it might be a solution to insufferable living spaces. Working on making it family friendly though.

In a vaccum it would be but have to take into account the educational system and corporate interest. Choice is a direkt function of your possibilities and subjected to external factors.

so a college dorm
I fully support this, btw. I lived in a dorm converted to apartments like this and it was perfectly fine. also only $300 rent. For comparison, the cheapest studio apartment in town is $575 a month

7 dollars an hour is still better than 0 dollars an hour

You clearly didn't read my article
You just posted an article by it's own accord isn't peer reviewed
I think you need to learn how to read
>The economists’ preferred model show that past minimum wage increases in California have caused a measurable decrease in employment among affected employees. Specifically, they find that each 10% increase in the minimum wage has lead to a nearly five-percent reduction in employment in industries with a higher percentage of lower-paid employees. Across all industries, their findings imply that each 10% increase in California’s minimum wage has reduced employment for affected employees by two percent.

But that goes for the employer as well.

Of course, neither the employer nor the employed deserves to exist, and they are just doing what they have to to survive.

I agree, the exploitation of illegal immigrants is disgusting. Ship 'em back and pay Americans a working wage.

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I've considered similar ideas in the past, and I ultimately came to the conclusion that it isn't likely to be a viable business. People who need to cut costs will just rent a two-bedroom and split it between two to six people or something like that. If you're a landlord, it makes more sense to build a bunch of multi-room apartments and just rent the whole thing to richer clients, and let poorer clients split the space however many ways they need to. That way you're selling to a wider spectrum of potential customers.

One more time. The article I posted referenced this study. And how the study mentioned in your article was in fact VERY CREDIBLE. But there are studies that are also credible that contradict this one. Not enough information is known yet to say definitively either way.
Come on fellow burger. Use that common core

>start a business
>look for employees
>applicants expect to get paid thirty grand a year plus tip

Thanks outsourcing. Thanks free trade.

im not asking anyone to do shit, im not enslaving anyone

if you want the job you agree to the wage or else fuck off (u wont though because u have 0 experience or qualifications)


My mother has been spouting the living wage meme since at least the early 90s. I technically have a living wage at $14/hr, but that's it. Living wage? We should be looking at things like an "investment/saving wage" or something like that. I'm working on an essay about it.

>posted from my iphone

would a precent of profits split up amongst the staff be as viable as a minimum wage? Maybe be like 30% profit a day? And this is end profit, over all expenses.

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If they stuck their hand out and said "I accept" to a voluntary position with a pre-defined wage, that's their problem.

actually its ridiculously easy
If you are unqualified to work at a living wage, saying all businesses that dont pay a living wage should be put out of business means that those people unqualified to work at a living wage will not be able to work.
If you are qualified to work at a living wage
your argument is self-defeating
if you are not qualified to work at a living wage
>muh gibs

Dingo going back to the oldies

i am a fairly skilled cook. i have done it for 30-35 years, you claim i am wortg 0.oo $ AN HOUR? howdoes that figure?

oops lost pic

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And if the employer suddenly needs to deal with a union that's his problem.

Can you explain your reasoning?

That guy wasn't even talking to you. Why do you think he was talking about you?

Poverty level BS. $7.25 more than enough if you save and invest instead of trinket buying.

Of course it's going to be sad if your first job is $7.25 and you are 30 years old.

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Oh shut the fuck up,you pussy ass westerners dont know the meaning of poverty.Look at it this way,a married couple 8 kids total rvenue 200$ per month.
The kids have to work and not go to school,barely eating and living in cold.And these entitled coddeld fucks bitch about a wage being 12$/h and not 15.
Eat shit they dont know what real exploatation looks like,i would kill to work in a walmart,i would make more than my engeniering kob for which i studyed 6 fucking years in an uni.

Well if it's such a shit job you don't have to take it, faggot.

At $7.25, 30 hours a week, starting at age 18 you should have your first 100K before you are 30 years old.

You DO have to plan accordingly.

That's implying you have parents to live with that won't charge you $700 a month to live with because they themselves didn't plan their lives out and someone has to pay for the $20 hats for the family dog.

My mom worked for some time in cosmetics, because she wanted to make more money, she started to get self employed. No matter the amount she worked could not get a good wage because people dont want to spend more than 25$/h. With all taxes and other things gone she earled a little more than employees.
For those reasons she changed jobs.

People are not willing to pay more for certain services. Many people in the cosmetic industry feel this effect today, because all though the prices did not rise the people are less well off and dont spend as much on cosmetics as they used to.

So if you still want to work in cosmetics, you have to live with the wage

Yes, or you DINK (double income, no kids) into a stable relationship.

Also, I'm not taking into account welfare programs.

Problem is kids today are starting to work much later in life with college/university debt and no strong family to fall back for support.


There's nothing to argue here. True capitalism would solve this fucking problem, but we can't have that because enough people don't hate the government.

Also, why is this woman talking? Shouldn't she be at home cleaning and taking care of children?

I love how middle class white liberals know so little about life and yet want to tell everybody else how to live.

>Sup Forums can’t debate this



So dont take the job. Problem solved faggot.

