Are there any pure white Americans left? I mean with 100% European genes?

Are there any pure white Americans left? I mean with 100% European genes?

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No. I just moved here from Europe and mutated into el goblino!! lel x Deee!! BLARP

Not enough to support a stable genepool. They will go out with a whimper

yeah, actually more of them than in Finland.

In the midwest, yes. They are a little too homogeneous though; borderline inbred.

Are there any pure white Fingolians left? i mean with 100% European genes?

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Its hard to tell. No one really knows their ancestry until they take a genealogy test. That's why you always see Americans ranting about their results.
I always heard if your glans is pink ur white but I also have brown eyes and red hair so who knows


>with European American genomes being 98.6 percent European, 0.19 percent African and 0.18 percent Native American. In general, the numbers seem to agree with what one would expect given the history of American colonization by Europeans and their interactions with African and Native Americans.

Well both my parents moved from Europe then I was born here does that count?


>le 98% white

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Blond hair, blue eyes reporting in.

Remember that comparing the US to a melting pot was a fucking term created by a Jew 110 years ago.

That's Average, this means 50% of white Americans are more white than 98.6%. Personally 23andme says I'm 99.9% white, but I've heard they add the

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El ogro

A thread full of "immigrants"

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El Goblino Detras Meme Bandera

Degenerate sluts. Too much skin showing.

>0.19 percent African
>0.18 percent Native American
El chupacabra...

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Where my beakers at?

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OK, I don't if it's just me, but I've never known a white person who wasn't 100% white. I've met two mixed white people in my entire life, one half black, one half Mexican. I'm almost 30 and I've seen two white people who aren't fully white. And it's not like I live in a small town, either.

This is what confuses the fuck out of me, I just woke up one day and we're being called mutts. At first, I thought it was because we're all mixed with different kinds of European ancestry, but then the memes all depict some brown cartoon, so I don't know if it's just where I live or if most white Americans are mixed and I just happen to live in the one place where they're not or what

Shit's got the noggin' joggin'

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Fuck off Achmed

are there any pure whites left anywhere?