Why doesnt he stand up for the white race? Is he a cuck?
Why doesnt he stand up for the white race? Is he a cuck?
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here's a pic of his papa
I think he cares only about Russia and his own interests. Mainly his interests I'd say.
Funny, because Putin is more the heir of Tsarist Russia than Communist Russia.
>supports golden dawn
>supports literally every other nationalist group in Europe
>also has to worry about fixing Russia and Russia's problems
He's doing a great job
Mongoloid, what do you expect
He’s not white
why should he? for most of his life "white" people wanted his country and people destroyed and now he's supposed to protect and save the "whites"?
"white race" only means something in the us user, the rest of the world consist of ethnisities .
I also had a revelation, this gassing stuff, it was ukraine. they are the only ones that profit from this. I don't understand why I haven't even thought about it before, but it all makes sense now, it was them. They have everything to profit from these soured relations
Well, it would be pants on head retarded for Assad to have used chemical weapons at that time... i mean dude is literally known for it its easy to false flag his ass
everyone tries to false flag this down there user, all aq branches even kurds did it when the turks started to attack afrin.
However they do not got such a sophisticated agent such as this though, they try to false flag clorine gas which everyone can make. This is a 4th gen agent, and the attack was very real. The perp however is not who they think it is. Ask your self, why on earth would russia attack some random agent from the fucking early 90ies? They get spies all the time, currently a guy from kirkenes is on trial there for alleged spying, though he dindunuffin ofc
Pootin wants Russia to be vibrant multicultural paradise full of roaches from middle asia and caucasus, southern borders of country are open wide and there are a fuckton of them. His most loyal friends are kike oligarchs. Known to explicitly state that "Russia is not for the Russians" once.
Rune didn't do nuffin. It was ukranians that framed him, they tried to give him military papers about boats. He didn't know what papers he even was going to pick up. Once more it was the eternal ukrainian that set this all up.
A bunch of ukranians also killed my hamster, Markus last summer when he was outside in his cage. They tried to blame it on my russian neighbours, but we called them out on it. They had fled the country before we got a hold of what happened
But make no mistake though, memes aside, it's fucking them. that's the only thing that makes sense here
Because the single thing he cares about is stealing money from Russian budget. Why is that "le savior of white race" meme still alive?
who profits from these soured relations?
who had acces to this agent?
what is a non country nobody have heard off?
>le savior of white race
it's an american thing Valdemar.
they don't get this stuff
Intersesting opinion my friend, since Putin is from kgb and he told he proudly keeps his Communist Party of USSR member ticket. And lately he has jailed almost all active Russian nationalists. And he relys on Kadyrov's chechen cutthroats as his personal guards because he doesn't trust Russians. And the list can go on.
>because he doesn't trust Russians.
is this true?
I used to sleep with a gun in my drawer too, because I was afraid somebody was going to steal my fish.
But that's pretty alarming if true. I done a lot of shit in my life, but I am not a criminal anymore, but back then I still had my trusted people close to me
Proof is that when the oil prices were sky high (00s) Russia was receiving enormous income and Putin did not invest those trillions of dollars in Russian economy, that money just magically disappeared. Also google putin's palace.
Slavs aren't white. They hate whites and want to nukes whites. Soviet slavs during communism supported Africans, American blacks and other inferior races. Putin pays lots of money to watch black Americans fuck his mistresses. Russians love Africans and love to be cucked.
he has some pretty comfy places that's for sure. I think I know which house you are talking about, that place is magnificent.
I dunno about oil shekels gone missing though, whatever you can gather for us user. Not so related but we suffer from this war on oil too, our economy just like yours is very oil based. So when they hurt you, they hurt us in that way
He's from mafia and mafia folks tend to betray each other from time to time you know. So he feeds chechens and keeps them privileged because their loyalty is unquestionable cause they know they'd be fucked if Putin leaves. Because everybody except him hates chechens.
