for years, we've been talking about white genocide in SA and everyone has just called us nazi's or conspiracy theorists, then suddenly earlier this week all of a sudden the entire media (left and right leaning) was talking about farm attacks and anti-white violence in SA and the liberal party (Aussie mainstream right) is campaigning to bring in Boer refugees. what happened?
Also is this just in Australia or is this international?
What happened, why is South African White genocide suddenly not taboo?
My guess is social media. You can see where the attacks are, and read what EFF puts out
It's international. The pendulum swing is coming
Lauren Southern
You think this will be enough to win back Dr Murdoch?
"All Lives Matter" is the please don't kill us sign.
That's the power of big Australian cock.
Wondering the same fucking thing. Must be social pressure breaking through finally...?
It's us, you stupid cunt.
If you only thing you report is what silverware Trump used to eat McDonald's you'll eventually lose your base. They are at least smart enough to know they have to take some losses, else right leaning media will be the only interesting media left
still can't beat the final boss.
We just have to keep training, get our power level over 6 gorillion.
We aren't the protagonists of this story. We are all the dickheads lending Goku his power.
Standard globalist kike tactics
>deny an obvious problem for years
>problem that whites had forseen for years becomes unavoidable in its consequences to even the most braindead
>kike media rushes to reassure dumb boomers and single mothers that the problem is being taken care of
>kikes and traitors in various govts NGOs etc continue their kike deviousness but try to keep high profile incidents out of the spotlight
It's panic. They know it will get to a point where the Boers will fight back and start to win, and everyone will justify it due to what is happening now.
This guy happened
Agreed, that story made waves in international news.
more and more white people are waking up and embracing tribalism. i just hope they remember that they started this.
Dr Murdoch saw LS for the coalburner that she is. There's no going back from that.
I don't see Dr M becoming a cucklord. He's too committed to his cause for that nonsense.
>post yfw the lives of Boers are literally going to be saved by aussie shitposts
Some of (((them))) have seen the writing on the wall and figure the best thing to do is pretend like they were allies all along.
He told the media if they kept this shit up he'd flood Israel with emus.
The shitpost is mightier than the sword
You truly are our greatest ally.
God bless Australia, taking the long view.
I just fact checked this post.
This is all hilariously true.
The Jews.
(((They))) decided to let the story go mainstream, which is a part of their plan, perhaps by using these liberalism infected SA whites to bring down other white civilisation.
It is the Internet.
Sup Forums + Social Media + Trump + e-celebs etc. All fall under the Internet.
mexico has an open offer of refugee status for them.
It gets even better.
But SA whites are redpilled on niggers. Their experiences in SA will legitimize the right wing, redpilling western whites who will then redpill SA whites on other races.
I seriously hope this didn't actually happen...
Look heres the secret.. Here is the secret why there are so many opportunities to save our race that are carelessly thrown away. Its because ALL white men but very very very few have always been GIGANTIC FAGGOTS in the closet just to make it even more mediocre. They are fearful pussies that just want to die and want others to die with them because they are lonesome pussies. They do all this with enormous self pity. Thay have been like this for hundreds of years, at least since the middle ages but most likely thousands at least. To realize you race is "the faggot race" will instantly suck all life, out of you permanenetly. There is no redeeming anything. We are the fucking faggot race.. its over. Its a permanent timeless stain that can never go away. Just fucking up and extinct our sorry ass race. Get it over with.. i beg of you.
>We are the fucking faggot race.. its over. Its a permanent timeless stain that can never go away. Just fucking up and extinct our sorry ass race. Get it over with.. i beg of you.
Is this satire?
>But SA whites are redpilled on niggers.
>Got eaten in raw by niggers.
>Australia knew California would turn into a cancerous shithole and did something about it 100 years ago
And now they get to share their experiences of being a minority in a nonwhite country with western whites.
Lauren Southern brought attention to it.
Only shills will disagree.
They wont learn a thing. Plenty of SA migrants shill for open borders.
