If guns are here for us to fight tyrannical government how come Japanese didn't fight the US government when they were placed in concentration camps?
They had guns tho why they didn't fight?

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Fake news!

because they're based

ever hear the term - outnumbered

There weren't enough Japs, and per Jap, there weren't enough guns. Sage.

>Implying that gun owners are a majority in this country

They are. Just not in most major cities, which is where the japs live.

there's almost a 1:1 ratio of guns to people in the US, you fucking moron.

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Fucking kys. That's a Daniel Defense DDM4V11 with a 14.5 pinned and welded.

You know what to do.

They knew if they fought back they'd be completely destroyed, and survivors subject to worse than they recieved in the camps. 110,000~ truly isnt much against a military force. Plus even less than that owned arms.
It is nothing like a scenario that could play out today. I dont believe I could see the government going after a single group of individuals in the present.
When they come, they'll come for all of us. This time they'd lose though. And they know it.

Bruh, when you're either a Buddhist or a Shintoist, you don't stand a chance against christcucks. I mean seriously? What is a christian gonna do? hear them talk about their gajillion gods and talk about fertility and animals n'shit?

300 million+ guns in the us
14 trillion+ rounds of ammunition owned by civilians.
That doesnt include ammo in a manufacturing plant, in a warehouse, or in the shelves waiting to be sold.
The numbers are so vastly higher though as making your own firearms and ammunition is perfectly legal and doesn't require any governemnt intervention to do so.

They then fought in the War to show they pledged themselves to America. You know what they got in return? Their rights back. That's more than what I can say for you anti constitution rights stealing communists.

>reading comprehension
So I guess that since some kike fuck has a lot of money, everyone in the world is rich right? And if your neighbor has 4 cars and you have none, then it means you have two cars? Solid intel; you're gonna defeat the government some day.

When there's 330 million guns in the hands of 350 million americans, you can make a safe bet that gun owners are the majority.

The US is more than LA, NY, SF, etc

You realize most Americans at the time didn't like the Japanese and would consider any fighting a Japanese invasion. What they did was right. It's better than being shot by other Americans who also have guns.

A Democrat put the Japanese in the internment camps that fucker. What a racist but that's what they are.

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Not enough guns. The population was small enough to be controlled.

You have to have the will to fight. It not just "I have a gun therefore I will never be enslaved". You actually have to fight back, not be a slant eyed cuck.

Also, sage.

>democratz beeZ da real raysis

>During World War II, an estimated 120,000 Japanese Americans and Japanese nationals or citizens residing on the West Coast of the United States were forcibly interned in ten different camps across the western interior of the country.

>The Sixteenth United States Census, conducted by the Census Bureau, determined the resident population of the United States to be 132,164,569

y didnt de rezist??? uh wy boi wy u no reziz dem ebils???? no guns for u!

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fuck republicans fucked us over

They didn't resist.
Japanese people are law-abiding and submissive towards authority figures. The interment process was mostly bloodless and civil for that very reason.

You dont understand. Excluding elders and children not physically fit enough to hold a firearm, there are enough guns and ammo in the United States to arm every able bodied citizen with a rifle and 40,000+ rounds of ammunition of they were to be collectively shared among ourselves to fight. Even more per individual if you include the citizens not fighting.
If I trust my neighbor across the street who shares the same viewpoints as me,and I know he doesnt have a firearm, i'd absolutely go give one to him, with ammo as well.

They understood that Japan had excellent subterfuge capabilities and complied for the good of the nation.

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Because nips are cowards, it's in their culture

How many men were at Concord bridge when they fired the shot heard 'round the world?

Except most gun owners have at least 3 guns usually way more.

You forgot pic related faggit

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I'll bet my firstborn son that at least 51% of the US population owns a hooty tooty point and shooty

I am not a democrat idiot I just want to know other opnions

Because they didn't?

Japanese people never raise their arms against their 'leaders'.
The ones in their home country were willing to die in the millions for their emperor.

Its like ragtag force cant beat contemporary military in a conflict. Same applies to current US as well, SHALLfags would get destroyed

>Nips are cowards
Uh-huh...Any more brilliant insights, Nancy?

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The Japanese in America weren't particularly rebellious by nature were they? They've always kind of into being bootlickers. The Bundy standoff seems like a good example of what you can expect from a lot of whites in the U.S. as time goes on, assuming things continue the way they are.

ppl had local support at concord, jap americans had no support from any other ethnic group really.

Real answer is because they wanted to prove themselves worthy of being treated as American citizens at a time when they were viewed with suspicion. Although they certainly didn't want to be put into camps, they acquiesced not just because they were a infinitesimal minority, but because they did not view this as tyranny, but a trial to be endured which would prove their patriotism. Suggesting violent resistance would've been considered absurd at the time by the Japanese Americans themselves.

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It was still 90-100 guys vs 400 teaniggers knowing any action would bring about the crown's swinging dick military

1-4 Jap odds where less , and yes the crown came ect, but the local colonists still had local support and French support ect. Japs had no support from anyone.

There's a reason whites run the world.

Balls. Big brass balls. American ones are particularly big and brassy. Within a century of Concord, the salons of Europe were treating America's ascendancy to world dominance as a fait accompli.

Ever read "From the Earth to the Moon" by Jules Verne (published 1865)? There's a reason he made the protagonists American.

There are more gun owners than all the military and police combined.

Consider yourself officially exempted from being associated with the retardation on display ITT.

You Democrats also put the Aleuts in internment camps. Fucking racists.