>white muh white
do you understand how retarded you sound to the rest of the world? sometimes I wonder.
I'm not white, I'm norse. Valdemar there is probably rus but he might be also be a finn, or several other russian ethnisities. Thus the meme
now don't start to cry, I don't mean to be mean
I fail to see how they play into this, some niggers in your south. What's the deal?
>Blacks from the African continent weren’t far behind: this article explains that they relocated to the Soviet Union in large numbers, recruited by officials promising a free university education. The social climate for black people at that time was thus good, with skilled black labourers and professionals often receiving red carpet treatment in the form of enviable salaries and subsidized housing.
>I'm a cuck and suck AIDs black dick. I'm proud to carry the virus and receive subhuman animal semen.
we don't fuck monkeys here so we don't got aids.
However about the other part, I think soviets just screwed them over there. My impression was that their shit in africa was only to fuck over the anglos and other euros, which they did, and now the entire continent is shit. They had no solution, they only had problems, this was a gigantic mistake
>Blacked.com headquarters
>Most blacked nation outside of Russia and Sweden
don't me mad now, I wasn't that hard on you. You don't understand how alien all this shit you spew is to you, you must be more creative than this. nobody here even knows what blacked even means user
Russia is threatened by EU
Russia is threatened by NATO
Israel meddles in middle east on Russian border and sends mutts to die there
(((Globalists))) paint Russia as boogie man an set normies against them
Mutts cant think for themselves and hate Russia
It's just European country minding its own business
We hoard their traitors and their get killed like traitors should
We threaten them and they develop endgame weapons like they should
Europe will be better off cooperating voluntarily then being pitted against each other by kikes or being socially engineered by krauts and svens
t.Ru expat
ie you could make memes about whales, and how we can't compete. this would be really triggering
or you can go, you can't fish for shit nigger. then show big fish you got in america we don't got here or which we got.
pro tip, your pike is almost twice as big. this will be really triggering
Because is Ancestry.com results show that he is
>So he feeds chechens and keeps them privileged because their loyalty is unquestionable cause they know they'd be fucked if Putin leaves. Because everybody except him hates chechens.
lying kike detected. Putin stopped muslim separatism in chechnya by installing a complete psycho as their leader (kadyrov). The chechens are subjugated by force. In Russia, Putin enjoys a high popularity rating and he always has.
normie, you're going to a shill as if he's the font of all wisdom, and you don't even realize he's a shill. GTFO
you are lying, they have admitted that they put 1% nigger on everyone, just to screw with you. You got 1% and you believe it, so now you say .01, while the truth is 0
you are not from here, get out
22kg pike is a world record
An unfair compparison, your mixing up his circumstances with who is, of course he has communist ties, he was born and grew up in communist Russia, if he was born a hundred years from now, you woudn't have anything to correlate him with communist stuff, aside from that, I think he made a good point that he has more in common with ancient Russia than the old communist one.
Is this even English? What is this mangled garbage?
>Why doesnt he stand up for the white race?
Why doesnt Merkel?
>supports literally every other nationalist group in Europe
And Sup Forums actually believes this
He's waiting for Sup Forums to reach a consensus on whether or not slavs are white.
russia has one of most horrible and strict anti-hate-speech laws.
many times murders get less than people who "post pictures".
so he is basically same as merkel..... he really is.
Literally the savour of humanity
Chechens have always been warmongering savages and a pain in the ass for Russian egovernors of Caucassus. After winning in 2nd chechen war putin decided not to oppress chechens as Russians usually did but give them shekels and kill eliminate islamists with chechens's hands. Smart enough, but afterwards putin decided to use chechens not only against other caucassian muslims but against Russian opposition as well. Killing Nemtsov is the biggest example. In return putin turnes a blind eye on chechen mafia activities in Moscow.
>all slavs are commies
God i hate amerifats
He is finno ugric
Whiter than you, mexican rape baby