>Sup Forums can't debate th- Working Paper.pdf

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>be nigger
>be 19
>shoot another nig
>go to prison for 10 years
>learn how to cook in prison
>works odd jobs when he gets out
>saves his money
>took business classes
>used saved money to start small trucking business
>sells trucking business
>gets 50k nigger business grant
>opens burger joint
>such a success he's on CNN
even ex con niggers who work hard and aren't completely fucking useless can make it. sure he had the privilege of being black in order to get that loan but even if he didn't, it would have just taken a little longer.
I fucking hate liberals, especially middle class white ones who bitch about shit they know nothing about. kys you'd be doing the country a favor.

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Its funny. Liberals are always corporate whores. Does Google pay minimum wage? No. Does a taco stand? Yes. Guess which entreprenuers have to pay the poor?

I think the answer is somewhere in between. While creating jobs is good, creating shit paying retail jobs is bad. The situation where a small town has nothing but low paying jobs is a reality to some people. Thanks to Wal mart and Target raising their minimum wages, retail wages have actually gone up everywhere. Small businesses help local economies, but they also need to pay actual “competitive wages” and understand that adults can’t pay bills on $8 and hour. If you don’t have a plan to raise employee wages tonnear $10 hr (Wal mart starts at $11 nationwide btw) you deserve to fail for not paying competitive wages.

I have a faster than light propulsion drive the only place I can find work is pre 1800s.

im white by the way.

How much is "enough to live"? Because as far as I know, most homeless people are currently alive, they just don't live a pretty life.
Are you honest when you say you want people to earn "enough to live"? Or to you want people to be entitled to live a pretty life?

This. Technically, you don't need to be paid anything to live.

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If there weren't people that found the wages acceptable, they wouldn't be able to hire anyone.

>only the rich can afford to own businesses

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I'm with this guy. I don't know who you are guy but today you've made a powerful (read: male) ally.

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what they want is enough money to live like they were raised. the worst fear for a middle class white liberal is to drop into the white working class.

Zone tan a cute! CUTE!

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> make $7.25/hr
> work 40 hours a week
> make $1,160 a month before tax/deductions
>Lowest median one bedroom rent is $560 in Wichitah kansas

So you have $600 for the rest of the month to pay for transportation, health insurance, electric bill, food, water bill, and some type of phone. Please tell me how you have money leftover every month since you seem to believe this is "more than enough".

what is that thing

You're just not thinking outside the box of all those non-necessities. You don't need to pay for transportation each month. Live close enough to where you work that you can walk or ride a bike. You don't need health insurance. Electricity and water are easy to conserve. You could pay for a van instead of an apartment, and live out of that. You just don't want to live below a certain level of comfort, its not a question of need.

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>expecting the same reward as someone who took an exponentially bigger risk

piss off kike!

medicaid eligibility goes up to $16,643 a year. so no healthcare for you. which also makes you eligible for Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). so there goes that. and being eligible for that also makes you eligible for SNAP benefits.

the government has a shit load of programs to help low income people. not taking advantage of it isn't anybody's fault but their own.

I meant no healthcare costs for you

Get a flatmate, minimum wage doesn't mean you get to live in a castle.

Stop using Nazi as a bad term, you're conceding to the moral premises of the enemy.

Cool story, bro, but people who cannot get anything more than a minimum wage don't deserve to live. The government should put out ads for minimum wage jobs, and then gas everyone who shows up to apply. If you cannot support yourself, then you must be supported by others, and deserve to die.

>people who cannot get anything more than a minimum wage don't deserve to live
Every society needs peasants retard. No peasants, no crops, dipshit. How you gonna eat, bourgie fucker? Think next time, fuck man.

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If they aren't being paid what they think they are worth then why don't they just quit?
It's not like they're being enslaved.

>Import millions of foreign workers
>Post job listing with poverty level wage
>Make it clear this isn't a well paying job
>People apply
>You hire them
>Turn they took our jobs into a joke
Sup Forums willingly defends businesses who would gladly import pajeets and get rid of borders if we let them. It's actually much worse than nazi-level.

honestly at this point you americans dont deserve a better life so yeah, i agree

If someone isn't paying a living wage, maybe you should stop selling your time and labor for so little. If no one is willing to buy your time and labor for the price you're asking, maybe you should stop being such a useless sack of shit.

Wow maybe we shouldn't let illegals in, lowering the wages of everyone else.

Or even better, don't let women work, which lowers wages even more.

So why bring in illegals?

>beaners can live off 5$ an hour
>kayla cant

wow racist entitled white privilege bitch

So, university accommodation?

>Sup Forums willingly defends businesses who would gladly import pajeets
>Sup Forums overwhelmingly shilled for a guy who promised to aggressively end cheap foreign labor
Pic ONE to complain about, you fucking brainlet.

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Illegal immigrants live off $5.00 an hour, pay off transportation to get back, and STILL have money to share with their families.

Kayla can't have her dairy free soy latte vanilla frappuccino on $7.25. "Not fair". "Fight for 15 Bernie!"

if you can't live with what they pay you, go find another job somewhere else or start your own business

If you're a non-retarded adult and you're stuck making minimum wage, you've failed at life and you should unironically kill yourself.

>Zone tan a cute
wrong. zone tan a DISGUSTING WHORE

>voluntarily apply and agree to the proposed shitty salary

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