Really crumbles the crumpets

Attached: IMG_3999.jpg (1242x1524, 361K)

Other urls found in this thread:é_Central

Attached: c053c99b7aeb320a36af458761a35ff76f6f70a5302f6175fc2b23dda04687fb-pol.jpg (450x800, 112K)

Everything I've read about it lists them as friends but no names. Can someone confirm?

Attached: 1502945667561.png (480x332, 39K)

I would really like to see confirmation too, this is the second time I've seen this photo

Which one is meant to be Theresa?

Really woggles the ole noggin eh.

Attached: 1516132238806.jpg (520x750, 80K)

This is her from the Sun, is this just 3 girls who look sorta like who they are suppose to be?

Attached: May.jpg (960x645, 53K)

Q posted this

this shouldn't be too hard to disprove right? like we'd just need a yearbook photo from one of them when they were younger to see if they are close
"Theresa pictured as a teen with" would probably mean she is the most prominent in the photo, center

seems like it'd be fun to believe
let's debunk it

just look at the beedy eyes on those witch cryptokikes

They all look d2f

d2f is probably the least offensive thing they are d2 do. blood guzzling whores

Definitely not May.

Do you think Tracy Beanz is pretty?

who? im not googling that

Theresa is in the left (right from their perspective). Center is merkel

They look nothing like those leaders, look at the noses.

Imagine gay

I'll take that as a "yes".

Attached: e82a239681526be6c7aba3e759aaf85e2ad98a4cb5555ce130806e36736c1980.jpg (480x480, 25K)

The middle

Plastic surgery to hide the jewishness

no. merkel is on our left

Really pickles my crumpets

why... are they so hot????

Evil is sexy

Look at that, three childless European "leaders"

they really want the dick
that is the "we want your dick right now" look

The one on the left is Angela Merkel. The other two are not politicians, they're just some teens she went to school with.
This is what Theresa May looked like when she was young. The girl in the middle looks like fucking Anne Franke, not like Theresa May.

Stop falling for these retarded Facebook psyops pics designed to make ''conspiracy theorists'' look retarded. They're putting out misleading information on purpose because they know you idiots will not even check to see if it's true, you'll just repost it and then they'll mock you for being a gullible shit.

Attached: f.jpg (436x500, 77K)

The one on the left is Merkel. The picture is taken from TIME magazine.

Raise your standards.

Doesn't change the fact that all are childless as are many other European presidents/PMs etc

fake, looks like merkel on the left but the other two look nothing like young Theresa May and Dalia.
Apparently there's already an article debunking it too.

No one said it does.
What it does change is that these Facebook idiots are making themselves look like fucking retards by reposting false information purposely put out to make them look retarded.
Whoever made the claim had to know where the pic came from, he took the pic from TIME magazine and he put purposefully false information out there. They didn't make a mistake, they knew the information was false.

I wouldn't be surprised if Snopes put out the fake information just so they themselves could debunk it for clicks and ad revenue.

what are the 2 unknown kikes doing now?

We can always rely on an Austrian to cut through the talmudic bullshit.
Well fuck. Latvia finally does something useful.

Q predicted this

Cuz you are pedo, flag checks.

that is a really fucked up haircut

Wow, May was a qt back in the day.

Why do Americans fall for the dumbest, most obviously fake shit? Why are you people so fucking stupid?

>holy fuck the world's a complicated failure
>it must be the pizzagate deep state jews
>now i understand everything

Conspiracy theory is just religion for fucking sutpid people.

HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM the leaders of the UK, Germany the most powerful country of the EU & Lithuania, a former Socialist Republic who Russia still believes to be rightfully theirs.

SURELY there's no photoshopping here.

No that would be neopaganism

all three of them literally have fuck me eyes
Theresa is even biting her lip

I looked it up and Merkel was born in 1954, May and Grybauskaitė both in 1956 so it could be true.


There is no photoshopping. It's a fucking pic of Merkel and two random classmates taken from TIME magazine.
It's insane how easy it is to manipulate you brainlets.

