Communism doesn't wor--

>Communism doesn't wor--

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if it worked Australia would be china by now

plebeian country is gonna fall any second

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>Communism doesn't wor--
>poster is taken out into the street and shot for attempting to take private ownership of the letter "k"

It's funny because the country is run by a "Communist" party but it's basically Pinochet's Chile-tier at this point: neoliberal economic development for the benefit of a harshly repressive dictatorship.

China is prime example of extreme state capitalism. They dont have a single socialist policy.

Yeah, and Britain is a kingdom, the States are united and North Korea is a democratic people's republic. It's a totalitarian dictatorship, user, but that doesn't mean it lacks a market economy.

chun-li isn't real

Chinese companies have a direct relationship with the state - they are expected to be "cooperative partners" in whatever the state demands. This is probably the natural end-result of ALL capitalism, due to consolidation and monopolization effects. China just got there first due to Chinese psychology as well as pre-existing socio-cultural norms.

Works great

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>the States aren't united

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Thats because China literally copied Hitler's economic system

Im glad you know the truth :) I'm so proud of my country

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Read pic related, China will go on downward spiral, a few million chinks will die of famine, economy will collapse, and then somehow they duct tape the country and carry on.

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Oh I thought that wasn't "real communism", since, you know, it killed like 5 million people

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Chinese Communism ended in 1978
Current government system in China is capitalism managed by dictatorship bureaucrats

>5 million
More like possibly 80 Million

>5 million

more like 100 million

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communism doesnt kill anything, it was just a few mistake.

It's called State Capitalism.

U dumb shit.

>>Communism doesn't wor--
It was 1984.
The summer of love.
I was a retarded communist seriously thinking that a rice field-based agrarian economy from the 1800s, the best qualities about which are the factories that were built by foreign investors to exploit the low standards of the workers and the exchange rate, was actually an example of "communism working".

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That's what my econ 101 prof told me though so it must be true!

kek tpbp

and if russia goes to communism again and falls to shit you'll say its super reversed globalist socialist catholicism and so on and so on we get it we get it

more like national socialism


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