No, Lauren Southern hammered this shit for weeks, gathering the views of hundreds of thousands of people on different channels on youtube, then other youtubers picked it up, then other websites. Her, the viewerships she reached, then combined with new viewerships, made it big enough to where "news" sites had to cover it.
No.. Why do you think its satire? You arent aware that 99.9% of white men have been closet faggots for thousands of years. I dont blame our women.. i would be desperate to get away from those faggots too.
Worse, Jew. Probably thinks that even though he has light skin, if the us goes to shit he won't be considered white by niggers.
Exactly. I don't watch her content, but because of this I will eternally say fuck the shills. She's good by me. By bringing this to the forefront of a lot of people's minds, she did more than all these LARPing faggots will ever do. Then again, they're all just here to shit-post, not actually accomplish shit.
T. mud-blood LARPing as a white person
Yep. What you are seeing now will begin happening in local areas in Europe (no go zones), and in heavily mexican areas. I'm not sure if blacks here will self organize enough.
if it isnt stopped at each turn, each wave will just get bolder.
I bet that fire smelled fucking awful
The US is already dead.. were already dead. Its a bit trite to preserve your race when ALL your women desperately flock to niggers dont you think?
Are you not aware that 99.9% of white men have been closeted faggots for thousands of years. There has been research done on this it is a blatant fact.
Other races are not like that. Our race is already gone, dude.. Hold on all you want, your just making yourself look dense and unaware while niggers with 62 IQ run circles around you and cheat on you with your wife.
Lauren Southern single handedly made this issue OK to talk about in normie conservative circles. Turns out waving swastikas and talking about your "volk" prevents people from taking anything you say seriously.
This is why the "alt lite" is thriving and the alt right are beating each other naked in trailer parks. Stop being fucking spergs and learn to blend in.
And yet when shit will hit the fan the cuckservatives will just whine about it on twitter
Actually, black homosexuality rates are the highest of all races. The more you know...
It's just in Australia. None of my friends or family even knew there were White people in Africa.
I'll fight till the bitter end.
Im white as paper.. Im just able to look at the truth without hope or hoplessness and desperation distoring the truth. The truth is that we are infact dead.. We are a corpse being raped in the ass. Our race hasnt been killed off yet, but we havent got more than 5 years before a full-blown nazi germany situation is going but whites instead of jews. And guess what? We'll be even more powerless because the whole fucking world is in on it.. all the technology.. all the knowledge.. We're fucked. DOnt you notice this blue wave starting to take hold? You think those mud-bloods are not going to fucking kill us? They can do that legally if they make amendments to the constitution and the have numbers.. They have more than enough numbers. How dense can you be clinging to meaningless blind hope?
People on the internet, both on the right and left, have a strange Puritan attitude that holds them back from getting anything done.
Whether you think Lauren meets the "standard" or not, she’s doing more than virtually anyone else on the right currently. Actual in the field journalism is extremely rare these days
Its a good attitude but it also necessary to see the truth undistorted or else you will become dense and all the people who doing that are being cucks in reality.
>le jewish blackpill
>le white women racemix meme
They never heard of elon musk?
>why is South African White genocide suddenly not taboo?
when whites do it, it's genocide
when blacks do it, it's social justice
>a full-blown nazi germany situation is going but whites instead of jews.
Oy vey goyim we will punish you for holler cast.
No you are clearly not a mutt, you are far more sneaky and disgusting.
has it ever occurred to you that the existence of both is what gets us the results it does?
without the edge, there would be no representation for the thoughts and ideas that the alt-lite has tentatively begun approaching
As Malcolm X once said
>Our people have made the mistake of confusing the methods with the objectives. As long as we agree on objectives, we should never fall out with each other just because we believe in different methods or tactics or strategy to reach a common goal.
You won't turn us on one another. We stand TOGETHER.
Hell they wont even need a constiution they can make their own.. What they are doing is the classic calm before the storm before any fundamental revolution or government overthrow.. They wont need our old government if they have numbers and enough power to destabilze us. It totally gauranteed to happen at this point.
>fellow white people
Much better than my shitfuck cuck country who should be offering the Boers help in the first place. Based Aussies, always loved you cunts.