>this entire thread and no cunt has posted Merkelmerkin

fuck you faggots

Attached: merkel's merkin.jpg (640x960, 106K)

Ok wtf

Angela Merkel (left), Charlize Theron (middle), Scarlett Johansson (right)
Post this on facebook and see how many boomers retweet it.

>post on facebook
>retweet it
nigger, are you even trying?

Whores of babylon
Prostitutes of Satan
Filthy roasties

Attached: 1519151274213.jpg (972x971, 72K)

She has a brother? Does She really have other siblings? I don't think So.

I know she has a Child, its damn near impossible to tell if its a boy or a girl.....

>d just need a yearbook photo from one of them
Year books are a burger only thing

She looks like a mouse

>According to Chinese medical face reading, when the white part of the eye, known as the sclera, is visible beneath the iris, it represents physical imbalance in the body and is claimed to be present in alcoholics, drug addicts and people who over-consume sugar or grain. Conversely, when the upper sclera is visible it is said to be an indication of mental imbalance in people such as psychotics, murderers, and anyone rageful. Stress and fatigue may also be a cause. In either condition, it is believed that these people attract accidents and violence.

Yeah you double nigger, welcome to ZOG.

wow so chinese people think you're weird if you're not a squinty eyed gook? go figue.é_Central
>The café was opened in 1876, and in the late 19th century it became a key meeting place of the Viennese intellectual scene. Key regulars included: Peter Altenberg, Theodor Herzl, Alfred Adler,[2] Egon Friedell, Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Anton Kuh, Adolf Loos, Leo Perutz, Alfred Polgar, Adolf Hitler, and Leon Trotsky. In January 1913 alone, Josip Broz Tito, Sigmund Freud, Joseph Stalin, Hitler, and Trotsky (the latter two being regulars) were patrons of the establishment.[

Attached: _67042455_vienna_map624.jpg (375x360, 45K)

She is most similar to the one on the left. I have seen another picture of her alone as a kid, she does not look like the one in the middle.

Honestly, none look like Merkel, unless she is also the left one. I remember seeing her in the old DDR photos. She does not look like the center or the right ones.

What the fuck

alright lads
that is it
i am going to hunt down that masonic bitch

why do i want to fuck the one in the middle

the left one is obviously Merkel, I think this shit is fake and it's only Merkel with same random people.

why woman have baby scalped?

but how de fuck did they meet in the first place considering grybauskaite was from soviet lithuania

I have no idea which one is even which nor do I care. I usually change the channel when the news talks about any of those countries and skip the threads on here about them as well.

I have enough misery in my life. I don't need to worry about a bunch of cucks getting cucked by cuck queens in 2nd world countries.

Dude, read her biography, shit is too shady.

You're right, but Sup Forums is so astroturfed by media teams now that it will happen anyway.

she was

Attached: Theresa-May-Young.jpg (856x533, 127K)

>Reverse image search
>All sources in cyrillic

i am reading one of here bio right now and it says that she lied about some shit about her

Attached: 1d5.jpg (600x646, 33K)

The left is Angela Merkel but the other two are not who you say they are.

You dont even need to dig deep to realise that it was planned long long time ago that Grybas will be in some power.
from fucking wikipedia:
>1991 m. Džordžtauno (Vašingtonas) universiteto Tarptautinių ekonominių santykių institute baigė specialią programą vadovams

World communist conspiract is real

Merkel was a butterface back in the day...

Attached: 947163D3-9A81-4D80-B915-69A036652529.jpg (2049x1537, 583K)

was she part of skull and bones ?

Attached: 220px-Bones_logo.jpg (220x209, 19K)

What? how the fuck i would know? lmao

ITT: faceblindness

Tell me the right one doesnt look like Grybas

Attached: dalia-grybauskaite-63318974.jpg (900x600, 60K)

Fucking pedocuck

Thank you. My time machine now has a purpose.

Here they are again. Interesting company.

Attached: mongstew.jpg (576x400, 28K)