Why are you against free migration, Sup Forums? According to economists, open borders would double the world's real GDP.
Why are you against free migration, Sup Forums? According to economists, open borders would double the world's real GDP
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who's getting the money
ancaps are indistinguishable from communists
I want to make a cute white redhead wet herself
It makes strong countries weak and weak countries unchanged.
>According to economists
Kill yourself, kike
Because i hate niggers and don't want them near me
Open borders are fine but no welfare then, that way we just get people who want to work.
Not really.
Then move to a white neighborhood.
>according to economists
Good good goyim what a shabbos goy.
Pic related and fourteen words are the reason
Niggers and Shitskin lower the countrys GDP
that's some groundbreaking research OP. Some economists even say that open borders would TRIPLE the world's GDP.
Unlimited labor supply drives wages and working conditions down while driving housing prices up, killing quality of life, distressing families and communities. And fuck the jews.
GDP the likes of which the world has never seen!
it will double the world's GDP at the expense of the middle class of the 1st world. so fuck that. economically it isn't in my best interests. culturally it sure as shit isn't in my interest because I don't want a bunch of retrograde savages in my country.
and most importantly fuck niggers.
if you kikes pull it off the only solace I have is knowing that one day the niggers will destroy you.
>destroy your culture
>destroy all social cohesion in your nation
>destroy public trust
>destroy the schools as they desperately try to accommodate every learning style and language from all over the world
>destroy your housing market
>live in a 10x10' concrete apartment block where you cannot speak the same language as half your neighbors or identify with any of them
>become faceless economic and consumer unit [Insert ID number here]
At least muh GDP is good even though wages have been stagnant for 30 years
Thats a great idea OP. Sadly the goyim are ridiculously stupid, serves them right. Lets open the Israel boarders wide open and watch our shekeles double.
I'd rather live in a tent next to other whites than live in a mansion near niggers. I also don't give a flying fuck about the nation's GDP if the citizens are poor.
if we got rid of the non-whites, the money our country would save could be used to incentivize white children. Just because niggers and spics and hajis reproduce irresponsibly and out of control doesn't mean they get to completely overpopulate the world. they should die in their own countries or learn to fucking farm and govern.
My country is facing the same problem with illegal filthy Bangladeshi migrants
>money is the only thing that matters
Assuming that GDP is independent of social cohesion
Truth is GDP tanks if niggers
>According to economists
Suck my fat one you cheap dime store hood.
>This essay revisits the argument that the removal of worldwide immigration restric-
tions would induce a very large increase in world GDP. The recent books Exodus: How
Migration is Changing Our World by Paul Collier and The Price of Rights: Regulating
International Labor Migration by Martin Ruhs raise a number of questions about the underlying economic model. The essay shows how these concerns can greatly attenuate the predicted gains.
Most experienced Economist on the topic of Immigration says you're full of shit, retard