You should read a little bit more about the history of the white race, and what it's been through in the past.
What if I told you Europe isn't really our homeland? What if I told you we were out numbered 1000x 1 before and came back from far worse odds.
What if you've been so propagandized that the very truth, that you are powerful and have agency in this world if you are willing to suffer and fight for what you believe in has been hidden from you?
If your really white you'll at least consider what I speak of.
I'm surprised Sweden didn't jump on this opportunity to take in more Africans.
Say what now?
Well.. im not going to persuade many people.. But we'll see in the near future. Can you give me 1 example of history not taking its natural course regarding civilization, war, human nature etc? I mean can you give me one reason why these people who are not white would not conquer us when given the chance? Ive never read anything like that in history. You'll find out but you probably just ignore it. Your mind is still running on the christian based belief system which denies reality and sticks to a compulsory set of ideas for security.
post hand (((white man)))
Add a sign "Sup Forums sa 17.3"
>starting a eucalyptus plantation
So Hitler's Germany was Planet Namek?
I'd say you were right, decadent peoples have few examples of resurgence in the face of hardened foreign invaders, when they even collectively revitalize their belief that they have to fight at all.
But not too long ago a certain German dictator reinvigorated that spirit in his people, losing the subsequent war more due to flukes than anything. It's undeniable that the fighting spirit was revitalized.
I think it's possible. I don't think it's guaranteed, and I don't believe it's the more likely option between that and oblivion for our race.
But I see hope, and hope's a good start.
Ok i guess so.. You honestly dont believe im white? So what do you think of these thread and new articles posted everyday indicating that whites are not wanted in universities etc? This thread for example? Uhmmm.. are you all just getting worked up in your own thoughts and ignoring physical evidence? My god this is so insane.. Look guy.. it takes almost nothing to releaize these things.. Ive been a faggot for like 20 years now ok? So i know what im talking about.. I have talked to many people and i am good at relationship.. 99.9% of white dude are literally gay.. they think gey things.. they are oriented as completely gay or at least mostly.. its been slowly cutting off and amount of hetrosexuality since the 1940s.. Its the only reason why all this shit happens. Hell, you dont even need to kill people just have a spine.. but we dont.. We're fucked. Its over.
>without the edge, there would be no representation for the thoughts and ideas that the alt-lite has tentatively begun approaching
I used to think this way, but Trump made it clear what actually works. A moderate message with a policy platform that has all the necessary steps for progress toward your ultimate goal.
The past 2 years have proven that the fringe is just a liability (Heilgate, Unite the Right, the Heimbach Maneuver) while most significant real political and social gains have come from moderates (Trump, James Damore, Lauren Southern, Milo's speaking tours, the Jordan Peterson sensation). The former group gets immensely butthurt when the latter group doesn't want to associate with them, even though they keep vindicating the alt lite every few months.
What's important now is cementing the gains we've made thanks largely to Trump. We have a very real chance to curtail immigration once and for all, shift culture away from complete poz, and become the new dominant political bloc for the next few decades (as progressives were before us).
We have to think soberly and get serious. This isn't a game where we can hope ideology carries us past the finish line. If we don't attain power, these people will. And they will use it as a bludgeon against us. If that requires moderating our message, so be it.
T. mud-blood doubles down on LARPing as a white person
>We are all faggots please kill us
start with yourself please
The farmlands stuff of Lauren Southern is pretty fucking grim, mate, without resorting to gore etc, it redpills millions.
They need to fight back if they want to live, it's that simple, and I believe white in SA still hold technology and military advantage. People used to fight back in situations were much worse than that, 1789 in France, 1775 in North America.
If white in SA don't fight back to reclaim the country, they deserve to die.
The soyim won't give up without a fight.
gains attributed to lite for their public action aren't a debunk for the underground support work of radicals - do you think Trump would've gotten half so far without them?
and ideological conflict isn't won by agreeing with your opponents for diplomacy
Keep in mind that this type of person only exists on the fringe.
