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why did you block the name?

If that is so true then why do we need to push them into it

Too bad she can't do any of those things.

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I like me a bitch that can chemistry a good pie

This is a link to OPs tweet

Imagine a beautiful blonde baking a pie for you.

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Cat calling is harassment.

>Knitting is programming
Lol fucking roastie

Hey, scientist, go to chem lab, synthesize me some dinner.

Yes, the grade school basics of STEM

>he hasn't played broken age

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just tell us where to send the missles and grenades.

And making up grandiose claims is politics

Being a woman is religion
Feminism is cancer

Sadly the earliest cookbooks were written by men.

>Knitting is programming
Is it Turing complete?
>Sewing is engineering
Please sew me a bridge over the river
>Baking is chemistry
Well, I let this count, some people's baking results may pass as WMDs...


Professional bakers are mostly men) Most women would find it challenging to hand-mix the dow properly. Requires strnth and stamina.


Knitting used to be a men-only affair, btw.

>knitting is programming

a few posts bellow :

>"I didn't call someone who knits a programmer"
there's even a soycuck defending her, kek

Bake yourself a bridge that doesn't kill people

Because OP is a pussy sweat

Fucking kek. Probably the most patronising thing I’ve ever read. Pure pottery.

Why do feminists want to be in STEM so bad?

> he doesn't use his knitted sweater to solve differential equations
get with the times

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They don't want to BE in STEM. They just want there TO BE women in STEM.

Is being delusional the new normal? What in the fuck is the matter with people?

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>taking a dump is petrol engineering

>knitting is programming
No, sewing is.
>sewing is engineering
Those big sowing machines? Men invented them.
Those small sowing machines? Men invented those too.
>baking is chemistry
It's the same chemical reaction as found in campfires when MEN first lit them.

And there's only one reason I'm saying this.
>women have been STEM pioneers longer than they've received credit for
Women have received every single one of these technologies from men. Isn't that enough receiving?
It's like saying women invented the car just because Otto Benz's wife asked another man if he could improve the brakes on her first trip.

> retweeted by Chelsea Clinton

Either he is ironic or just posting utter bullshit.

It is if they use a machine and automate it.

the automating is the programming in that scenario

>soy-powered bugman reduces every human experience to numbers and operations
Beep bop

No, in the comments she said that knitting is similar to the big computers with tons of cables used in the 50s and 60s, nothing more

she doesn't understand anything about computers and the comparison stops there.

>solving differential equations

U wot m8 ?

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Fuck yeah. They sure as shit can bake a better cake than engineer a goddamn bridge I tell you whut.

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Women can engineer a bridge, look at what happened in florida

what, you think programming is only used to write shitty apps?

>knitting is programming, sewing is engineering, baking is chemistry
kid-tier engineering but I guess you're right honey

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>solving differential equations is hard

This is first semester bullshit tho.


>tfw you left your quantum sweater in a different iteration and you have to an hero to go back for it.

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you have to go back

Case in point.

>knitting is programming
I'm torn between being triggered and accepting this so that the women who believe this never go near a computer.

that's what the earlier calculators were used for ...

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Except that men build the knitting machines.

Support it wholeheartedly. It will improve programming and gaming and you'll get some colorful socks out of the deal.

They're too fugly for my thing to be hard

They want women to be seen as intelligent bearers of progress.

>sewing is engineering

Ok then

It'd be interesting to tell feminist programmers to take up knitting.

there are many types of differential equations.
for example the Einstein field equations or Dirac's equation are both differential equations. try solving those

Beating women is programming. Stoning infidels is engineering. Making plastic explosives is chemistry. Throwing faggots from buildings is physics. Muslims have been STEM pioneers longer than they've received credit for.

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They were used to solve them faster, but solving differential equations isn't particularly hard

Smarter than you, ancap

Knitting Simulator when?

Nobody believes that shit.
Dude was literally a Jew who stole other people's shit from the patent office and had no idea how any of it actually worked.

>Freedom is slavery. Free apeech is hate speech.

I know a little chemistry. First you let a jar of urine sit for 30 days...

black powder with urine?

I thought jenkum was made from feces.

lol some people actually believe this

Read some of his papers then. I bet you couldn't comprehend any of it. And you certainly couldn't identify which bits were or were not original

>I bet you couldn't comprehend his made up bullshit.
You're probably right there...

White phosphorus starts from urine

>white phosphorus

my man

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By the Power VESTED in US: This is What Scientists Say British Fashion Will Look Like in 2050 and it's Beautiful

Personally, I would rather just piss on my enemies.

Get back in the lab and invent me a sandwich.

a lot of things start from urine since it's a great source of nitrogen

Diversity is our Strength

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>sewing is programming
My sides are in orbit

Who knew I could take over the world with my own urine? Talk about marking your territory.

Stop giving your urine to the toiletjew!

you could in theory sell urine to Somalians as drinkable water, to start your own country

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Good, then they can kindly continue pioneering away back in the kitchen

That shit is artistic as fuck.

Because that bridge is useful and safe in an abstract and feely kind of way

Funny that she mentions baking. 92% of Michelin star-rated chefs are men. Men are universally better at cooking than women.

They equate the fact most women don't want to or can't make STEM standards with evil misogyny



>knitting, sowing and baking is women's work and it's what women did in the past
Wow that's pretty sexist. You don't think there were male tailors or bakers in the past too?

It's funny because men industrialised all those things and did them better. Women BTFO yet again.

We laugh, but have you read a knitting pattern? It is an algorithm for the knitter to follow. What OP tweet should have said is that knitting PATTERNS are programming. The act of knitting is computation.

well good
now go to the kitchen and use that chemistry to make me a sandwich

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yeah like my cock

Ill give them baking as basic chemistry but the others are absolute bullshit.

It's not the crux of the matter: if woman have been in the kitchen for centuries, feeding their families, why hasn't one of them discovered anything scientific on the benefits of food on the human body? Complete lack of curiosity. This doesn't sound like the characteristic of a pioneer..

>I'm too dumb to understand it, so it's bullshit

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