The fringe is for people who don't actually want to win. Depressive losers like this guy. People with mental and emotional issues are drawn to the fringe because it's basically the "minor leagues" of politics.
There's a 99% chance this person's dopamine receptors have been fried by the most brutal cuck porn he could find. He oozes his own depraved despair from every orifice. He'll never admit it, but he's addicted to it and wants to spread it to others like a bug chasing faggot.
Look, this is just what i believe ok... I dont base me views on what other people think or want me to think.. i base them on truth and you arent going to persuade me unless i see something to be true or false myself. I may be wrong, but i see that we are fucked.. that doesnt mean you need to stop fighting, infact most dudes who claim to have hope are the ones who are demoralized and therefore smearing others who are more able to deal with this all.. the whole thing is a shitfest.. If it was a sports game we would have been slaughtered. We got absolutely creamed.
>Europe isn't really our homeland
Are you talking about some hollow earth bullshit user?
normies are retarded what can you do.
How the fuck did Australia know to attack California?!
It's happened many, many times before. The white race ruled the ancient world, but a long and extremely similar degeneracy of race mixing and complacency led to a situation similar to now. The white races regrouped in Europe as brutal virile savages and visciously reasserted themselves on the world stage in the last few hundred years.
This is why both Indian and Chinese civilization have extensive caucasoid roots.
We should consider that the modern world isn't as ground breaking or amazing as we think, that the story has been told many times before.
Even if the worst happens and we are wiped out to the last man, there are many among us who will not go quietly into the sunset.
I feel truly sad, that you see yourself as one who will.
Numbers don't lie
>adopting a made up media label for yourself
you're a straight up sucker dude. everyone here has been saying since the election not to buy into that bullshit labeling and then we got flooded with reddit and now every other shithead here is calling themselves altright.
>do you think Trump would've gotten half so far without them?
I think you're vastly overestimating the amount of people on the fringe right. The mainstream cuckservative audience is larger than the Breitbart boomer audience, which is larger than the alt lite, which is larger than the WN fringe.
the alt right did great work during the election no doubt, but in no way was the hard line ideology central to their success. and at this point, it's just a hindrance because you'll get deplatformed hard. better to tighten up your message and focus on actionable advocacy.
>and ideological conflict isn't won by agreeing with your opponents for diplomacy
This shows that you don't understand the game. This is an existential battle for political power. You do what it takes to get your guys into positions of power. Ideological purity plays no role in this. Neither does honesty or fairness. It's cold, machiavellian, and apparently way above your pay grade.
Actually im a white guy that has seen alot of the underbelly of people and the things they do.. normal people like gays and sluts and regular closet macho guys.. Ive been into something called J Krishnamurti.. I have seen alot of dark things that made me give up.. I dont want to be normal, i dont want to be a normal gay.. its not worth it. I would do that in the past but now that we are less than 5 years away from our extinction then why bother? Im not fringe just gave up on being normal and what ive said is the only reason why. In the past when i was more closeted with my ideas, it was solely white men that fucked me over.. no one else.. white guys acting like cucks and faggots.
Talking about it has picked up steam in the last 6 months and now it has hit more main stream media. Now the problem will be the articles that will say it is fake, not an issue etc.. the racist killings of whites supported by a state apparatus goes against everything the fucks in mainstream news push. They won't want to admit that whites are the victim of racial killings not "microaggressions" blacks lose their shit over. That is the next battle to get the truthful articles to see the light of day and not be hidden by the press.
Go on... I like hearing alternative history, most of what we get is so jewed out...
Lol no. Just that the white race did not originate in Europe, and was in fact spread around the globe in ancient times.
>This is why both Indian and Chinese civilization have extensive caucasoid roots.
I want white refugees to come here just so they can get pissed off at the people who say "white privilege".
I bet some of them will be punched in the face by white south Africans for saying that.
Not really, too many other bloodlines have been introduced to use "we" anymore.
oh it did
>Also is this just Australia or is this international
This is our state media. The article is from yesterday.
The title is: "Australian minister: White South African farmers need help of a civilised country